# Create Zendesk and Jira issues with Workbot for Slack recipe
This use case guides you through connecting Zendesk, Jira, and Workbot for Slack to Workato to create a powerful automation.
# What does this recipe do?
This recipe enables you to execute a message action in Workbot for Slack, which creates a Zendesk ticket and a Jira issue using the input fields from the trigger's command. After creating these tickets, the details are posted in Slack to a channel or direct message of your choice.
# Create your recipe
Complete the following steps to design a recipe that creates a Zendesk ticket and a Jira issue when you run an action command in Workbot for Slack.
This use case serves as an example. Modifications to triggers, actions, or conditional logic may be necessary to adapt this recipe to your workflow.
Sign in to Workato.
Select the project where you plan to create the recipe.
Create connections for Zendesk, Jira, and Workbot for Slack:
Create a Zendesk connection.
Click Create > Connection.
Search for and select Zendesk
on the New connection page.
Provide a name for your connection in the Connection name field.
Zendesk connection setup
Use the Location drop-down menu to select the project where you plan to store the connection.
Enter the Subdomain for your Zendesk URL. For example, if your Zendesk URL is https://acme.zendesk.com
, your subdomain is acme
Use the Authentication type drop-down menu to select the authentication type you plan to use for your connection.
Optional. Provide your Custom OAuth profile.
Click Connect.
Create a Jira connection.
Click Create > Connection.
Search for and select Jira
on the New connection page.
Enter a name for your Jira connection in the Connection name field.
Jira connection setup
Use the Location drop-down menu to select the project where you plan to store the connection.
Select your Connection type.
Use the Auth type drop-down menu to select your authentication method. Supported options include Basic, API token, OAuth 2.0, and Personal access token.
Provide your Host name. For example, if your Jira URL is https://acme.atlassian.net
, your host name is acme.atlassian.net
Click Connect.
Create a Workbot for Slack connection.
Click Create > Connection.
Search for and select Workbot for Slack
on the New connection page.
Provide a name for your connection in the Name field.
Workbot for Slack connection setup
Use the Location drop-down menu to select the project where you plan to store the connection.
Optional. Select the NLU provider you plan to use, such as DialogFlow or Amazon Lex NLU. You must connect to the NLU provider for it to appear in the drop-down menu.
Optional. Click Advanced to configure Slash commands verification tokens, custom help content, your Slack app status (classic or not), and your Custom OAuth profile.
Click Connect, sign in to your Slack workspace when prompted, and click Continue to verify the connection.
Go back to your project and click Create > Recipe.
Create a new recipe
Enter a name for your recipe in the Name field.
Select the project where you plan to store the recipe from the Location drop-down menu.
Click Start building.
Start building your recipe
Click Pick a starting point, then select Trigger from an app.
Click Select an app and trigger event.
Set up your Workbot for Slack trigger.
Search for Workbot for Slack
and select it as your app.
Choose Workbot for Slack as your app
Select the New Shortcut trigger.
New Shortcut trigger
Use the Shortcut type drop-down menu to select Message.
Set up your Shortcut trigger
Enter a name in the Shortcut name field. For example, Create issue & ticket
Click Add field in the Parameters section.
Enter Summary
in the Name field.
Enter a label in the Label field.
Select String from the Data type drop-down menu.
Select No from the Optional? drop-down menu.
Enter additional help text in the Hint field.
Select Text from the Dialog control type drop-down menu.
input field
Click Add field under Parameters to add a second input field.
Enter Description
in the Name field.
Enter a label in the Label field.
Select String from the Data type drop-down menu.
Select No from the Optional? drop-down menu.
Enter additional help text in the Hint field.
Select Textarea from the Dialog control type drop-down menu.
input field
Click Add field under Parameters to add a third input field.
Enter Priority
in the Name field.
Enter a label in the Label field.
Select String from the Data type drop-down menu.
Select No from the Optional? drop-down menu.
Enter additional help text in the Hint drop-down menu.
Select Static from the Menu options drop-down menu.
Enter a list of comma-separated priority levels in the Options field.
input field
Click the Add field button under Parameters to add a fourth input field.
Name your input field notify-user
> add a Label > set Data type to String
> set Optional? to No
> provide a Hint for your input field > set Menu options to Conversations
> and then click Save.
input field
Use the Copy original text into dialog field drop-down menu to select Description.
Select Description
Click Save.
Click + Add step and select Action in app.
Click Add step > Add action in app
Set up your Jira Create issue action.
Search for Jira
and select it as your app.
Choose Jira as your app
Select the Create issue action.
