# HubSpot

HubSpot (opens new window) is a leading growth platform that offers a full suite of marketing, sales, customer service, CRM software and additional services. The platform enables businesses to optimize their content, nurture leads, and monitor contacts as they become customers, to track marketing progress. HubSpot also supports integration with an ever-growing range of customer success, productivity, and finance applications to facilitate and boost the growth of businesses.

# API version

The HubSpot connector uses the HubSpot REST API v3 (opens new window).

# Supported editions and versions

The HubSpot connector works with all HubSpot cloud instances, for example, Starter, Professional, and Enterprise.

However, the availability of HubSpot connector triggers and action depends on the HubSpot account privileges. Access to HubSpot APIs depends on the account tier. Learn more about HubSpot account tiers (opens new window).

# How to connect to HubSpot on Workato

The HubSpot connector uses OAuth 2.0 authentication with HubSpot.

  • Connection name

  • Workato recommends using a name that identifies which HubSpot instance it is connected to.

  • Advanced settings (Scopes)

  • Grant access to specific tools in your HubSpot account. You can only grant permissions that the HubSpot account is authorized for. The minimum scope for creating a connection is crm.objects.contacts.read.

    Default scopes for HubSpot connector
    • automation

    • business-intelligence

    • e-commerce

    • files

    • tickets

    • crm.import

    • crm.lists.read

    • crm.lists.write

    • crm.objects.companies.read

    • crm.objects.companies.write

    • crm.objects.contacts.read

    • crm.objects.contacts.write

    • crm.objects.custom.read

    • crm.objects.custom.write

    • crm.objects.deals.read

    • crm.objects.deals.write

    • crm.objects.owners.read

    • crm.schemas.companies.read

    • crm.schemas.companies.write

    • crm.schemas.contacts.read

    • crm.schemas.contacts.write

    • crm.schemas.custom.read

    • crm.schemas.custom.write

    • crm.schemas.deals.read

    • crm.schemas.deals.write

    Learn more about HubSpot's OAuth scopes (opens new window).

# List of triggers and actions

Workato currently supports the following HubSpot triggers and actions. We are actively working on adding support to a wider range of triggers, actions, and objects. Find out more details about each by clicking on the links below. You can also navigate to them through the sidebar.

# Updated triggers and actions

The following triggers and actions have been deprecated. Use the updated triggers and actions instead.

Deprecated trigger/action Updated trigger/action
New/updated contact trigger Upgrade to New/Updated Records trigger.
New/updated company trigger Upgrade to New/Updated Records trigger.
New/updated company trigger Upgrade to New/Updated Records trigger.
New/updated deal trigger Upgrade to New/Updated Records trigger.
New company action Upgrade to New Records action.
New contact action Upgrade to New Records action.
Search companies action Upgrade to Search Records action.
Search contacts action Upgrade to Search Records action.
Get deal by ID action Upgrade to Get Records action.
Get contact details by email action Upgrade to Get Records action.
Get contact details by VID action Upgrade to Get Records action.
Get company details action Upgrade to Get Records action.

Last updated: 7/1/2024, 9:07:00 PM