# IBM Db2 Connection setup
# Setup prerequisites
To connect to IBM Db2, ensure that you first complete the following steps:
- Deploy an IBM Db2 instance.
- Create a database user with both read and write permissions for the target database.
- Configure a Workato on-prem agent (OPA), version 2.11.0 or newer. It must have network access to the Db2 instance.
- Downloaded the IBM Db2 Driver (opens new window) (db2jcc4.jar) to the same machine that runs the OPA.
- Allow Workato IPs to connect to your OPA.
# Step 1: Configure the on-prem agent
Configure the IBM Db2 database profile in the OPA.
db2ConnectionProfile: # name of the connection profile
url: jdbc:db2://uri:port/database_name
driverClass: com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
username: db2instl
password: your_password
# SSL configuration (skip if not using SSL)
sslConnection: true
sslTrustStoreLocation: C:\path\to\truststore.jks # required if `sslConnection` is true
sslTrustStorePassword: 12345678 # SSL Trust Store Password
# Step 2: Complete the setup in Workato
Enter the following connection field information in Workato:
- Connection name
- Required field
- The name of this Db2 Connection
- Location
- Required field
- The project to save this Db2 Connection
- On-prem connection profile
- Required field
- The name of the database profile in your On-prem agent configuration (e.g. db2ConnectionProfile)
- Schema
- Optional field
- The name of the database schema to use. Leave this blank to use the default.
- Is this app in a private network?
- Required field
- Select the on-prem gateway containing the on-prem agent(s) which connect to your Db2 instance
Last updated: 3/29/2023, 2:00:59 PM