# Jira actions

The following Jira actions can be used to execute workflows in your recipes.

# Requirements

The linked Jira account must have sufficient permissions to the respective resource in each action. Learn more with our Jira project permissions documentation.

# Create issue

This action creates an issue in Jira based on the specified project, issue type, and field values.

Create issue Create issue action

# Input fields

Input field Description
Project issue type The project and issue type of the issue.
Sample project issue type Used to retrieve any custom fields associated with the specified project issue type, as defined by your Jira field configuration schemes.
Standard fields Summary Summary of the issue.
Reporter Reporter of the issue.
Description Description of the issue.
Issue priority Priority of the issue.
Custom fields Miscellaneous fields Custom fields defined by your Jira field configurations.

# Project issue type

Selecting a project issue type will retrieve the corresponding issue type's fields (as specified by your Jira issue type scheme) for you to populate with datapills.

Project issue type picklist Specifying a project issue type using the picklist

You can also use the project Key and issue type Name datapills, separated by two hyphens '--'for example, Key--Name to dynamically generate the project issue type. This is especially useful if you want to dynamically create issues across a range of projects and issue types.

Project issue type dynamic Dynamic project issue type with project key and issue type name

If you are creating or updating issues dynamically via project Key and issue type Name datapills, Workato will not be able to generate your issue input fields at design-time. This is because we don't know what fields to fetch from Jira yet. In such cases, you should use the sample project issue type to generate input fields.

# Sample project issue type

The Sample project issue type is typically used when dynamically creating issues across a range of projects and issue types.

Because issues can have different fields in different projects, you may have a sample project issue type (defined in Jira) that contains all possible issue fields across multiple projects & issue types.

Specifying the sample project issue type here retrieves all fields related to it, and displays them in your recipe. This allows you to map datapills to the new issues being created.

This way, you can perform the mapping of datapills that works for all issues dynamically created across multiple projects & issue types.

Sample project issue type Using a sample project issue type to retrieve fields across multiple issue types & projects

# Summary

Summary of the issue to be created. By default, this field is required, unless defined otherwise by your Jira field configuration.

# Reporter

The person reporting this issue. Use the Jira username of the reporter, for example, if reporter's email address is [email protected], use johndoe.

# Description

Description of the issue.

# Issue priority

The priority of the issue. Valid issue priority values from your Jira account are fetched.

Issue priority Issue priority

# Output Fields

Output field Description
ID ID of the created issue.
Key Key of the updated issue.
self self link to access the full representation of the updated issue.

# Troubleshooting

# Unable to see project issue types

If you don't see the project issue types you're looking for, the linked Jira account may not have sufficient permissions to view the project or issue/issue type.

If you are a Jira administrator of your Jira workspace, check the linked Jira account's permissions by using Jira's Permissions helper.

See our Jira permissions documentation or check out Jira's guide on Permissions helper (opens new window) for more details. Otherwise, check with your Jira administrators for help.

# Unable to see fields / custom fields

If you don't see the fields you're looking for,

  1. The linked Jira account may not have sufficient permissions to view the fields. See our Jira permissions documentation or check out Jira's guide on Permissions helper (opens new window) for more details. Otherwise, check with your Jira administrators for help.

  2. The field configuration of the custom field is not associated correctly with the issue type used in the project. If you're a Jira administrator, check your field's field configuration, that it's associated to the correct issue type, and that the issue type scheme is associated to the correct project. Otherwise, check with your Jira administrators for help.

# Get issue

This action allows you to retrieve a single issue by using its issue ID or key.

# Input fields

Input field Description
Issue ID or key Issue ID or key of issue to retrieve.

# Output fields

Output field Description
ID ID of the issue.
self self link to access the full representation of the issue.
Key Key of the issue.
Fields Expanded fields of the issue. Workato automatically fetches and expands all parameters.

For more information, check out the Jira Cloud REST API documentation on resource expansion.

# Search issues

This action allows you to retrieve 1 or more issues that exactly match the values you specify in the issue fields.


The search criteria you provide is combined using AND logic. Only issues matching all values will be returned. Partial matches will not be returned.

