# Conditions

Create IF conditions in your Workato recipes by defining three key components: a Data field, a Condition, and a Value. The Data field is the variable data from your app, for example, case status, or lead rating. The Value is the static value you plan to check against, such as Closed or Hot. Data fields and values are case sensitive.

This section covers fourteen available conditions, with trigger conditions as examples. You can also combine multiple conditions with the AND or OR operators to create complex logic.

Each condition is compatible with different data types. Using a condition with an invalid data type may prevent the recipe from starting or functioning correctly.

Video tutorial: how to work with invalid data types in conditions

If an invalid IF condition is set up for triggers, the recipe may:

  • Throw a trigger error after starting, preventing it from picking up trigger events.
  • Filter out all trigger events.

# Where conditions can be used

You can use conditions in the following features to refine your workflow:

  • IF control statements: Use conditions within IF control statements to execute specific steps or actions based on your data.

  • While loop: Create conditions within a repeat while loop to repeat actions until a specific condition is met.

  • Trigger conditions: Set trigger conditions to filter which trigger events are processed by the recipe, ensuring only relevant events are picked up.

# contains

The contains condition allows you to check if a data field contains a specified value within a sequence of conditional checks. This approach is useful when you must route or process data differently based on the presence of specific content. This condition is the inverse of the doesn't contain condition and is case-sensitive. You can adjust the case of both the data and value for case-insensitive comparisons as required.

Example contains recipe The control statement processes new Google Calendar events only if the event Summary contains the word Review.

# Compatible data types

This condition is compatible with array and string data types.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
UI bug contains "bug" Yes
UI BUG contains "bug" No
Instructions unclear contains "bug" No
"" contains "bug" No
nil contains "bug" No
12345 contains 123 No
[1, 2, 3] contains 1 Yes
[1, 2, 3] contains [1, 3] No
["abc", "pqr", "xyz"] contains "abc" Yes
["abc", "pqr", "xyz"] contains ["abc", "pqr"] No

# starts with

The starts with condition allows you to check if a data field string begins with a specified value in a sequence of conditions. This condition is the inverse of the doesn't start with condition and is case-sensitive. Verify that both the data and the value are in the same case (either lowercase or uppercase) to ensure accurate comparisons.

Example starts with recipe The control statement processes new Zendesk users whose phone numbers start with (810) or (749).

The starts with condition matches exact strings only, and does not recognize null values.

# Compatible data types

This condition is only compatible with string data types.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
(408) 555-6928 starts with "(408)" Yes
408 555-6928 starts with "(408)" No
(650) 555-2395 starts with "(408)" No
"" starts with "(408)" No
nil starts with "(408)" No
12345 starts with 123 Trigger error thrown
<kbd>numeric_type_pill</kbd> starts with 123 Trigger error thrown
<kbd>numeric_type_pill</kbd> starts with "123" Yes #if pill = 12345

# Special non-string data type cases

Avoid comparing non-string data types using the starts with condition to prevent trigger errors. For example, comparing two number types directly results in an error.

Comparing number types for starts with condition Trigger errors occur when comparing number types with the starts with condition.

In situations where the data field is a non-string datapill and the comparison value is a string, Workato automatically converts the datapill's value to a string for the comparison. The comparison evaluates to true if this converted value meets the condition.

Comparing number types for starts with condition Non-string datapills are converted to a string for comparison if the value is a string

# ends with

The ends with condition allows you to check if a data field ends with a specific value. This condition is the inverse of the doesn't end with condition and is case-sensitive. Verify that both the data and the value are in the same case (either lowercase or uppercase) to ensure accurate comparisons.

Example ends with recipe The control statement filters Gmail messages from senders whose email address ends with @partnercompany.com.

If the field you specify in your condition is left blank in the application you’re using, no event is picked up.

# Compatible data types

This condition is only compatible with string data types.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
(408) 555-6928 ends with "6928" Yes
408 555-6928 ends with "(6928)" No
(650) 555-2395 ends with "6928" No
"" ends with "6928" No
nil ends with "6928" No
12345 ends with 345 Trigger error thrown
<kbd>numeric_type_pill</kbd> ends with 345 Trigger error thrown
<kbd>numeric_type_pill</kbd> ends with "345" Yes #if pill = 12345
<kbd>numeric_type_pill</kbd> ends with "345" No #if pill = 123

# Special non-string data type cases

Avoid comparing non-string data types using the ends with condition to prevent trigger errors. For example, comparing two number types directly results in an error.

Comparing number types for ends with condition Trigger errors occur when comparing number types with the ends with condition.

