# Collaborator roles

Collaborator roles control access to Workato features, functions, and folders of Role-based access control.

This guide covers the following topics:

To find out about the privileges collaborators can have, see Collaborator privileges.


Find out how Environments works with workspace roles.

# System roles

Workato pre-defines system roles so you can assign them to workspace collaborators, based on the access each user requires.

Workato has three system roles: Admin, Analyst, and Operator.

You cannot edit these roles directly. However, you can clone each role, and then modify it.

To view the privileges of a system role, an Admin can select a role in the Roles tab. This opens a read-only version of the role.


The workspace owner has direct (root) access to the workspace, which is different from a designated role. Workato advises against using the root login for tasks requiring administrative privileges and recommends limiting its use to emergencies. For example, you can use the root login to recover access to your admin workspace if you've lost access due to misconfiguring SAML.

The following privileges are associated with the root login of a workspace:

  • All Admin role privileges

  • All privileges included in the Admin role.

  • Full Account Settings access

  • Access to all account settings.

# Admin

The Admin role is typically granted to users managing the Workato workspace and is the most permissive system role. This role grants privileges to manage workspace settings and offers unique permissions for managing advanced settings such as key management, debugging, notifications, and secrets management. These permissions are exclusive to the Admin role and are not available to any other system or custom roles.


Workato supports the cloning of all system and custom roles within your workspace. However, when you clone the Admin role, the unique permissions for managing advanced workspace settings do not transfer to the newly-created role. To grant collaborators the ability to manage workspace settings, they must be assigned to the Admin system role.

Full project access
All project permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full folder access
All folder permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full connection access
All connection permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full recipe access
All recipe permissions: View, edit, create, delete, run, and view job history.
Full access network trace
View network traces in job histories. Includes recipe input, output, and the network trace of HTTP calls. HTTP call information includes HTTP headers, requests, and communication (responses) between Workato and the end application.
All projects
Access to all projects in a workspace.
Full access
Full access
Access to the API Platform, including dashboard and logs, collections and endpoints, clients and access profiles, policies, and settings.
Full Common data model access
All Common data model permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full Custom OAuth Profile access
All Custom OAuth Profile permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full FileStorage UI access
All FileStorage UI permissions: View and create.
Full Lookup table access
Access to the Lookup tables feature.
Full Message template access
All Message template permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full On-prem groups access
Access all on-prem groups and agents in the workspace.
Full People task access
Access to the People task tool.
Full Properties access
Access to all Environment Properties in the workspace.
Full Event streams access
All Event streams permissions: View, edit, create, and delete topics.
Full Recipe lifecycle management access
Access to the Recipe lifecycle management feature.
Full Workbot access
All Workbot permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full Runtime user connection access
All Runtime user connection permissions: View and edit.
Full Logs access
Access to the Workato Log Service feature.
Full Connector SDK access
All Connector SDK permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full Collaborator access
Manage the team collaborators in the workspace, including adding, editing, and removing collaborators.
Full Custom collaborator roles access
View, edit, create, and delete custom team roles in the workspace.
Full Collaborator SAML SSO access
View and edit SAML SSO settings for the workspace.
Full API client access
View and edit API Clients for the workspace.
Full activity audit
Access to view team activity in the Dashboard's Activity audit log. This permission grants the user the ability to view all activity logs, regardless of other access settings.
Full key management
Access to the account's Key Management System (KMS). Users with this privilege can update key policies and encryption keys.
Full Test Automation
All Test Automation permissions: view and manage test case details.
Full Workflow apps access
All Workflow apps permissions: create, edit, and delete Workflow apps, and manage settings for Workflow apps.
Full Workflow apps portal access
All Workflow apps portal permissions: configure Workflow apps portal settings and manage users and groups.
Full Insights access
All Insights permissions: View, create, edit, and delete Insights dashboards.

# Analyst

Analysts are typically users who build and test recipes or custom connectors.

Full project access
All project permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full folder access
All folder permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full connection access
All connection permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full recipe access
All recipe permissions: View, edit, create, delete, run, and view job history.
All projects
Access to all projects in a workspace.
Full access
Access to the API Platform, including dashboard and logs, collections and endpoints, clients and access profiles, policies, and settings.
Full Common data model access
All Common data model permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full Custom OAuth Profile access
All Custom OAuth Profile permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full FileStorage UI access
All FileStorage UI permissions: View and create.
Full Lookup table access
Access to the Lookup tables feature.
Full Message template access
All Message template permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full On-prem groups access
Access all on-prem groups and agents in the workspace.
Full People task access
Access to the People task tool.
Full Event streams access
All Event streams permissions: View, edit, create, and delete topics.
Full Workbot access
All Workbot permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full Runtime user connection access
All Runtime user connection permissions: View and edit.
Full Connector SDK access
All Connector SDK permissions: View, edit, create, and delete.
Full Test Automation
All Test Automation permissions: view and manage test case details.
Full Workflow apps access
All Workflow apps permissions: create, edit, and delete Workflow apps, and manage settings for Workflow apps.
Full Workflow apps portal access
All Workflow apps portal permissions: configure Workflow apps portal settings and manage users and groups.
Full Insights access
All Insights permissions: View, create, edit, and delete Insights dashboards.

# Operator

Operators are users who focus on maintaining and validating existing recipes. This is the least permissive system role.

This role includes read-only access to All folders and All projects.

View projects
View specific projects in a workspace.
View folders
View folders and sub-folders in a workspace.
View recipes
View recipes in a workspace.
Test (start/stop) recipes
Run recipes and start and stop recipe tests in a workspace.
View recipe job history
View a recipe's job history in the Jobs tab.
All projects
Access to all projects in a workspace.

Additionally, this role includes read-only access to the Test Automation feature.

View Test Automation
View test cases, including mock data and checks in the Test Automation feature.

# Custom roles


Custom roles is available as an add-on. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

Workato also supports custom roles, enabling you to assign granular privileges to team collaborators.

For example: Development, QA, and Production teams are working in the same account. As part of the Recipe development lifecycle, you can create and assign roles with specific privileges to each team.

Refer to the Role-based access guide to learn how to create a custom role.

Last updated: 7/16/2024, 5:59:48 PM