# IBM Db2 Connection setup

# Setup prerequisites

To connect to IBM Db2, ensure that you first complete the following steps:

  1. Deploy an IBM Db2 instance.
  2. Create a database user with both read and write permissions for the target database.
  3. Configure a Workato on-prem agent (OPA), version 2.11.0 or newer. It must have network access to the Db2 instance.
  4. Downloaded the IBM Db2 Driver (opens new window) (db2jcc4.jar) to the same machine that runs the OPA.
  5. Allow Workato IPs to connect to your OPA.

# Step 1: Configure the on-prem agent

Configure the IBM Db2 database profile in the OPA.

  db2ConnectionProfile: # name of the connection profile
  url: jdbc:db2://uri:port/database_name
  driverClass: com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
  username: db2instl
  password: your_password

  # SSL configuration (skip if not using SSL)
  sslConnection: true
  sslTrustStoreLocation: C:\path\to\truststore.jks # required if `sslConnection` is true
  sslTrustStorePassword: 12345678 # SSL Trust Store Password

# Step 2: Complete the setup in Workato

Enter the following connection field information in Workato:

Connection name
Required field
The name of this Db2 Connection
Required field
The project to save this Db2 Connection
On-prem connection profile
Required field
The name of the database profile in your On-prem agent configuration (e.g. db2ConnectionProfile)
Optional field
The name of the database schema to use. Leave this blank to use the default.
Is this app in a private network?
Required field
Select the on-prem gateway containing the on-prem agent(s) which connect to your Db2 instance

Last updated: 3/29/2023, 2:00:59 PM