# Recipe Functions - Call Recipe Synchronously

This action calls a Recipe function and waits for the response before proceeding to the next step in the recipe.

# Requirements

To use this action, you need a Recipe function. This is a recipe that uses the Recipe functions - New function call trigger and can be called from other recipes.

# Limitations

When using this action, note that:

  • This action is subject to a timeout limit. If the timeout limit is exceeded, the job will fail. You can reduce the likelihood of timeout errors by calling the recipe function asynchronously.
  • This action can cause "job out of order" behavior. Although it is not a long action, it can cause jobs to process out of order. This occurs when multiple recipe functions are invoked within a parent recipe. For more information on this behavior when using concurrency, refer to the concurrency documentation.

# Input

Field Description
Recipe function Select from a list of Recipe functions in your workspace.
Recipe input The fields defined in the selected Recipe function's Input schema.
Connection overrides Applicable only if the Runtime user connections setting is enabled in the selected Recipe function.

Specify the name or ID of the connection to use when the recipe is run. Learn more.

# Output

Field Description
Job ID The ID of the created job.
Job URL The URL of the created job.
Result The Recipe function's Response schema configuration.

# Resources

Last updated: 7/25/2024, 9:01:03 PM