# Recipe Lifecycle Management


  • Manifest: A container of different assets, including recipes, lookup tables, connections, and more.

  • Package: The build of a manifest. Contains the source code of each asset within a manifest. It includes the latest version of the asset available when the package was created.

# Quick reference

Type Resource Description
GET /api/export_manifests/folder_assets View assets in a folder.
POST api/export_manifests Create an export manifest.
PUT api/export_manifests/:id Update an export manifest.
GET api/export_manifests/:id View an export manifest.
DELETE /api/export_manifests/:id Delete an export manifest.
POST /api/packages/export/:manifest_id Export package based on a manifest.
POST /api/packages/import/:folder_id Import package into a folder.
GET /api/packages/:id Get package by ID.
GET /api/packages/:id/download Download a package.

# View assets in a folder

View assets in a folder. You can use this endpoint to help you create or update an export manifest.

GET /api/export_manifests/folder_assets 

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
folder_id integer
The ID of the folder containing the asset. Defaults to the root folder.
include_test_cases boolean
This parameter is currently not supported. Test cases are not included in the response. Defaults to false.
include_data boolean
Includes data from the list of assets. Defaults to false.

# Sample request

curl -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/export_manifests/folder_assets?folder_id=423' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Response

  "result": {
    "assets": [
        "id": 12,
        "name": "Copy of Recipeops",
        "type": "recipe",
        "version": 1,
        "folder": "",
        "absolute_path": "All projects",
        "root_folder": false,
        "unreachable": false,
        "zip_name": "copy_of_recipeops.recipe.json",
        "checked": true,
        "status": "added"
        "id": 13,
        "name": "My Salesforce account",
        "type": "connection",
        "version": 2,
        "folder": "Salesforce Integration Project",
        "absolute_path": "Salesforce Integration Project",
        "root_folder": false,
        "unreachable": false,
        "zip_name": "salesforce_account_v2.connection.json",
        "checked": true,
        "status": "updated"
        "id": 14,
        "name": "Submit request in New workflow app",
        "type": "page",
        "version": 1,
        "folder": "Workflow Automation Project",
        "absolute_path": "Workflow Automation Project",
        "root_folder": false,
        "unreachable": false,
        "zip_name": "submit_request_workflow_app.page.json",
        "checked": true,
        "status": "no change"

# Create an export manifest

Create an export manifest.

POST /api/export_manifests

# Payload

Name Type Description
name string
Name of the new manifest.
assets object
Dependent assets.
id integer
ID of the dependency.
type string
Type of dependent asset.
checked boolean
Determines if the asset is included in the manifest. Defaults to true.
version integer
The version of the asset. Defaults to the latest version.
folder string
The folder that contains the asset. Defaults to "".
absolute_path string
The absolute path of the asset. Defaults to root folder.
root_folder boolean
Name root folder. Defaults to false.
unreachable boolean
Whether the asset is unreachable. Defaults to false.
zip_name string
Name in the exported zip file. By default, Workato auto-generates a name with this structure: asset_#{index}.#{type}.json.
folder_id integer
The ID of the folder containing the asset. Defaults to the root folder.
include_test_cases boolean
Whether the manifest includes test cases or not. Defaults to false.
auto_generate_assets boolean
Auto-generates assets from a folder. Defaults to false.
include_test_cases boolean
This parameter includes test cases from automatic asset generation. Defaults to false.
include_data boolean
This parameter includes data from automatic asset generation. Defaults to false.

# Sample request

curl  -X POST 'https://www.workato.com/api/export_manifests' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
            "export_manifest": {
              "name": "Test Manifest",
              "assets": [
                  "id": 12,
                  "name": "Copy of Recipeops",
                  "type": "recipe",
                  "version": 1,
                  "folder": "",
                  "absolute_path": "All projects",
                  "root_folder": false,
                  "unreachable": false,
                  "zip_name": "copy_of_recipeops.recipe.json",
                  "checked": true
              "folder_id": 112

# Response

  "result": {
    "id": 12,
    "name": "Test Manifest",
    "last_exported_at": null,
    "created_at": "2023-02-27T02:44:59.447-08:00",
    "updated_at": "2023-02-27T02:44:59.447-08:00",
    "deleted_at": null,
    "project_path": "Folder 1",
    "status": "working"

# Auto-generate assets

If you plan for Workato to auto-generate your assets, you can pass the parameter auto_generate_assets into the payload of the request. You must specify the folder_id you plan to have auto-generated. You can also choose to include test cases and data by adding the include_test_cases and include_data parameters. Note that test cases and data are excluded by default. Additionally, you can include auto_run in the payload to generate the package automatically.

