# IF control statement

An IF control statement provides logic branching in your Workato recipes, directing your recipe's execution based on specified conditions. This section explores how to manage conditional logic effectively and highlights the flow of conditional branches.

# Manage conditional logic with IF control statements

The IF control statement evaluates each branch in sequence, stopping once a condition is met:

  • IF: The initial condition is evaluated first.
  • ELSE IF: If the IF condition is false, this condition is evaluated. Multiple ELSE IF conditions can be chained.
  • ELSE: If no previous conditions are met, this branch executes.

Conditional step examples Recipe using conditional steps to manage Zendesk tickets.

This flow ensures that only one branch executes, avoiding overlapping or unintended behaviors.

# Overlapping conditions

Creating overlapping conditions may lead to multiple logic blocks executing simultaneously, resulting in unexpected behavior. The IF-ELSE IF structure ensures only one block of logic executes, preventing overlapping executions.

# Revising conditions

Inserting or removing conditions previously required significant restructuring of the IF-ELSE logic, potentially leading to errors. IF control statements allow you to add or remove conditions smoothly, maintaining the integrity of your recipe.

# Improving readability

Nested IF conditions do not necessarily slow down recipes, but they can make them difficult to read and manage. IF-ELSE IF structures make your recipes cleaner, easier to debug, and more manageable, avoiding the pitfalls of deeply nested conditions.

Automation Institute

Take the hands-on tutorial on IF conditions on Workato's Automation Institute. Complete the course and become a certified Automation Pro. Learn more here (opens new window)

For a comprehensive overview of available conditions, refer to our Conditions documentation.

Last updated: 5/14/2024, 2:59:32 PM