# New/updated business object trigger

New/updated business object trigger New/updated business object trigger

This trigger uses Workday Web Services (WWS) to check for new/updated business object from a connected Workday instance.

Supported business objects are:

  • Workers
  • Organizations
  • Job Profiles
  • Payees
  • Positions
  • Job Requisitions
  • Evergreen Requisitions
  • Customer Contracts

# Input

Input field Description
When first started, this recipe should pick up events from Workday objects that are created after this date and time will be processed in the trigger. If left blank, the trigger will pick up entries created 1 hour before the first time this recipe is started. Learn more about this input field.
Business object The object type.
[Optional] Request criteria The request criteria element lets you apply additional criteria to identify the specific instance(s) desired.
[Optional] Trigger poll interval Select how frequently to check for new events.

Additional/advanced input fields may be present for specific business objects.

# How to Get Transaction Type References?

Workato provides a comprehensive list of transaction types available in Workday in a multiselect picklist. However, should you decide to manually input of the Workday IDs (WIDs) inside the "Transaction Type References" field within "Request Criteria", you may find them by making use of the "Get References" action to retrieve the list of references and their WIDs.

You may refer to the following sample recipe (opens new window) which retrieves all the transaction type references' details, appends them into a list, and logs them for easy viewing.

# Output

We will output the complete set of fields and attributes for the selected operation as the output datatree, except in cases where additional/advanced input fields dictate we return a subset of the available object data.

# Limitations

Based on the Workday documentation (opens new window):

  • The maximum number of instances in a web service response is 1 million.
  • Responses with attachments/images, the maximum size of each attachment/image is 30MB.
  • Rich text string responses have a size limit of 1,048,576 characters or 1MB.

Last updated: 8/28/2024, 8:43:06 PM