# How-to guides - Running upload streaming actions/triggers on CLI
In this segment, we will be going through how you can run and easily debug actions that utilize file streaming using the Workato Gem. File streaming can be differentiated into two main components that go together - download file actions and upload file actions. Below, we will go over the steps to execute an upload file action in the CLI.
# Prerequisites
- You have installed and can run the Workato SDK Gem. Read our getting-started guide to know more.
- You have an understanding of the mechanics of file streaming on the SDK. Read our guides to learn more.
# Upload file - Sample connector - Upload file to url
We will be using the generic upload file to url connector as an example.
# Running the execute
lambda for the Upload file action
With upload file streaming actions, the definition of the input is important here as it has to contain information about an incoming file stream that the action will utilize. There are numerous options to simulate a file stream which we will go over.
execute: lambda do |_connection, input, _input_schema, _output_schema, closure|
# Calling workato.stream.in runs in a loop where the input should be file.
# It can accept both entire files or the output of a streaming-enabled download file action
workato.stream.in(input["file"]) do |chunk, starting_byte_range, ending_byte_range, eof, next_starting_byte_range|
headers("Content-Range": "bytes #{starting_byte_range}-#{ending_byte_range}/*").
# This commits the upload
post(input['url'], { "commit": true } )
Alongside the execute lambda, you will also need a input JSON file such as upload_file_input.json
when executing the upload file action in the SDK CLI. Below, we have an example of a mocked stream whose chunks are defined explicitly - each chunk is a separate key in the chunks
"file_name": "sample_file",
"file": {
# this hash simulates a file stream which is
# the output of a download file object
"__stream__": true,
"chunks": {
"0": "abcd",
"4": "efgh",
"8": "ijkl",
"12": "mn"
"url": "https://www.friendly_upload_url.com"
To run the upload file action, you give the same command as you would a standard action.
workato exec actions.upload_to_url.execute --input='upload_file_input.json' --verbose
"file_name": "sample_file",
"file": {
"__stream__": true,
"chunks": {
"0": "abcd",
"4": "efgh",
"8": "ijkl",
"12": "mn"
"url": "https://www.friendly_upload_url.com"
RestClient.put "https://www.friendly_upload_url.com", "Content-Range"=>"bytes=0-3", "User-Agent"=>"rest-client/2.0.2 (darwin19.6.0 x86_64) ruby/2.4.10p364"
# => 201 Created | 0 bytes, 1.46s
RestClient.put "https://www.friendly_upload_url.com", "Content-Range"=>"bytes=4-7", "User-Agent"=>"rest-client/2.0.2 (darwin19.6.0 x86_64) ruby/2.4.10p364"
# => 201 Created | 0 bytes, 1.46s
RestClient.put "https://www.friendly_upload_url.com", "Content-Range"=>"bytes=8-11", "User-Agent"=>"rest-client/2.0.2 (darwin19.6.0 x86_64) ruby/2.4.10p364"
# => 201 Created | 0 bytes, 1.46s
RestClient.put "https://www.friendly_upload_url.com", "Content-Range"=>"bytes=11-13", "User-Agent"=>"rest-client/2.0.2 (darwin19.6.0 x86_64) ruby/2.4.10p364"
# => 201 Created | 0 bytes, 1.46s
RestClient.post "https://www.friendly_upload_url.com", "{\"commit\":true}", "Accept"=>"application/json", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "Content-Length"=>"88", "Content-Type"=>"application/json", "User-Agent"=>"rest-client/2.0.2 (darwin19.6.0 x86_64) ruby/2.4.10p364"
# => 201 Created | 0 bytes, 1.46s
"file_size": 13,
"file_path": "/path/to/sample/file",
"file_name": "file_name"
# Variations to mock streams
Beyond mocking streams by declaring chunks manually, you can mock streams in a variety of ways.
Take note that streams can take longer than your average actions to finish execution - depending on the size of the file and network. It is recommended to test with smaller files rather than production sizes.
Mock streams with each chunk explicitly
"file": {
"__stream__": true,
"chunks": {
"0": "abcd",
"4": "efgh",
"8": "ijkl",
"12": "mn"
Mock streams by utilizing a stream implemented for a download file action/trigger in the same connector
"file": {
"__stream__": true,
"name": "stream_within_same_connector", # name of the stream in the connector
"input": { # input that will be passed to the stream callback
"file_path": "/path/to/sample/file"
Mock streams by providing a static stream
"file": {
"data": "123456789",
"eof": true
Mock streams by providing a string
"file": "qwertyuiop[]"
Last updated: 7/10/2024, 6:18:20 PM