In situations where the data field is a non-string datapill and the comparison value is a string, Workato automatically converts the datapill's value to a string for the comparison. The comparison evaluates to true if this converted value meets the condition.

Comparing number types for ends with condition Non-string datapills are converted to a string for comparison if the value is a string.

# does not contain

The doesn't contain condition allows you to define actions when specific values are absent in your data fields. This condition is the inverse of the contains condition and is case-sensitive. Verify that both the data and the value are in the same case (either lowercase or uppercase) to ensure accurate comparisons.

Example doesn't contain recipe The control statement filters emails whose subjects do not contain Meeting reminder.


If the field you've specified is blank, the doesn’t contain condition does not trigger an event. You can prevent this from occurring by using a string formula with the is true or is present condition.

# Compatible data types

This condition is only compatible with array and string data types.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
UI bug doesn't contain "bug" No
UI BUG doesn't contain "bug" Yes
Instructions unclear doesn't contain "bug" Yes
"" doesn't contain "bug" Yes
nil doesn't contain "bug" No
12345 doesn't contain 123 No
[1, 2, 3] doesn't contain 1 No
[1, 2, 3] doesn't contain [1, 3] Yes
["abc", "pqr", "xyz"] doesn't contain "abc" No
["abc", "pqr", "xyz"] doesn't contain ["abc", "pqr"] Yes

# does not start with

The doesn't start with condition allows you to define actions when specific starting sequences are absent in your data fields. This condition is the inverse of the starts with condition and is case-sensitive. Verify that both the data and the value are in the same case (either lowercase or uppercase) to ensure accurate comparisons.

Example doesnt start with recipe The control statement in the recipe processes Jira issues where the status category does not start with In Review.


If the field you've specified is blank, the doesn’t start with condition does not trigger an event. You can prevent this from occurring by using a string formula with the is true or is present condition.

# Compatible data types

This condition is only compatible with string data types.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
(408) 555-6928 doesn't start with "(408)" or "(669)" No
408 555-6928 doesn't start with "(408)" or "(669)" Yes
(650) 555-2395 doesn't start with "(408)" or "(669)" Yes
"" doesn't start with "(408)" or "(669)" Yes
nil doesn't start with "(408)" or "(669)" No
12345 doesn't start with 123 Trigger error thrown
<kbd>numeric_type_pill</kbd> doesn't start with 123 Trigger error thrown
<kbd>numeric_type_pill</kbd> doesn't start with "123" No #if pill = 12345
<kbd>numeric_type_pill</kbd> doesn't start with "123" Yes #if pill = 345

# Special non-string data type cases

Avoid comparing non-string data types using the doesn't start with condition to prevent trigger errors. For example, comparing two number types directly results in an error.

Comparing number types for doesn't start with condition Trigger errors occur when comparing number types with the doesn't start with condition.

In situations where the data field is a non-string datapill and the comparison value is a string, Workato automatically converts the datapill's value to a string for the comparison. The comparison evaluates to true if this converted value meets the condition.

Comparing number types for doesn't start with condition Non-string datapills are converted to a string for comparison if the value is a string.

If your trigger data is nil (or null), Workato does not pick up the trigger event, even if it technically meets the condition. For example, nil doesn't start with 345.

# does not end with

The doesn't end with condition allows you to define actions for data fields that do not end with a specified value, following an initial IF condition. This is the inverse of the ends with condition and is case-sensitive. Verify that both the data and the value are in the same case (either lowercase or uppercase) to ensure accurate comparisons.

Example doesn't end with recipe The control statement filters DocuSign documents whose titles do not end with Contract.


If the field you've specified is blank, the doesn’t end with condition does not trigger an event. You can prevent this from occurring by using a string formula with the is true or is present condition.

# Compatible data types

This condition is only compatible with string data types.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
(408) 555-6928 doesn't ends with "6928" No
408 555-6928 doesn't ends with "(6928)" Yes
(650) 555-2395 doesn't ends with "6928" Yes
"" doesn't ends with "6928" Yes
nil doesn't ends with "6928" No
12345 doesn't ends with 345 Trigger error thrown
<kbd>numeric_type_pill</kbd> doesn't ends with 345 Trigger error thrown
<kbd>numeric_type_pill</kbd> doesn't ends with "345" No #if pill =12345
<kbd>numeric_type_pill</kbd> doesn't ends with "345" Yes #if pill =123

# Special non-string data type cases

Avoid comparing non-string data types using the doesn't end with condition to prevent trigger errors. For example, comparing two number types directly results in an error.

