# Recipe Functions - New Call For Function Trigger

This trigger allows you to build a recipe that can be called from another recipe. When naming the recipe, keep in mind that the recipe name is what displays in the Recipe function menu of the Call recipe synchronously and asynchronously actions.

Note: This trigger partially replaces the Callable Recipes - New call for recipe trigger. Use the API platform - New API request trigger to trigger recipes based on API requests.

# Input

Field Description
Parameters schema Defines the schema of the input the recipe expects.
Result schema Defines the schema of the recipe's response.

Looking to test out this trigger? Check out manually testing triggers in the Testing recipes guide for more info.

# Output

Field Description
Context Details about the job and recipe that triggered this recipe.

This field has some additional sub-fields:
Field Description
Calling job ID The ID of the job that triggered this recipe.
Calling recipe ID The ID of the recipe that called this recipe.
Parameters The schema provided in the Parameters schema section.

# Resources

Last updated: 3/8/2022, 9:39:51 PM