# Adaptive card blocks for Microsoft Teams

Adaptive cards (opens new window) are customizable cards that can contain any combination of text, speech, images, buttons, and input fields.

With Adaptive card blocks, you can build simple or rich messages by customizing the order and appearance of each block, including elements within them.

Blocks can be used in the following Microsoft Teams surfaces:

Surface Applicable actions
Messages Post message
Post reply

# Supported blocks

Supported blocks are displayed in the table below.

Blocks Description
Text block Displays Header, Subheader or Body text. To fully customize text styles, choose Custom. Supports markdown.
You can also mention users, in that case their names will be displayed in red color like shown below.

Example text block

Recipe view
Image block Displays an image using a provided public URL. You can control the Image size and Image horizontal alignment.

Example image block

Recipe view
Text with thumbnail Displays text alongside an image thumbnail. Both header text and block text are optional, but at least 1 must be filled. Order can be changed.

Example text with thumbnail block

Recipe view
Text with button Displays text alongside a button to the right. A button can either invoke a command or open a URL. Order cannot be changed.

Example text block

Recipe view
Text with button & thumbnail Displays a thumbnail, text and button in a single row. Both header text & block text are optional, but at least 1 must be filled. Order cannot be changed.

Example of a Text with button & thumbnail in a repeat block group

Recipe view
Fact set Displays name-value pairs in 2 columns.

Example fact set block

Recipe view
Repeat block group This special block type is only available only Workato. The repeat block group allows you to define a set of blocks to use as a pattern. By iterating through a list and mapping the list items to the blocks in the pattern, the pattern can be repeated for each item in the list.

For example, display a different icon, details, and button for each category your bot can assist with.

Example of a Text with button & thumbnail in a repeat block group

Recipe view
Text input Displays a single-line or multi-line text area for users to enter text input.

On button submit, the text input is passed via the text input parameter.

Example text input

Recipe view
Choice set Displays radio button options, or dropdown menu options.

Example choice set

Recipe view
Toggle input Displays a single checkbox that passes true or false when checked and unchecked respectively.

On submission, true or false is passed via the toggle input parameter.

Example toggle input

Recipe view
Date input Displays a date picker.

On submission, the date picker is passed via a date parameter. You can customize the name of this date parameter.

Example date input

Recipe view
Actions set A block that can contain bot command buttons, URL buttons, or showcards. At least one bot command button is required if input blocks are present in your message. This is so that these parameters can be passed onto the downstream bot recipe on button submissions. Any bot command button will pass all input parameter values present in its containing message, regardless of the position of the button in the message.

Example action set with button and show card

Recipe view
Column set Built for advanced users who want full customizability of their message. Each column set can hold multiple columns, occupying the entire row in the message. Each column can contain text blocks, image blocks, fact sets, or actions. Columns grow from left to right, based on the order they are in inside the column set.

Anatomy of a column set

Example column set

Recipe view

To see how column sets, columns, and column items can be arranged to form a message, head over to Microsoft's Adaptive Cards Designer.

# Recommendations

# Use Column Set and Column blocks to fully customize message structure

You have limited control over content styles for the Workato-only templates:

  • Text with thumbnail
  • Text with button
  • Text with button & thumbnail

To fully customize message structure, use Column Set and Column blocks.

# Fix your columns

Technically, you can build columns dynamically. However, it can get out of control quickly because Workato does not set hard limits on the number of columns you can include. Microsoft Teams doesn't outright reject messages exceeding its rendering frame, but their appearance might be compromised.

We highly recommend an approach where you have a fixed set of columns and then build dynamic (or static) content inside the columns.

# Limitations

# Repeat blocks and Input blocks

  • Repeat blocks and input blocks are not available inside columns
  • Repeat blocks are not available within repeat blocks
  • Column sets are not available inside columns

Last updated: 2/28/2024, 11:02:12 PM