# On-prem files - New file in folder trigger

The New file in folder trigger monitors an on-premises folder for new files. Each file is processed as a separate job.

The trigger picks up all existing files in the folder when you start the recipe for the first time. Only newly added files are processed on subsequent runs. The trigger renames the file by appending processing to its filename to prevent duplicate processing.

Trigger renames files when processingTrigger renames files when processing

This trigger requires an on-prem agent (version 2.4.2 or newer) and supports streaming for transferring large files.

# Input

Input field Description
Trigger poll interval Define how frequently the recipe checks for new files. Defaults to 5 minutes if left blank. The minimum value is 5 minutes.
Trigger on Choose between Trigger at a specific interval or Trigger at a specific date/time.
Schedule settings Expand this field to configure schedule options.
Every Define how frequently the recipe checks for new files. The minimum is 5 minutes. The maximum is 30 days. Available when Trigger at a specific interval is selected.
When first started, this recipe should pick up files from Specifies the date and time when the recipe begins detecting new files. You can't change this value after running or testing the recipe. Available when Trigger at a specific interval is selected.
Time zone Select the applicable time zone. Available when Trigger at a specific date/time is selected.
Hour Define the hour (24-hour format) to check for new files daily. For example, enter 11 for 11 AM or 23 for 11 PM. Available when Trigger at a specific date/time is selected.
Minute Specify the minutes past the hour for file checks. Available when Trigger at a specific date/time is selected.
Sunday – Saturday Select Yes to run the recipe on specific days of the week. Available when Trigger at a specific date/time is selected.
Folder settings Expand this field to configure folder monitoring options.
Folder Select the on-prem folder to monitor for new files.
Include files in sub-folders? Select Yes to also process files from sub-folders.
Filter files by naming pattern Enter a naming pattern. Only files matching the specified pattern will be processed.
File encoding Define the file encoding. Select Auto-Detect to recognize encoding based on file content.
Chunk size (KB) Define the chunk size for streaming file contents. Defaults to 256 KB if left blank. The minimum is 32 KB. The maximum is 10,240 KB.

# How can I ignore older files?

The When first started, this recipe should pick up files from field does not filter files by creation date. The recipe picks up all files in the folder on the first run regardless of the file creation or modification date.

You can exclude older files by using a naming pattern filter or by moving older files to a different folder before starting the recipe.

# Output

The output includes file metadata and file contents.

Output field Description
File path (original) The file path before the trigger processed the file. For example, C:/Program Files/sales_report.pdf.
File name (original) The file name before processing. For example, sales_report.pdf.
File path (processed) The file path after the trigger processed and renamed the file by appending .processing. For example, C:/Program Files/sales_report.pdf.1526632883663.processing.
File name (processed) The file name after processing, with .processing appended. For example, sales_report.pdf.1526632883663.processing.
File contents The contents of the file, which can be used in other actions. For example, you can use this datapill to upload the file to another app.
File size (bytes) The size of the file in bytes.
Created time The timestamp when the file was created.
Last modified time The timestamp when the file was last modified.

Last updated: 2/10/2025, 4:33:35 PM