# SDK Reference - connection

This section enumerates all the possible keys available when defining your connection.

Quick Overview

To put it simply, the connection hash contains all the instructions your connector needs to establish a successful connection.

  • The fields key tells your connector what input fields to show so it can collect information for authorization.
  • The extended_fields key allows you to dynamically show more connection fields based on previous inputs. This field is optional to define.
  • The authorization key tells your connector what to do with the information it has collected - use that to exchange it for an access_token.
  • The base_urikey tells your connector what to prepend to every HTTP request after connection is successful. This allows you to use relative paths in your connector code when defining actions and triggers.

# Structure

  connection: {
    fields: Array,

    extended_fields: lambda do |connection|

    authorization: Hash,

    base_uri: lambda do |connection|

# fields

The 'fields' key has the following attributes:

Accepts an array of hashes. Each hash in this array corresponds to a separate input field.
To learn how to define input fields in Workato, see SDK Reference - Schema.

# Picklists in connection fields

For fields with control_type defined as select or multiselect, use the options attribute to define a static picklist instead of the pick_list attribute.

Picklist does not apply to connection hash

References to any picklists you defined in your connector are not accessible in the connection hash because no credentials have been received at this time.

# Example: Connection fields with picklist nested in advanced settings

    fields: [
        name: 'api_key',
        control_type: 'password',
        hint: 'You can find your API key final change3' \
          "under 'Settings'=>'Configure Chargebee'=>'API Keys and Webhooks'" \
          " in Chargebee's web console.",
        label: 'Your API Key',
        default: "helloaaaabbb",
        optional: false
        name: 'domain',
        control_type: 'subdomain',
        url: 'chargebee.com'
        name: "advanced_settings",
        type: "object",
        optional: "true",
        properties: [
            name: "environment",
            optional: true,
            control_type: "select",
            options: [
              ["Development", "dev"],
              ["Production", "prod"]

# extended_fields

The 'extended_fields' key has the following attributes:

lambda function
Allows you to optionally display more input fields based on your connection. The output is expected to be a valid Workato schema. Find out more about SDK Reference - Schema.

# How to use extended_fields

With extended_fields, you can dynamically display additional fields based on previous input fields. If your connection setup is complex and consists of many input fields, consider limiting the number of fields that a user can see. Instead of displaying all fields at the same time, use extended_fields to control how many fields to display to the user initially, and when to display additional fields.

In this case, extended_fields provides you with the added benefit of controlling which fields to display for the users during connection setup, and guiding them through the experience. In some cases, you may also restrict some fields from the display when they are not relevant.

# Example: Connection fields with extended_fields

    fields: [
        name: "api_key",
        control_type: "password",
        hint: "You can find your API key " \
          "under 'Settings'=>'Configure Chargebee'=>'API Keys and Webhooks'" \
          " in Chargebee's web console.",
        label: "Your API Key"
        name: "custom_domain",
        label: "Are you using a custom domain?",
        extends_schema: true,
        control_type: "checkbox"
    extended_fields: lambda do |connection|
      if connection['custom_domain'] == "true"
            name: "domain",
            control_type: "subdomain",
            extends_schema: true,
            url: ".acme.com"

Workato passes the connection hash to all other lambdas, including authorization and execute. The connection hash contains values from both fields and extended_fields.

# Example: Connection fields with extended_fields and extends_schema

The following example shows how to use extends_schema within extended_fields to create a connection setup that has multiple steps.

  connection: {
    fields: [
        name: "api_key",
        control_type: "password",
        hint: "You can find your API key " \
          "under 'Settings'=>'Configure Chargebee'=>'API Keys and Webhooks'" \
          " in Chargebee's web console.",
        label: "Your API Key"
        name: "custom_domain",
        label: "Are you using a custom domain?",
        extends_schema: true,
        control_type: "checkbox"
    extended_fields: lambda do |connection|
            if connection['custom_domain'] == "true"
                name: "domain",
                control_type: "subdomain",
                optional: false,
                url: ".acme.com"
            if connection['custom_domain'] == "true"
                name: "instance_type",
                control_type: "select",
                extends_schema: true,
                optional: false,
                options: [ ["Production", "production"], ["Sandbox", "sandbox"]]
            if connection['instance_type'] == "sandbox"
                name: "protocol",
                control_type: "select",
                optional: false,
                options: [ ["HTTPS", "https://"], ["HTTP", "http://"]]

    authorization: {
      type: 'basic',

      apply: lambda { |connection, access_token|
        headers("x-api-key": "#{connection['api_key']}")

    base_uri: lambda do |connection|
        if connection['custom_domain'] == "true"

# authorization

The 'authorization' key has the following attributes:

Accepts an object with child keys corresponding to different types of authentication

Find out more about the authorization hash in SDK Reference - authorization.

# base_uri

The 'base_uri' key has the following attributes:

lambda function
False. However, we recommend it.
Defines the base URI for all future HTTP requests.
Possible Arguments
Hash that represents user-provided inputs defined in Connection.
Expected Output
String, such as one of:
  • "https://#{connection['host']}.com/"
  • "https://api.acme.com"

# Configuring your base_uri

When you define your base_uri key, make sure to note the final URI that you provide. There are two scenarios when using base_uri in conjunction with any downstream HTTP requests.

  1. When you have a preceding "/" (forward slash) in the verb method (such as get('/hello/there')), we ignore any path parameters in the base_uri.

    For example, https://api.hubapi.com/test/ defined as your base_uri effectively becomes https://api.hubapi.com. The request is sent to https://api.hubapi.com/hello/there.

  2. If you don’t have a preceding "/" (forward slash) in the verb method (such as get('hello/there')), we adopt the path parameters in your base_uri.

    For example, https://api.hubapi.com/test/ defined as your base_uri remains https://api.hubapi.com/test/. The request is sent to https://api.hubapi.com/test/hello/there.

Last updated: 3/29/2023, 2:00:59 PM