# Marketo - Export new or new/updated leads trigger (bulk)

This trigger runs on a schedule you specify and returns newly-created or updated leads in Marketo.

You can expect a delay in processing the trigger job due to the time it takes the query to complete in Marketo. You cannot test the recipe using this trigger because of this processing delay.

Search results are returned in full as a CSV stream. You can write the stream to a file using a file connector, such as Box, or SFTP. You can also parse it to use as a list of data in Workato using the Parse CSV action in the CSV by Workato utility connector.

Additionally, you can use these triggers in conjunction with the Get object schema action to fetch schema information of a Marketo object and replicate it to your data warehouse.

Learn more about bulk triggers and ELT/ETL processes.

# Input fields

Input field Description
When first started, this recipe should pick up events from When you start recipe for the first time, it picks up trigger events from this specified date and time. Defaults to one hour after the recipe starts. After the recipe runs or is tested, this value cannot be changed. Learn more.
CSV format Describe the format of the exported file by determining which lead fields to export into the file by selecting them from the Fields drop down. Workato permits a maximum combined field length of 7300 characters. Then, choose a column delimiter from the Column separator drop down. Available delimiters include , (comma), ; (semi-colon), and tab.
Column names default to Marketo API names automatically.
Schedule settings In the Time unit drop down, select a time interval or custom schedule. Available intervals include: minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months.
In the Trigger every field, define a repeating schedule in whole numbers only. This field accepts a minimum value of 5 minutes.

# Output

Output Description
Job ID The ID of the query job in Marketo.
CSV content Datapill that contains the output of the trigger. Take note to utilize it primarily alongside streaming compatible actions like S3 upload file streaming action.
Object name Name of the object being retrieved.
Created or updated from The time and date the record was created or updated.
Object schema The schema of the object being retrieved, based on the fields the user has selected. Each field has with it the associated name, label, original datatype, and mapped datatype. This allows for easy processing with database uploads and any additional transformations required.

Last updated: 10/20/2023, 5:28:19 PM