Search issues Search issues action

Input field Description
Issue ID Exact issue ID to search by.
Issue key Exact issue key to search by.
Summary Exact summary to search by.
Priority Exact priority to search by.
Status Exact status to search by.
Resolution Exact resolution to search by, if any.
Assignee Exact assignee name or email address to search by, if any.
Project Exact project ID, key, or name to search by.
Epic link Exact linked epic key or name to search by.
Labels Comma-separated list of labels to search by.

# Output fields

The output of this action is a list of issues.

Output field Description
ID ID of the issue.
self self link to access the full representation of the issue.
Key Key of the issue.
Fields Expanded fields of the issue. Workato automatically fetches and expands all parameters.

For more information, check out the Jira Cloud REST API documentation on resource expansion.
List size Number of issues retrieved.

# Update issue

This action updates a single issue by using its issue ID or key. You must also use the Sample project issue type to retrieve any custom fields associated to the project & issue type.

Update issue action Update issue action

# Input Fields

Input field Description
Issue ID or key Exact issue ID or key of issue to update.
Sample project issue type Used to retrieve any custom fields associated with the specified project issue type, as defined by your Jira field configuration schemes.
Description Description of issue to update.
Issue priority Priority of issue to update.
Fields The rest of the issue's fields, retrieved after selecting a Sample project issue type.

# Output Fields

There are no output fields.

# Get issue schema

Retrieve the name and schema of all fields in a Jira object. Use this action to replicate the schema to your database or data warehouse.

# Input fields

Input field Description
Output fields Determine the fields you plan to retrieve from Jira by either selecting the fields from a picklist or supplying them manually.
If you click Select fields Workato generates a drop-down of all available fields for your Jira ticket. You can choose to include all fields by clicking Select all or only include particular fields you specify.
If you select Enter fields you must supply a comma-separated list of IDs for the fields you plan to use in your recipe. For example, parent,lastViewed.

# Output fields

The output of this action is a JSON object detailing the Jira issue's schema. This object contains a list of field objects that describe the object's fields.

# Object schema

Output field Description
Name The name of the object, for example: issue.
Label The display label of the object, for example: issue.

# Fields schema

Every object you retrieve contains the following fields:

Output field Description
Field name The name of the field, for example: issue.
Field label The display label of the object, for example: issue.
Original type The data type of the field in Jira.
Mapped type The data type that the original type maps to in Workato. This type is used to determine the column's data type when it's loaded into a database. Learn more.
Orderable Boolean value. If true this field is orderable.
Navigable Boolean value. If true this field is navigable.
Searchable Boolean value. If true this field is searchable.
Custom field Boolean value. If true, this field was created by a user.

# Search assignable users

This action retrieves a list of all users that can be assigned to a specified issue. You can narrow this list down to a single user by providing the user's login username.

Search assignable users Search assignable users action

# Input Fields

Input field Description
Project ID or key Exact project ID or key of project.
Issue ID or key Exact issue ID or key of issue to update.
Username Narrows the list assignable users down to a single user. Leave this blank to retrieve all assignable users.

# Output Fields

The output of this action is a list of users that can be assigned to the specified issue.

Output field Description
Groups Groups which the user is a part of.
Application roles Application roles which the user is a part of.
Self URL self link to access the full representation of the assignable user.
Key Key of the assignable user.
Name Login username of the assignable user.
Email address Email address of the assignable user.
Avatar URLs URLs of assignable user's avatar images.
Display name Display name of the assignable user.
Active Boolean.
true if assignable user's account is active,
false if assignable user's account is inactive. Defaults to true.
Time zone Timezone setting of the assignable user.
List size Number of assignable users to this issue.

# Assign user to issue

This action assigns an issue using a user's Jira username (for example, if email is [email protected], use johndoe). Existing assignees will be also be replaced.

Assign user to issue action Assign user to issue action

# Input fields

Input field Description
Issue ID or key Issue ID or key of issue to be assigned.
Assignee username The username of user to assign issue to.

# Output Fields

There are no output fields.