Comparing number types for doesn't end with condition Trigger errors occur when comparing number types with the doesn't end with condition.

In situations where the data field is a non-string datapill and the comparison value is a string, Workato automatically converts the datapill's value to a string for the comparison. The comparison evaluates to true if this converted value meets the condition.

Comparing number types for doesn't end with condition Non-string datapills are converted to a string for comparison if the value is a string.

If your trigger data is nil (or null), Workato does not pick up the trigger event, even if it technically meets the condition. For example, nil doesn't end with 345.

# equals

The equals condition allows you to define actions for situations when a data field exactly matches a given value. This condition is crucial for processes that depend on exact matches. This condition is the inverse of the does not equal condition and is case-sensitive. Verify that both the data and the value are in the same case (either lowercase or uppercase) to ensure accurate comparisons.

Example equals recipe The control statement in the recipe processes new Okta events if the Credential type equals External..

# Compatible data types

This condition is compatible with all data types, such as integers and floats, dates, and arrays.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
Closed equals "Closed" Yes
Closed equals "closed" No
"" equals "Closed" No
"" equals null No
null equals nil Yes
nil equals "Closed" No
12345 equals 12345 Yes
12345 equals "12345" Yes
6 - 1 equals 5 Yes
Closed.present? equals true Yes
Closed".present? equals "true" No
Closed".present? equals 1 No

# Special cases

Workato converts strings to float data types for comparisons with numeric values. When comparing a number and a string, if the string can be a float, Workato treats it as such for the comparison.

Data field Condition Value Result
1234 equals to 1234 Yes
9.99 equals to 9.99 Yes

Floats have limited precision. Comparisons with strings containing more than 15 digits may not be accurate. Use formula mode for precise comparisons in these situations.

Data field Condition Value Result
12345678901234567 equals to 12345678901234567 No
12345678901234568 equals to 12345678901234567 Yes

String to numeric coercion also recognizes base-8 notation which converts a 0123 to 83.

Data field Condition Value Result
83 equals to 0123 Yes

This logic also applies to does not equal, greater than, and less than operations.

# does not equal

The does not equal condition allows you to define actions for cases when a data field does not exactly match a specified value. This condition is crucial for identifying discrepancies or variations in data. This condition is the inverse of the equals condition and is case-sensitive. Verify that both the data and the value are in the same case (either lowercase or uppercase) to ensure accurate comparisons.

Example does not equal recipe The control statement in the recipe processes new Zendesk tickets only when their Priority does not equal Low. This approach focuses on tickets with higher priority levels for immediate action.

# Compatible data types

This condition is compatible with all data types, such as integers and floats, dates, and arrays.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
Closed does not equal "Closed" No
Closed does not equal "closed" Yes
"" does not equal "Closed" Yes
"" does not equal null Yes
null does not equal nil No
nil does not equal "Closed" Yes
12345 does not equal 12345 No
12345 does not equal "12345" No
6 - 1 does not equal 5 No
Closed.present? does not equal true No
Closed".present? does not equal "true" Yes
Closed".present? does not equal 1 Yes

# greater than

The greater than condition allows you to define actions for when a data field's value exceeds a specified number or date. This is particularly effective for prioritizing tasks or records based on numerical or date criteria. This condition is the inverse of the less than condition.

Example is greater than recipe The control statement in the recipe processes new Salesforce accounts only if their SLA Expiration Date is greater than 12/21/2024. This approach ensures prioritization of accounts based on the urgency of their service agreements.

If value is set to a number and the data field is null, the recipe raises an error as a number cannot be compared with null. To address this, use an is present condition along with the greater than condition for reliable results.

Example is present and greater than recipe In addition to the ELSE IF condition, adding an is present condition ensures the recipe processes new Salesforce opportunities with an existing (non-null) SLA expiration field that is set to expire after 12/21/2024.

# Compatible data types

This condition is compatible with string, integer, and number data types.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
2017-06-31T12:00:00.252805-07:00 greater than "2017-12-31T12:00:00.252805-07:00" No
2017-06-30T12:00:00.252805-07:00 greater than "2017-01-31T12:00:00.252805-07:00" Yes
2017-06-31 greater than "2017-12-31" No
2017-06-31 greater than "2017-01-31" Yes
5 greater than 10 No
5 greater than 1 Yes
1.5 greater than 10.5 No
1.5 greater than 1.23 Yes
abc greater than "abcde" No #ASCII value comparison
abc greater than "a" Yes #ASCII value comparison
nil greater than "2017-01-31T22:00:00.252805-07:00" Trigger error thrown
2017-06-31 greater than nil Trigger error thrown
nil greater than 10 Trigger error thrown
1.5 greater than nil Trigger error thrown
abc greater than nil Trigger error thrown

# less than

The less than condition allows you to define actions for when a data field's value is lower than a specified threshold, following an initial IF condition. This is essential for scenarios where ranking or filtering is based on lower numerical or date values. This condition is the inverse of the greater than condition.

