# Bamboo HR - List time off requests action
This action lists all time off requests occurring between two specified dates. More filters can be specified to further narrow down the result.
# Input
List time off requests action
Input field | Description |
Start date required | The start date of the time off. Select date or type it in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
End date required | The end date of the time off. Select date or type it in YYYY-MM-DD format. |
Request ID | Specify a request ID to narrow the result to just this particular request. |
Employee ID | Specify an employee ID to narrow the result to just requests from this particular employee. |
Type | Select the type(s) of time off to narrow the result to, or input ID of each of them manually separated by comma. |
Status | Select the status(es) of time off to narrow the result to, or input each of them manually separated by comma. |
# Output
The output of this action is a list of time off request objects, including the List size and List index. For more information on the structure of the time off request object, check out the BambooHR documentation (opens new window).
Last updated: 2/3/2023, 2:36:33 AM