# Download attachment

This action allows you to download attachments from your issues, for use in follow-up actions.

Download attachment Download attachment action

This is extremely useful when syncing screenshots (attached to tickets) in Jira and some other ticket management application (for example, ServiceNow, Freshdesk, etc). For example, when a user or customer success person attaches a screenshot to a Jira issue, you can download the attachment and re-upload it to the corresponding dev task (in Jira or Github).

# Input fields

Input field Description
Attachment URI Datapill containing file content, obtainable from the step output of objects that support attachments, for example, the Content datapill from the Get issue action.

# Output Fields

Output field Description
Attachment content Content of the attachment.
Size Size of the attachment in bytes.

# Upload attachment

This action allows you to upload attachments to existing issues.

Upload attachment action Upload attachment action

# Input fields

Input field Description
Issue ID or key Issue ID or key of issue to upload attachment to.
File content File content to upload to issue.
File name File name of attachment to upload.

# Issue ID or Key

Enter an issue ID or key issue to upload the attachment to.

# File content

You can use this field to upload attachment content, obtainable from the step output of any objects which support attachments, for example, the Attachment content datapill from the output of a preceding Download attachment action.

File content example File content example

You can also upload a .txt or .csv file by filling in the text contents of the file, followed by the using a .txt or .csv file extension respectively (in the preceding File name field).

File content example with text File content example with text

# Output Fields

Output field Description
self self link to access the full representation of the uploaded attachment.
ID Attachment ID of the uploaded attachment
Filename Attachment ID of the uploaded attachment
Author self self link to access the full representation of the attachment author.
Name Name of the attachment author.
Key Key of the attachment author.
Account ID Atlassian account ID of the attachment author.
Email address Email address of the attachment author.
Avatar URLs URLs of the attachment author's avatar images.
Display Name Display name of the attachment author.
Active Boolean.
true if attachment author's account is active,
false if attachment author's account is inactive.
Timezone Timezone settings of the attachment author.
Created Date/time when attachment was uploaded.
Size Size of attachment in bytes.
MIME Type The nature and format of the attachment.
Content Link to the attachment itself. Can be used in proceeding action steps that support attachments, for example, the Attachment URI field from the Download attachment action.
List size Number of attachments in issue.

# Create comment

This action creates a comment to an existing issue.

Create comment Create comment action

# Input fields

Input field Description
Issue ID or key Issue ID or key of issue to add the comment to.
Comment text Contents of the comment to be added.
Visibility Role Name of role to restrict visibility of the comment to.

# Output Fields

Output field Description
self self link to access the full representation of the new comment.
ID ID of the new comment.
Author self selflink to access the full representation of the comment author.
Name Name of the comment author.
Key Key of comment author.
Account ID Atlassian account ID of comment author.
Email address Email address of comment author.
Avatar URLs URLs of the comment author's avatar images.
Display name Display name of the comment author.
Active Boolean.
true if comment author's account is active,
false if comment author's account is inactive.
Timezone Timezone settings of the comment author.
Body Body of the new comment.
Update author self self link to access the full representation of the update author.
Name Name of the update author.
Key Key of update author.
Account ID Atlassian account ID of update author.
Email address Email address of update author.
Avatar URLs URLs of the update author's avatar images.
Display name Display name of the update author.
Active Boolean.
true if update author's account is active,
false if update author's account is inactive.
Timezone Timezone settings of the update author.
Created Date/time when comment was created.
Updated Date/time when comment was updated.
Visibility type Type of visibility granted to view comment, for example, role.
Value Value of visibility, for example, administrators.

# Get issue comments

This action retrieves a list of comments belonging to an existing issue.

# Input fields

Input field Description
Issue ID or key Issue ID or key of issue to retrieve comments from.

# Output fields

The output of this action is a list of comments belonging to the specified issue.