# Sample request

curl  -X POST 'https://www.workato.com/api/export_manifests' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
            "export_manifest": {
              "name": "Test Manifest",
              "folder_id": 112,
              "auto_generate_assets": true,
              "include_test_cases": true,
              "include_data": true, 
              "auto_run": true

# Response

  "result": {
    "id": 12,
    "name": "Test Manifest",
    "last_exported_at": null,
    "created_at": "2023-02-27T02:44:59.447-08:00",
    "updated_at": "2023-02-27T02:44:59.447-08:00",
    "deleted_at": null,
    "project_path": "Folder 1",
    "status": "working"

# Possible statuses

Status Definition
working Active.
archived Deleted.

# Update an export manifest

Update an export manifest.

PUT /api/export_manifests/:id

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id integer
The ID of the dependency.

# Payload

Update the properties contained in assets[] to replace the assets previously defined.

Name Type Description
name string
Name of the manifest. Update this value to change the manifest name. Defaults to previous name.
assets object
Dependent assets.
id integer
ID of the dependency.
type string
Type of dependent asset.
checked boolean
Determines if the asset is included in the manifest. Defaults to true.
version integer
The version of the asset. Defaults to the latest version.
folder string
The folder that contains the asset. Defaults to "".
absolute_path string
The absolute path of the asset. Defaults to root folder.
root_folder boolean
Name root folder. Defaults to false.
unreachable boolean
Whether the asset is unreachable. Defaults to false.
zip_name string
Name in the exported zip file. By default, Workato auto-generates a name with this structure: asset_#{index}.#{type}.json.
folder_id integer
The ID of the folder containing the asset. Defaults to the root folder.
include_test_cases boolean
Whether the manifest includes test cases or not. Defaults to false.
auto_generate_assets boolean
Auto-generates assets from a folder. Defaults to false.
include_test_cases boolean
This parameter includes test cases from automatic asset generation. Defaults to false.
include_data boolean
This parameter includes data from automatic asset generation. Defaults to false.

# Sample request

curl  -X PUT 'https://www.workato.com/api/export_manifests/12' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
            "export_manifest": {
              "name": "Test Manifest",
              "assets": [
                  "id": 12,
                  "name": "Copy of Recipeops",
                  "type": "recipe",
                  "version": 1,
                  "folder": "",
                  "absolute_path": "All projects",
                  "root_folder": false,
                  "unreachable": false,
                  "zip_name": "copy_of_recipeops.recipe.json",
                  "checked": true
              "folder_id": 112

# Response

  "result": {
    "id": 12,
    "name": "Test Manifest",
    "last_exported_at": null,
    "created_at": "2023-02-27T02:44:59.447-08:00",
    "updated_at": "2023-02-27T02:44:59.447-08:00",
    "deleted_at": null,
    "project_path": "Folder 1",
    "status": "working"

# Auto-generate assets

If you plan for Workato to auto-generate your assets, you can pass the parameter auto_generate_assets into the payload of the request. You must specify the folder_id you plan to have auto-generated. You can also choose to include test cases and data by adding the include_test_cases and include_data parameters. Note that test cases and data are excluded by default. Additionally, you can include auto_run in the payload to generate the package automatically.

# Sample request

curl  -X PUT 'https://www.workato.com/api/export_manifests/12' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
            "export_manifest": {
              "name": "Test Manifest",
              "folder_id": 112,
              "auto_generate_assets": true,
              "include_test_cases": true,
              "include_data": true, 
              "auto_run": true

# Response

  "result": {
    "id": 12,
    "name": "Test Manifest",
    "last_exported_at": null,
    "created_at": "2023-02-27T02:44:59.447-08:00",
    "updated_at": "2023-02-27T02:44:59.447-08:00",
    "deleted_at": null,
    "project_path": "Folder 1",
    "status": "working"

# View an export manifest

View an export manifest.

