# Copilot in recipe description

Deploying a recipe to production takes many builders and there are so many activities beyond building and testing your recipes that can be time consuming. One important activity is documenting your recipes using descriptions. Descriptions allow administrators to know what each recipe does and team members to easily extend your recipes in the future.

Copilot now has the ability to help you get a head start on your recipe descriptions so you spend less time documenting and more time delivering!

# Pre-requisites

  • Ensure that you have Copilot enabled for your workspace. Learn more

# Generating your recipe descriptions

After saving, testing and debugging your recipe, you can get Copilot to help you with your recipe description in two ways:

# No recipe description is present

Clicking on Edit description will immediately trigger Copilot in generating a recipe description for you. This description is a first draft that you can alter as needed.

Trigger copilot with no description

# Recipe description is present

Clicking on Edit will bring up the recipe description modal, and you can ask Copilot to help you generate a new description. You can revert the generation later if you are not satisfied with it.

Trigger copilot with existing description

# How it works

When triggered, Copilot receives information about your recipe (no job data) to generate a description. If recipe functions are called in your recipe, Copilot also receives information about those recipes to provide a better generation.

You can improve Copilot's generated recipe descriptions by ensuring custom actions or HTTP actions have the relevant action names defined

# Data usage

Refer to our appendix to see the data that is used in various parts of Copilot. Learn more.

Last updated: 2/13/2024, 12:14:14 AM