# Read only mode

Workato now has a read only mode that allows you to view details on your recipes, jobs, version, and connections without the risk of accidentally making an edit to any portion of the recipe.

# Recipe

To edit the recipe, please select the “Edit recipe” button to be taken into the recipe editor.

Workato recipe in read only mode Workato recipe in read only mode

Clicking on any of the recipe steps will allow you to view the step details on the canvas. Please note that the data tree will not be visible in this mode. To access the data tree and make any changes to the recipe, please select the “Edit recipe” button to be taken into the recipe editor.

View recipe steps View recipe steps

Hovering over a datapill will allow you to see more information on the source of the datapill.

Hover to see datapill information Hover to see datapill information

# Jobs

Workato will show all your jobs in this tab in a customizable format. You will be able to view important information including job ID, start date, contact name, and whether the job was a test job, production job, or repeated job.

You can access the job details screen by clicking on any job in this section.

Job details page Job details page

For more information, refer to our article on jobs.

# Versions

Every time a recipe is saved, a version of the recipe is saved. Previous versions of a recipe can be restored at any time. Recipe versions can be viewed in the Versions tab and are denoted by their version number.

Recipe versions Recipe version history page

Recipe versions can be viewed and restored from this tab. For more info, refer to the Version management documentation.

Last updated: 2/28/2022, 6:44:15 PM