# Amazon SNS

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) (opens new window) is a fully managed messaging service for both application-to-application and application-to-person communication. It uses a simplified Pub/Sub paradigm to connect distributed systems, microservices, and node applications.

# API version

This connector uses the Amazon SNS API (opens new window).

# How to connect to Amazon SNS on Workato

To connect to your Amazon SNS instance, you will need the AWS IAM role or the AWS IAM user Access key ID and secret.

Recommended: AWS IAM role

We recommend using the AWS IAM role.

The AWS IAM role uses temporary credentials making this method secure and not requiring additional management compared to the AWS IAM user which uses permanent credentials that can be leaked and that have to be rotated by the user.

# Connection fields

Connection name
Give this connection a unique name that identifies which Amazon SNS instance it is connected to.
Authentication type
Choose either IAM Role auth (recommended) or Access key auth.
Authentication details
IAM role ARN
(For IAM Role auth)
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS IAM role. Example syntax: arn:aws:iam::account_id:role/role-name-with-path.
Access Key ID
(For Access key auth)
The IAM user access key ID.
Secret Access Key
(For Access key auth)
The secret to the access key ID provided.
The region of your AWS SNS instance.

# Create IAM role and ARN retrieval

Refer to the IAM role-based authentication for AWS page for instructions on how to create an IAM role for Workato and retrieve your Amazon resource name (ARN).

# How to create integration system role

You can create an integration system role to ensure that permissions are consistent and that all operations can be logged on a single account.

# How to create integration system user

To create a new ISU and obtain the Access key ID and secret access key:


Navigate to Identity and Access Management (IAM) on your AWS console. Select Users from the left panel. Click Add user. Create IAM user Create IAM user


Set the username. Ensure that Programmatic access is selected. Set username Set username


In the Add permissions view do not select any policy, we will configure permissions and polices in a later step. Click Next. Set permissions Skip setting permissions


Provide information for Tags as needed and review the configuration for this IAM user.

This user has no permissions

Disregard the warning that this user has no permissions, as we will be configuring permissions and policies in a later step.

Next, save a copy of the Access key ID and Secret access key. This will be needed to connect to Workato. Save access key credentials Save access key credentials


Navigate to Identity and Access Management (IAM) on your AWS console. Select Users from the left panel. Find the user that you have created and click on it. Click Add inline policy. Update IAM user policy


Adding permission for ISU

In the Create policy view select JSON tab and copy-paste the below IAM policy template. Click Review policy.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Review IAM user policy


In the Review policy view define a descriptive name for the policy (e.g. workato_isu-sns_connector). Click Create policy. User is ready, use credentials saved in the step 4 in Workato SNS connector configuration.

Create policy Create policy

Last updated: 10/16/2023, 8:59:49 PM