Output field Description
self self link to access the full representation of the comments.
ID ID of the comment.
Author self selflink to access the full representation of the comment author.
Name Name of the comment author.
Key Key of comment author.
Account ID Atlassian account ID of comment author.
Email address Email address of comment author.
Avatar URLs URLs of the comment author's avatar images.
Display name Display name of the comment author.
Active Boolean.
true if comment author's account is active,
false if comment author's account is inactive.
Timezone Timezone settings of the comment author.
Body Body of the new comment.
Update author self self link to access the full representation of the update author.
Name Name of the update author.
Key Key of update author.
Account ID Atlassian account ID of update author.
Email address Email address of update author.
Avatar URLs URLs of the update author's avatar images.
Display name Display name of the update author.
Active Boolean.
true if update author's account is active,
false if update author's account is inactive.
Timezone Timezone settings of the update author.
Created Date/time when comment was created.
Updated Date/time when comment was updated.
Visibility type Type of visibility granted to view comment, for example, role.
Value Value of visibility, for example, administrators.
List size Number of comments belonging to the issue.

# Update comment

This action updates a comment of an existing issue.

Update comment Update comment action

# Input fields

Input field Description
Issue ID or key Issue ID or key of issue to with the comment to update.
Comment text Content to update the comment with.
Visibility Role Name of role to restrict visibility of the updated comment to.

# Output Fields

Output field Description
self self link to access the full representation of the updated comment.
ID ID of the updated comment.
Author self selflink to access the full representation of the comment author.
Name Name of the comment author.
Key Key of comment author.
Account ID Atlassian account ID of comment author.
Email address Email address of comment author.
Avatar URLs URLs of the comment author's avatar images.
Display name Display name of the comment author.
Active Boolean.
true if comment author's account is active,
false if comment author's account is inactive.
Timezone Timezone settings of the comment author.
Body Body of the new comment.
Update author self self link to access the full representation of the update author.
Name Name of the update author.
Key Key of update author.
Account ID Atlassian account ID of update author.
Email address Email address of update author.
Avatar URLs URLs of the update author's avatar images.
Display name Display name of the update author.
Active Boolean.
true if update author's account is active,
false if update author's account is inactive.
Timezone Timezone settings of the update author.
Created Date/time when comment was created.
Updated Date/time when comment was updated.
Visibility type Type of visibility granted to view comment, for example, role.
Value Value of visibility, for example, administrators.

# Create user

This action creates a user in your Jira instance.

Warning: This action will increase the number of Jira licenses for your company and affect monthly Jira subscription fees.

Create user Create user action

# Input fields

Output field Description
Email Email address of the user to be created.
Display name Display name of the user to be created.
Password Password for the user to be created.
Login username Typically the first part of user’s email for example, if user’s email is [email protected], use johndoe.

# Output Fields

Output field Description
Self URL self link to access the full representation of the newly created user.
Key Key of the newly created user.
Name Login username of the newly created user.
Email address Email address of the newly created user.
Avatar URLs URLs of newly created user's avatar images.
Display name Display name of the newly created user.
Active Boolean.
true if comment author's account is active,
false if comment author's account is inactive. Defaults to true.
Time zone Timezone setting of the newly created user.

# Troubleshooting

# Unable to create user

If a user is unable to be created, the linked Jira account may not have sufficient permissions to create users.

See our Jira permissions documentation or check out Jira's guide on Permissions helper (opens new window) for more details. Otherwise, check with your Jira administrators for help.

# Get user details

This action retrieves the user record that matches the provided username. Action will fail if the user does not exist.

Get user details Get user details action

# Input fields

Input field Description
Username Exact Jira username, for example, if user's email address is [email protected], use johndoe.

# Output fields

Output field Description
Groups Groups which the user is a part of.
Application roles Application roles which the user is a part of.
Self URL self link to access the full representation of the user.
Key Key of the user.
Name Login username of the user.
Email address Email address of the user.
Avatar URLs URLs of user's avatar images.
Display name Display name of the user.
Active Boolean.
true if user's account is active,
false if user's account is inactive. Defaults to true.
Time zone Timezone setting of the user.
Locale Locale of the user.
Expand Resources that were expanded in the request parameter, namely groups and applicationRoles (for which the user is a part of)

Last updated: 2/28/2025, 4:03:18 PM