# Gong Connector - Search users

This action will search users in Gong. It searches for users in Gong via their Gong internal IDs.

# Input

Field Description
User IDs List of users to be filtered. If not supplied, all users are returned.

# Output

User specific output fields will be dynamically rendered base on the users returned. A sample response structure is below.

Field Description
A list of following fields for each user
Active Field indicating whether the user is currently active.
Created Datetime when the user was created.
Email address Email address of the user.
Email alias List of email aliases of the user.
First name First name of user.
Last name Last name of user.
Title Title of the user.
ID UUID of the user.
Manager ID UUID of the manager.
Personal meeting urls List of personal meeting urls of the user.
Meeting consent page url Meeting consent page url of the user.
Extension Extension of the phone number of the user.
Phone number User's phone number.
Settings Object containing the relevant settings of a user's gong account.
List Size The list size of the call transcripts.
List Index An index for each item in the list of call transcripts.
Metadata of the response
Current page number Necessary for repeat requests to ensure pagination.
Current page size Number of records on the current page.
Cursor UUID necessary for pagination.
Total Records Total number of records that can be queried.

Last updated: 8/15/2022, 9:31:44 AM

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