# Create record action

The Create record action creates a new record in a data table you specify.

# Input

Input fields Description
Data table Select the data table you plan to add a record to. Click the link in this field's description to view the selected data table in the data tables interface.
Choose the desired output format Optional. Specify how to map the new record data to the table fields. Refer to the Output formats section for more information.


The New record fields section contains an input field for each column of the selected data table. Use these input fields to specify the content of the new record.

These input fields are subject the same restrictions as their corresponding columns, for example:

  • If a column is required, its corresponding field is also required.
  • The value you provide must match the corresponding column's data type. For instance, text columns only accept alphanumeric characters. Refer to Column types for detailed information on the accepted values for each data type.

# Output

Output fields Description
Record Contains information about the new record, such as its Record ID, Created at date, Updated at timestamp, and data from any of your data table's custom columns.

Last updated: 2/13/2025, 9:08:00 PM

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