# On-prem

Use the following endpoints to manage On-prem Groups and On-prem Agents programmatically.

# Quick reference

Type Resource Description
GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_groups List On-prem Groups in a customer workspace.
POST /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_groups Create an On-prem Group in a customer workspace.
GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_groups/:group_id Retrieve details about an On-prem Group in a customer workspace.
PUT /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_groups/:group_id Updates an On-prem group in a customer workspace.
DELETE /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_groups/:group_id Deletes an On-prem group in a customer workspace.
GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_groups/:group_id/status Retrieves status of an On-prem group in a customer workspace.
GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents List On-prem Agents in a customer workspace.
POST /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents Create an On-prem Agent in a customer workspace.
GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents/:agent_id Retrieve the details of a specific On-prem Agent in a customer workspace using its ID.
PUT /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents/:agent_id Update an On-prem Agent in a customer workspace.
DELETE /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents/:agent_id Delete an On-prem Agent in a customer workspace.
GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents/:agent_id/status Retrieve the status of an On-prem Agent in a customer workspace.
GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents/search Finds On-prem Agents in a customer workspace by common name.

# List On-prem Groups

Retrieves a list of all On-prem groups in a customer workspace.

GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_groups

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300).

# Sample request

curl  -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/12345/on_prem_groups' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Response

    "data": [
            "id": 2159,
            "name": "DevOps Network",
            "created_at": "2024-09-25T13:09:31.292-07:00",
            "use_managed_connection": true,
            "config_version": null,
            "in_use": false,
            "logs_enabled": false

# Create On-prem Group

Creates an On-prem group in a customer workspace.

POST /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_groups

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300).

# Payload

Name Type Description
name string
The On-prem group name.

# Sample request

curl -X POST 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/12345/on_prem_groups' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d  '{
             "name":"CRM server"

# Sample response

    "id": 16803,
    "name": "CRM server",
    "created_at": "2017-09-21T01:51:45.954-07:00"

# Get On-prem Group details

Retrieves details about an On-prem group in a customer workspace.

GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_groups/:group_id

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300).
group_id integer
On-prem group ID.

# Sample request

curl -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/12345/on_prem_groups/16803' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Sample response

    "id": 16803,
    "name": "CRM server",
    "created_at": "2017-09-21T01:51:45.954-07:00"

# Update On-prem group

Updates an On-prem group in a customer workspace.

PUT /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_groups/:group_id

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300).
group_id integer
On-prem group ID.

# Payload

Name Type Description
name string
The On-prem group name.

# Sample request

curl -X PUT 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/12345/on_prem_groups/16803' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d  '{
             "name":"CRM server"

# Sample response

    "id": 16803,
    "name": "CRM server",
    "created_at": "2017-09-21T01:51:45.954-07:00"

# Delete On-prem group

Deletes an On-prem group in a customer workspace.

DELETE /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_groups/:group_id

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300).
group_id integer
On-prem group ID.

# Sample request

curl -X DELETE 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/12345/on_prem_groups/16803' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Sample response

  "success": true

# Get On-prem group status

Retrieves status of an On-prem group in a customer workspace.

GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_groups/:group_id/status

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300).
group_id integer
On-prem group ID.

# Sample request

curl -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/12345/on_prem_groups/16803/status' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Sample response

  "agent_count": 4,
  "active_agent_count": 3,
  "profiles": [
      "name": "CRM-Oracle",
      "provider": "oracle",
      "type": "Database",
      "connections": [
          "id": 440724,
          "name": "Oracle CRM DB"

# List On-prem Agents

Retrieves a list of all On-prem Agents in a customer workspace.

GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300).

