# Shopify - New/updated abandoned checkout
This trigger checks for new or updated abandoned checkouts in Shopify on every poll interval.
Each checkout is processed as a separate job.
As of Shopify API version 2024-04
, the Checkout resource is deprecated and will be sunset on April 1, 2025. Refer to the Shopify developer changelog (opens new window) for more information.
# Input
Field | Description |
Trigger poll interval | Set the frequency at which Workato checks for new or updated abandoned checkouts. |
When first started, this recipe should pick up events from | Get abandoned checkouts since the given date/time. Leave empty to get all orders created from time when recipe is first started. After a recipe has been run or tested, this value cannot be changed. Learn more about this input field. |
Checkout status | Choose from Open , Archived . Defaults to Open |
# Output
Field | Description |
Abandoned checkout URL | The recovery URL that's sent to a customer so they can recover their checkout. |
Total duties | The total duties of the checkout in presentment currency. |
Checkout ID | The ID for the checkout. |
Billing address | The mailing address associated with the payment method. |
Note | The text of an optional note that a shop owner can attach to the order. |
Note attributes | Additional information on order. |
Buyer accepts marketing | Whether the customer consented to receive email updates from the shop. |
Cancel reason | The reason for the abandoned checkout. |
Cart token | The ID for the cart that's attached to the checkout. |
Closed at | The date and time when the checkout was closed. If the checkout was not closed, then this value is null. |
Created at | The date and time when the checkout was created. |
Completed at | The date and time when the checkout was completed. For abandoned checkouts, this value is always null. |
Currency | The three-letter code of the shop's default currency at the time of checkout. |
Line items | A list of line items, each containing information about an item in the checkout. |
Customer | Information about the customer. |
Discount codes | Discount codes applied to the checkout. Returns an empty array when no codes are applied. |
Gateway | The payment gateway used by the checkout. For abandoned checkouts, this value is always null. |
Source identifier | The ID for the source. |
The customer's email address. | |
Landing site | The URL for the page where the customer entered the shop. |
ID | The ID for the checkout. |
Referring site | For example, http://www.example.com |
Shipping lines | Information about the chosen shipping method. |
Source URL | The URL of the source. |
Source name | Where the checkout originated. Valid values: web, pos, iphone, android |
Total price | The sum of line item prices, all discounts, shipping costs, and taxes for the checkout in presentment currency. |
Subtotal price | The price of the checkout in presentment currency before shipping and taxes. |
Price | The price of the item in presentment currency. |
Total weight | The sum of all the weights in grams of the line items in the checkout. |
Token | A unique ID for a checkout. |
Total discounts | The total amount of discounts to be applied in presentment currency. |
Total line items price | The sum of the prices of all line items in the checkout in presentment currency. |
Total tax | The sum of all the taxes applied to the checkout in presentment currency. |
Taxes included | Whether taxes are included in the price. |
Tax lines | A list of tax line objects, each of which details a tax applied to the item. Each tax line includes: - Title - Price - Price set - Rate |
Shipping address | The mailing address where the order will be shipped to. |
Source | The channel where the checkout originated. |
Date updated | The date and time when this checkout was last updated. |
Last updated: 8/28/2024, 8:43:06 PM