# 403 Forbidden error

The 403 Forbidden error indicates that you do not have permission to access the data necessary to perform an action. For example, you have permission to access employee records, but not their salaries. If your recipe involves performing an action with the employee salaries, but Workato cannot access their salaries with your account permissions, the recipe will fail.

Example of 403 forbidden error Example of 403 forbidden error

# Solution

If this error occurs in the action, use network tracing to troubleshoot and identify the specific record that is causing the issue.

Since network tracing is not available for triggers, if the 403 Forbidden error occurs in the recipe trigger, build a recipe to identify the record that is causing the error. For example, see how to troubleshoot 403 Forbidden error on the BambooHR trigger.

Last updated: 3/29/2021, 7:59:53 PM