# Sample request

curl  -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/12345/on_prem_agents' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Response

    "data": [
            "id": 29104,
            "name": "Marketing(Cupertino)",
            "os": "mac",
            "installation_method": null,
            "awaiting_setup": true,
            "enabled": true,
            "last_seen_version": null,
            "created_at": "2024-09-25T13:21:43.292-07:00",
            "updated_at": "2024-09-25T13:21:43.292-07:00",
            "state": "awaiting_setup",
            "activated": true,
            "cn": "134fd7acd89cf5b8b96deea4870d413d:12233",
            "on_prem_group_id": 12345
            "id": 29105,
            "name": "Sales(Cupertino)",
            "os": "mac",
            "installation_method": null,
            "awaiting_setup": true,
            "enabled": true,
            "last_seen_version": null,
            "created_at": "2024-09-26T09:15:30.123-07:00",
            "updated_at": "2024-09-26T09:15:30.123-07:00",
            "state": "awaiting_setup",
            "activated": true,
            "cn": "e29f4b6d8e1845e299e5c8cfb7f72d4a:45678",
            "on_prem_group_id": 12345

# Create On-prem Agent

Creates an On-prem agent in a customer workspace.

POST /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300).

# Payload

Name Type Description
name string
The On-prem agent name.
os string
The server operating system.
on_prem_group_id integer
The On-prem group ID. See List On-prem groups.
awaiting_setup boolean
true if agent should be created in awaiting setup state. Set to false to skip agent setup and get its status right away.

# Sample request

curl -X POST 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/12345/on_prem_agents' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{
           "name": "US-west-1",
           "os": "windows",
           "on_prem_group_id": 50,
           "awaiting_setup": false

# Sample response

    "id": 12233,
    "on_prem_group_id": 16803,
    "name": "primary agent",
    "cn": "134fd7acd89cf5b8b96deea4870d413d:12233",
    "os": "windows",
    "awaiting_setup": false,
    "enabled": true

# Get details about an On-prem Agent

Retrieves details about an On-prem agent within a customer workspace using its unique ID.

GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents/:agent_id

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300).
agent_id number
The ID of the On-prem Agent that you plan to retrieve details about.

# Sample request

curl  -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/12345/on_prem_agents/29104' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Response

    "data": [
            "id": 29104,
            "name": "Marketing(Cupertino)",
            "os": "mac",
            "installation_method": null,
            "awaiting_setup": true,
            "enabled": true,
            "last_seen_version": null,
            "created_at": "2024-09-25T13:21:43.292-07:00",
            "updated_at": "2024-09-25T13:21:43.292-07:00",
            "state": "awaiting_setup",
            "activated": true,
            "cn": "134fd7acd89cf5b8b96deea4870d413d:12233",
            "on_prem_group_id": 12345

# Update On-prem Agent

Updates an On-prem agent in a customer workspace.

PUT /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents/:agent_id

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300).
agent_id string
On-prem agent ID.

# Payload

Name Type Description
name string
The On-prem agent name.
os string
The server operating system.
on_prem_group_id integer The On-prem group ID. See List On-prem groups.

# Sample request

curl -X PUT 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/12345/on_prem_agents/12233' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{
           "name": "primary agent",
           "os": "windows",
           "on_prem_group_id": 16803

# Sample response

    "id": 12233,
    "on_prem_group_id": 16803,
    "name": "primary agent",
    "cn": "134fd7acd89cf5b8b96deea4870d413d:12233",
    "os": "windows",
    "awaiting_setup": false,
    "enabled": true

# Delete On-prem Agent

Deletes an On-prem agent in a customer workspace.

DELETE /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents/:agent_id

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300).
agent_id string
On-prem agent ID.

# Sample response

  "success": true

# Get On-prem Agent status

Retrieves the status of an On-prem agent in a customer workspace.

GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents/:agent_id/status

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300).
agent_id string
On-prem agent ID.

# Sample request

curl -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/12345/on_prem_agents/29104/status' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Sample response

  "active": true

# Search On-prem Agents

Finds On-prem Agents in a customer workspace by common name.

GET /api/v2/managed_users/:id/on_prem_agents/search

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300).
cn string
Common name of on-prem agent.

# Sample request

curl -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/12345/on_prem_agents/search?cn=example_cn' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Sample response

    "id": 12233,
    "on_prem_group_id": 16803,
    "name": "example_cn",
    "cn": "134fd7acd89cf5b8b96deea4870d413d:12233",
    "os": "windows",
    "awaiting_setup": false,
    "enabled": true

Last updated: 2/21/2025, 6:42:29 PM