GET /api/export_manifests/:id 

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id integer
The ID of the dependency.

# Sample request

curl  -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/export_manifests/12' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Response

  "result": {
    "id": 12,
    "name": "Test Manifest",
    "last_exported_at": null,
    "created_at": "2023-02-27T02:44:59.447-08:00",
    "updated_at": "2023-02-27T02:44:59.447-08:00",
    "deleted_at": null,
    "project_path": "Folder 1",
    "status": "working"

# Delete an export manifest

Delete an export manifest.

DELETE /api/export_manifests/:id 

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Export manifest ID.

# Sample request

curl  -X DELETE 'https://www.workato.com/api/export_manifests/12' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Response

    "result": {
        "success": true,
        "status": "destroyed"

# Export a package based on a manifest

Export a package based on a manifest.


When you provide an API client with privileges to this endpoint, the API client is also granted the ability to view other assets like recipes, lookup tables, Event topics, and message templates by examining the resulting zip file.

POST /api/packages/export/:id

This is an asynchronous request. Use GET package by ID endpoint to get details of the exported package.

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Export manifest ID.

# Sample request

curl  -X POST 'https://www.workato.com/api/packages/export/<manifest_id>' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Response


# Import a package into a folder

Import a package (zip file) into a folder.


When you provide an API client with privileges to this endpoint, it also grants the ability to create or update other assets like recipes, lookup tables, Event topics, and message templates through importing packages.

POST /api/packages/import/:id

This is an asynchronous request. Use GET package by ID endpoint to get details of the imported the package.

The input (zip file) is a application/octet-stream payload containing package content. URL parameter restart_recipes must be true if the running recipes need to be restarted upon import.

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Folder ID.
restart_recipes boolean
Value must be true to allow the restarting of running recipes during import.
Packages cannot be imported if there are running recipes and this parameter equals false or is not provided.

# Sample request

curl  -X POST 'https://www.workato.com/api/packages/import/<folder_id>?restart_recipes=true' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' \
      --data-binary @'path/to/local/file.zip'

# Response


# Get package by ID

Get details of an imported or exported package.

GET /api/packages/:id

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Package ID.

# Sample request

curl  -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/packages/<package_id>' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Response

  • This shows the response from the retrieval of a completed export manifest.
  • This shows the response from the retrieval of a failed export manifest
  • This shows the response from the retrieval of a completed import.


For any completed import, it is important to also check each recipe's import_result. Learn more about the possible import_result values.

            "id": 12345,
            "import_result": "no_update_or_update_without_restart"
            "id": 12346,
            "import_result": "restarted"
            "id": 12347,
            "import_result": "stopped"
  • This shows the response from the retrieval of a failed import.


For any failed import, not all recipes may be returned in recipe_status as they may not have been updated before the import failed. Learn more about the possible import_result values..

            "id": 12345,
            "import_result": "no_update_or_update_without_restart"
            "id": 12346,
            "import_result": "restarted"
            "id": 12347,
            "import_result": "stopped"

# Recipe import_result values

There are a total of six possible results:

  • no_update_or_update_without_restart

  • Indicates no restart was needed for the recipe. Either recipe could be updated without it or no update was made. Successful import

  • not_found

  • Unexpected error when recipe cannot be found. Should not often be seen. Import has failed with no update to recipe.

  • stop_failed

  • For recipes that need to be restarted, we attempt to stop the recipe. This state indicates we could not stop the recipe. Import has failed with no update to recipe.

  • stopped

  • Workato stopped the recipe but recipe was not restarted due to errors in the recipe. Import has failed with recipe updated but not restarted

  • restart_failed

  • Workato attempted to restart recipe but failed to do so. Import has failed with recipe updated but not restarted

  • restarted

  • Workato successfully restarted recipe after update. Successful import

# Download package

Downloads a package.

GET /api/packages/:id/download

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
id string
Package ID.

# Sample request

curl  -L -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/packages/<package_id>/download' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

Follow redirects in cURL

Use the -L flag to follow redirect paths.

# Response

If successful, you will be redirected to the package content. Returns 404 if package not found or doesn't have content.

Last updated: 7/31/2024, 5:26:11 PM