Use the Project issue type drop-down menu to select the issue type you plan to create. For example: task, bug fix, or onboarding.
Select your issue type
Map the Workbot for Slack Summary Step 1 datapill to the Summary field.
Map the Workbot for Slack Description Step 1 datapill to the Description field.
Map the Workbot for Slack Priority Step 1 datapill to the Priority name field.
Click Save.
Click + Add step and select Action in app.
Set up your Jira Get issue action.
Search for Jira
and select it as your app.
Choose Jira as your app
Select the Get issue action.
Select the Get issue action
Map the Jira ID Step 2 datapill to the Issue ID or key field.
Configure the Issue ID or key field
Click Save.
Click + Add step and select Action in app.
Set up your Zendesk Create ticket action.
Search for Zendesk
and select it as your app.
Choose Zendesk as your app
Select the Create ticket action.
Select the Create ticket action
Map the Jira Summary Step 3 datapill to the Subject field.
Use the Priority drop-down menu to select Enter custom value and then click Formula.
Set the Priority field to Formula
Copy and paste the following formula into the Priority field:
=["Higher", "Highest"].include?(_dp('{"pill_type":"output","provider":"jira","line":"9e7af602","path":["fields","priority","name"]}')) ? "urgent" : "Medium" == _dp('{"pill_type":"output","provider":"jira","line":"9e7af602","path":["fields","priority","name"]}') ? "normal" : _dp('{"pill_type":"output","provider":"jira","line":"9e7af602","path":["fields","priority","name"]}') == "High" ? "high" : "low"
Priority formula
Use the Status drop-down menu to select Open.
Map the Jira Due date Step 3 datapill to the Due at field.
Configure the Due at field
Map the Workbot for Slack Description Step 1 datapill to the Text comment field.
Configure the Text comment field
Click Save.
Click + Add step and select Action in app.
Set up your Workbot for Slack Post message action.
Search for Workbot for Slack
and select it as your app.
Select the Post message action.
Map the Workbot for Slack Notify user Step 1 datapill to the Channel name/DM field.
Configure the Channel name/DM field
Click Add block to message and use the Type drop-down menu to select Section with text.
Click the Add block to message button
Map the Zendesk Subject Step 4 datapill, the Zendesk Ticket ID Step 4 datapill, and the Workbot for Slack User ID Step 1 datapill to the Section text field.
Map the Section text field
Click Add block to message and use the Type drop-down menu to Section with fields.
Section with fields
Locate the Attachment fields section and click Add field.
Click the Add field button
Enter Subject
in the Title field.
Map the Zendesk Subject Step 4 datapill to the Value field.
Add a Subject field
Click Add field to add a second field.
Enter Priority
in the Title field.
Map the Zendesk Priority Step 4 datapill to the Value field.
Click Add field to add a third field.
Enter Description
in the Title field.
Switch the Value field to formula mode and copy and paste the following formula:
Add a Description field
Click Add field to add a fourth field.
Enter Status
in the Title field.
Map the Zendesk Status Step 4 datapill to the Value field.
Expand the Divider section and use the Type drop-down menu to select Divider.
Select Divider
Click Save.
Click + Add step and select Action in app.
Set up your second Workbot for Slack Post message action.
Search for Workbot for Slack
and select it as your app.
Map the Workbot for Slack Notify user Step 1 datapill into the Channel name/DM field.
Configure the Channel name/DM field
Click Add block to message and use the Type menu to select Section with text.
Click the Add block to message button
Map the Jira Key Step 3 datapill and the Workbot for Slack User ID Step 1 datapill to the Section text field.
Map the Section with text field
Click Add block to message and use the Type drop-down menu to select Section with fields.
Locate the Attachment fields section and click Add field.
Click the Add field button
Enter Summary
in the Title field.
Map the Jira Summary Step 3 datapill to the Value field.
Add a Summary field
Click Add field to add a second field.
Enter Priority
in the Title field,
Map the Jira Name Step 3 datapill to the Value field.
Click Add field to add a third field.
Enter Description
in the Title field.
Switch the Value field to formula mode and copy and paste the following formula:
="\n"+ _dp('{"pill_type":"output","provider":"jira","line":"9e7af602","path":["fields","description"]}')[0...65]+"..."
Add a Description field
Click Add field to add a fourth field.
Enter Status
in the Title field.
Map the Jira Name Step 3 datapill to the Value field.
Click Save.
Your Create Zendesk and Jira issues with Workbot for Slack recipe is ready to test and implement.
Last updated: 2/27/2025, 4:32:55 PM