Example is less than recipe The control statement is applied to new Shopify product variants, processing only those whose variant Price is less than 50.

If the value is a number and the data field is null, the recipe throws an error, as you cannot compare a number with null. To resolve this, combine an is present condition with the less than condition.

# Compatible data types

This condition is compatible with string, integer, and number data types.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
2017-06-31T12:00:00.252805-07:00 less than "2017-12-31T12:00:00.252805-07:00" Yes
2017-06-30T12:00:00.252805-07:00 less than "2017-01-31T12:00:00.252805-07:00" No
2017-06-31 less than "2017-12-31" Yes
2017-06-31 less than "2017-01-31" No
5 less than 10 Yes
5 less than 1 No
1.5 less than 10.5 Yes
1.5 less than 1.23 No
abc less than "abcde" Yes #ASCII value comparison
abc less than "a" No #ASCII value comparison
nil less than "2017-01-31T22:00:00.252805-07:00" Trigger error thrown
2017-06-31 less than nil Trigger error thrown
nil less than 10 Trigger error thrown
1.5 less than nil Trigger error thrown
abc less than nil Trigger error thrown

# is true

The is true condition allows you to define actions for cases when a boolean data field is true, or when a formula evaluates to true. This condition is crucial for making decisions based on binary data or specific formula outcomes. This condition is the inverse of the is not true condition.

Example is true recipe The control statement processes new Shopify product variants only if the variant's Requires shipping field is marked as true.

Additionally, you can use the is true condition to assess formulas. For example, you can convert string type datapills through string formulas into conditions that evaluate to a boolean.

# Compatible data types

This condition is only compatible with boolean data types. You can use this condition to check against a boolean datapill, or check against a formula that evaluates to true or false.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
<kbd>pill</kbd>.present? is true No #if pill has a nil or null value or is an empty string ""
<kbd>pill</kbd>.present? is true Yes #if pill has a value
Advanced Solutions".include?("Solutions") is true Yes
Advanced Solutions".include?("solutions") is true No

# is not true

The is not true condition allows you to define actions for when a boolean data field is not true or when a formula evaluation results to false. This is the inverse of the is true condition and is crucial for workflows that depend on negative or false evaluations.

Example is not true recipe The control statement processes new Google Calendar events only when the Guests can modify option is not set to true. This ensures the recipe selectively targets events where guests have restricted modification rights.

Additionally, you can use use the is not true condition to verify if a formula in the trigger data input field results in false. For example, you can convert string type datapills into boolean conditions using string formulas, allowing for precise evaluations.

# Compatible data types

This condition is only compatible with boolean data types. You can use this condition to check against a boolean datapill, or check against a formula that evaluates to true or false.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
<kbd>pill</kbd>.present? is not true No #if pill has a nil or null value or is an empty string ""
<kbd>pill</kbd>.present? is not true No #if pill has a value
Advanced Solutions".include?("Solutions") is not true No
Advanced Solutions".include?("solutions") is not true Yes

# is present

The is present condition allows you to define actions based on the presence of data in a specific field. This condition is crucial for workflows that respond to the presence of data rather than its value. If the data field is null or an empty string, the condition does not trigger. This condition is the inverse of the is not present condition.

Example is present recipe The control statement processes new Box files only when a file Name is present. This is particularly useful for ensuring that only files with names are considered for further actions in the recipe.

# Compatible data types

This condition is compatible with all data types, such as integers and floats, dates, and arrays.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
Advanced Solutions is present Yes
12345 is present Yes
"" is present No
nil is present No

# is not present

The is not present condition allows you to define actions for when a data field is empty or null. This condition is essential for workflows that rely on the absence of data to trigger specific actions. The condition does not activate if there is data present in the field. This condition is the inverse of the is present.

Example is not present recipe The control statement processes new Zendesk tickets only if no Ticket form ID is assigned to them.

# Compatible data types

This condition is compatible with all data types, such as integers and floats, dates, and arrays.

# Examples

Data field Condition/value Picked up by recipe?
Advanced Solutions is not present No
12345 is not present No
"" is not present Yes
nil is not present Yes

Last updated: 2/4/2025, 6:16:09 PM