# Scheduled entry search trigger (Batch)

The Scheduled entry search batch trigger searches Active Directory entries on a schedule you specify. The trigger retrieves a list of entries matching the criteria you specify and processes them batches.

# Input fields

Input field Description
Sample entry DN Specify the distinguished name (DN) of a reference entry. The trigger uses this entry’s attributes as a template to define sub-fields in the Search by field and retrieve values from matching entries.
Trigger on Select whether to search at a Specific interval or Specific date/time.
Entry search filter Enter LDAP filters (opens new window) to define search conditions. For example, enter (ou=Dev)(objectClass=Person) to retrieve only Person entries from the Dev organization unit.
Batch size Specify the number of entries to process in each batch. The default value is 100 and the maximum is 1,000.
Limit Enter the maximum number of entries you plan to retrieve each trigger event. The maximum value is 1,000.
Search by Enter values for each attribute you plan to filter by. Only entries that match all the provided values are processed. This field includes sub-fields for each attribute of the reference entry.


The recipe editor generates additional input fields based on your Trigger on selection. Use these fields to specify the trigger schedule.

# Output fields

Input field Description
Entries A list of retrieved entries and their values for attributes defined by the reference entry.
First batch Indicates whether the current batch is the first batch.
Last batch Indicates whether the current batch is the last batch.

Last updated: 12/19/2024, 6:02:19 PM