# OpenAPI FAQs

Get answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about OpenAPI.

What is a Swagger file in OpenAPI?

A Swagger file is an OpenAPI document that outlines the structure of an API. A Swagger file includes the following information:

  • Endpoint methods (for example: GET, POST)
  • Endpoint paths (for example: /pet)
  • Headers
  • Parameters and query strings
  • Request and response schemas

A Swagger file defines how developers interact with an API and often helps generate API documentation, client code, and server code.

What Swagger versions and formats are supported by the OpenAPI connector?

The OpenAPI connector supports Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0 specifications. It can parse API definitions provided in YAML or JSON format. The Swagger file must comply with one of these specifications for the OpenAPI connector to function properly.

Can I use the OpenAPI connector to integrate third-party apps in Workato?

Yes. The OpenAPI connector simplifies integrating third-party applications into Workato workflows. However, the user experience depends on the quality of the Swagger file you use. You can also use the OpenAPI connector as a starting point for building custom connectors, which may require additional customization for requirements such as authentication or UI modifications.

You can use the OpenAPI connector to connect to any application with an OpenAPI-compliant API defined in a Swagger file. The OpenAPI connector parses the Swagger file and generates a dynamic UI in Workato, which includes the following functionality:

  • Actions: API-supported functions (for example: creating or updating records).
  • Input/Output fields: Parameters and response data for each action.
  • Objects: API objects that represent entities (for example: users or orders).
How can I customize API operation grouping in the OpenAPI connector?

You can customize how API operations are grouped into recipe actions in Workato. The OpenAPI connector uses keywords and HTTP methods (for example, POST, GET, PUT) to group similar operations, such as Create record or Update record. If the default grouping does not meet your needs, modify the rules using the following options:

  • Change keyword matches: Assign operations to specific actions based on their names (for example, createPet or addPet can both map to Create record).
  • Use HTTP method semantics: Define how HTTP methods such as GET, POST, and PUT are grouped into actions.
What triggers does the OpenAPI connector support in Workato?

The OpenAPI connector supports two main types of triggers that enable workflows to respond to real-time API events:

  • New/updated record: Triggers when a new object is created or an existing object is updated.
  • New/updated record (Batch): Triggers when a batch of objects is created or updated.

These triggers can be mapped directly to API operations specified in the Swagger file, enabling automated workflows based on changes in the connected application.

What actions can the OpenAPI connector perform in Workato?

The OpenAPI connector can perform various actions that correspond to the operations defined in your API’s Swagger file. Supported actions include:

  • Create record: Creates a new object in the API.
  • Update record: Updates an existing object in the API.
  • Delete record: Removes an object from the API.
  • Search records: Queries the API for a list of records based on specific criteria.
  • Get record details by ID: Retrieves detailed information for a specific object using its unique identifier.
  • Custom action: Build custom HTTP requests for unique API operations that do not fit predefined categories.
  • Execute operation: Executes an API operation as defined in the Swagger file.

The connector generates these actions based on the operations defined in the Swagger file, so the available functionality depends on the API itself.

What can I customize in the user interface generated by the OpenAPI connector?

You can fully customize the UI generated by the OpenAPI connector to enhance the user experience in Workato. The following customization options are available:

  • Object and field names: Clarify terminology to make it more user-friendly.
  • Field hints: Add descriptions or links to documentation.
  • API operation grouping: Organize API actions into logical groups.
  • Unnecessary fields: Hide fields that are not relevant to the end user.

Customizing the interface ensures complex APIs remain user-friendly and accessible within Workato workflows.

Last updated: 10/3/2024, 8:42:40 PM