# SAP Action - Send IDoc

Action Send IDoc

This action allows you to send IDoc to an on-premise SAP system, or to an SAP system on a server behind the corporate firewall. You must configure IDocs in your SAP system before using this action.

# Input fields

Field name Description
IDoc name The IDoc to send. You can select an IDoc name from the picklist or enter IDoc name directly. The picklist only displays IDocs that are configured in the partner profile in your SAP system.
Wait for SAP to process the IDoc? IDoc is processed asynchronously in SAP. So you can configure the recipe to wait for the processing to finish before moving on to the next recipe step.
Check IDoc status every This field will appear if Wait for SAP to process the IDoc is set to Yes. Select how often Workato should call SAP. This is useful when you want to control the workload of your SAP system.

After IDoc is selected, you can select IDoc input segments and fields. In this example, E1MARAM and EDI_DC40 are selected.

IDoc input segment 1

IDoc input segment 2

# Default IDoc parameters

Workato provides the following default values for EDI_DC40 segments. Beginning with OPA version 22.2, providing values for the following attributes in EDI_DC40 segments overrides the default values. Other fields in the EDI_DC40 segment are empty by default.

Field Name Description OPA V22.1 and prior OPA V22.2 and above Default value
SNDPRT Partner type of sender Cannot be overridden Can be overridden LS indicates Logical System.
SNDPOR Sender port Cannot be overridden Can be overridden The ALE port definition based on the current connection.
SNDPRN Partner number of sender Cannot be overridden Can be overridden The partner number defined in the distribution model based on the current connection.
RCVPRT Partner type of receiver Cannot be overridden Can be overridden LS indicates Logical System.
RCVPOR Receiver port Cannot be overridden Can be overridden SAP plus systemName. System name is determined by the current connection to the SAP server: host/user/password, and prefixed with SAP. For example, if the systemName is XYZ, the ReceiverPort is SAPXYZ.
RCVPRN Partner number of receiver Cannot be overridden Can be overridden The SAP server's partner number.
ARCKEY Key for external message archive Can be overridden Can be overridden Unique submission ID which enables Workato to track IDoc status. If overridden, checking for IDoc status in the "Send IDoc" action and "Check IDoc Status" actions will not work. We recommend that you leave this field blank.
MANDT Client Can be overridden Can be overridden The value of the user_logon.client provided in the current connection.
DIRECT Direction of communication Can be overridden Can be overridden 1 indicates Outbound communication. We recommend that you leave this field blank.
OUTMOD Output mode Can be overridden Can be overridden 2 indicates the output mode in the sender application.
MESTYP Message type Can be overridden Can be overridden The selected IDoc message type based on the IDoc you select. For example, if you select the IDoc ORDERS.ORDERS05.ZORDERS, the message type is ORDERS.
IDOCTYP Basic IDoc type Can be overridden Can be overridden The selected IDoc basic type based on the IDoc you select. For example, if you select the IDoc ORDERS.ORDERS05.ZORDERS, the basic type is ORDERS05.
CIMTYP Extension type Can be overridden Can be overridden The selected IDoc basic type based on the IDoc you select. For example, if you select the IDoc ORDERS.ORDERS05.ZORDERS, the extension type is ZORDERS. If no extension is selected, then this field is empty.

# Output fields

Field name Description
IDoc number SAP assigns this IDoc number after receiving the IDoc.
Status Status of the IDoc after being received by SAP.
Status code Status code of the IDoc after being received by SAP.
Status description Status description of the IDoc after being received by SAP.
Submission ID When Workato sends an IDoc to SAP, we will attach a Submission ID to that IDoc. You can use that ID to check for IDoc status using action Check IDoc Status.
Detail Long text of the IDoc after being received by SAP. (OPA v27 and above required to populate value for this field)

Last updated: 3/4/2025, 12:47:23 PM