# String formulas
In Ruby, strings refer to sequences of text and characters.
Workato supports a variety of string formulas. Formulas in Workato are allowlisted Ruby methods, and therefore not all Ruby methods are supported. You can always reach out to us to add additional formulas to the allowlist. Syntax and functionality for these formulas are generally unchanged. Most formulas return an error and stop the job if the formula operates on nulls (expressed as nil
in Ruby), except for present?
, presence
and blank?
Refer to the complete Ruby documentation for strings (opens new window) for more information.
The following examples show methods that can be used to manipulate a string in Workato.
# Conditionals
This section will cover formulas which allow you to apply conditions (if-else) to your strings. Find out more about how to use conditionals here.
# blank?
This formula checks the input string and returns true if it is an empty string or if it is null.
# Syntax
- Input - An input datapill. It can be a string, number, date, or datetime datatype.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Any Value".blank? | false |
123.blank? | false |
0.blank? | false |
"".blank? | true |
# How it works
If the input is null or an empty string, the formula will return true. For any other data, it returns false.
# See also
- presence: Returns the data if it exists, returns nil if it does not.
- present?: Returns true if there is a valid input.
# is_not_true?
Evaluates a boolean value and returns true if the evaluated value is not true.
# Syntax
- Input - An input boolean, an integer (
), or an accepted string value.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
true.is_not_true? | false |
false.is_not_true? | true |
0.is_not_true? | true |
nil.is_not_true? | true |
# How it works
Takes in an input and evaluates if it is true or false.
String values
, "t"
, "yes"
, and "1"
are evaluated as a boolean true.
, "f"
, "no"
, and "0"
are evaluated as a boolean false.
However, an empty string (""
) is not evaluated as a boolean. This formula will display an error if used on a string datatype.
# See also
- is_true: Evaluates a boolean value and returns true if the evaluated value is true.
# is_true?
Evaluates a boolean value and returns true if the evaluated value is true.
# Syntax
- Input - An input boolean, an integer (
), or an accepted string value.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
true.is_true? | true |
false.is_true? | false |
0.is_true? | false |
nil.is_true? | false |
# How it works
Takes in an input and evaluates if it is true or false.
String values
, "t"
, "yes"
, and "1"
are evaluated as a boolean true.
, "f"
, "no"
, and "0"
are evaluated as a boolean false.
However, an empty string (""
) is not evaluated as a boolean. This formula will display an error if used on a string datatype.
# See also
- is_not_true: Evaluates a boolean value and returns true if the evaluated value is not true.
# present?
This formula will check the input and if there is a value present, it will return true. If the input is nil, boolean false, an empty string, or an empty list, the formula will return false.
# Syntax
- Input - An input datapill. It can be a string, number, date, or list datatype.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Any Value".present? | true |
123.present? | true |
0.present? | true |
"2017-04-02T12:30:00.000000-07:00".present? | true |
nil.present? | false |
"".present? | false |
[].present? | false |
# How it works
If the input is null, an empty string or an empty list, the formula will return false. For any other data, it returns true.
Evaluating a list with nil values
- Only an empty list will return false.
[].present? returns false.
- A list with nil and empty string will return true.
[nil,""].present? returns true.
# See also
- presence: Returns the data if it exists, returns nil if it does not.
- blank?: Returns nil if the data does not exist or if the string consist of only white spaces.
# presence
Returns the data if it exists, returns nil if it does not.
# Syntax
- Input - An input datapill. It can be a string, number, date, or datetime datatype.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
nil.presence | nil |
"".presence | nil |
"Any Value".presence | "Any Value" |
45.0.presence | 45.0 |
0.presence | 0 |
# How it works
If the input is null or an empty string, the formula will return nil. For any other data, it returns the original input data.
# See also
- blank?: Returns nil if the data does not exist or if the string consist of only white spaces.
- present?: Returns true if there is a valid input.
# include?
Checks if the string contains a specific substring. Returns true if it does.
# Syntax
- Input - A string input.
- substring - The substring to check for.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Partner account".include?("Partner") | true |
"Partner account".include?("partner") | false |
# How it works
This formula checks if the string contains a specific substring. The formula returns true if the string includes the substring and false if does not. The substring is case sensitive.
This formula acts in the opposite manner from exclude?. The formula returns true only if the input string contains the stated keyword.
# See also
- exclude?: Checks if the string contains a specific substring. Returns false if it does.
# exclude?
Checks if the string contains a specific substring. Returns false if it does.
# Syntax
- Input - A string input.
- substring - The substring to check for.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Partner account".exclude?("Partner") | false |
"Partner account".exclude?("partner") | true |
# How it works
This formula check is the string contains a specific substring. Returns false if it does, otherwise, returns true. This substring is case sensitive.
This function acts in an opposite manner from include?. It will return true only if the input string does NOT contain the stated keyword.
# See also
- include?: Checks if the string contains a specific substring. Returns true if it does.
# match?
Checks if the string contains a specific regular expression (regex) pattern. Returns true if it does.
# Syntax
- Input - A string input.
- pattern - The regex pattern to check for.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Jean Marie".match?(/Marie/) | true |
"Jean Marie".match?(/ /) | true |
"Partner account".match?(/partner/) | false |
# How it works
This formula checks if the string contains a specific regex pattern. Returns true if it does, otherwise, returns false.
# See also
- include?: Checks if the string contains a specific substring. Returns true if it does.
- exclude?: Checks if the string contains a specific substring. Returns false if it does.
# ends_with?
Checks if the string ends with a specific substring. Returns true if it does.
# Syntax
- Input - A string input.
- substring - The substring to check for.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Jean Marie".ends_with?("rie") | true |
"Jean Marie".ends_with?("RIE") | false |
"Jean Marie".upcase.ends_with?("RIE") | true |
# How it works
This formula check is the string ends with a specific substring. Returns true if it does, otherwise, returns false.
# See also
- include?: Checks if the string contains a specific substring. Returns true if it does.
- exclude?: Checks if the string contains a specific substring. Returns false if it does.
- match?: Checks if the string contains a specific pattern. Returns true if it does.
- starts_with?: Checks if the string starts with a specific substring. Returns true if it does.
# starts_with?
Checks if the string starts with a specific substring. Returns true if it does.
# Syntax
- Input - A string input.
- substring - The substring to check for.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Jean Marie".starts_with?("Jean") | true |
"Jean Marie".starts_with?("JEAN") | false |
"Jean Marie".upcase.starts_with?("JEAN") | true |
# How it works
This formula check is the string starts with a specific substring. Returns true if it does, otherwise, returns false.
# See also
- include?: Checks if the string contains a specific substring. Returns true if it does.
- exclude?: Checks if the string contains a specific substring. Returns false if it does.
- match?: Checks if the string contains a specific pattern. Returns true if it does.
- ends_with?: Checks if the string ends with a specific substring. Returns true if it does.
# Text manipulation
This section contains formulas which allow you to manipulate text within strings.
# parameterize
Replaces special characters in a string with standard characters. Used when app does not accept non-standard characters.
# Syntax
- Input - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"öüâ".parameterize | "oua" |
# How it works
This formula searches for all special characters in the string and replaces them with standard characters.
# lstrip
This formula removes the white space at the beginning of the input string.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
" Test ".lstrip | "Test " |
# How it works
This formula removes white spaces from the beginning of a string. If the string doesn't have any white spaces before, the input string will be returned as is.
# See also
- strip: Removes the white space at the beginning and the end of the input string.
- rstrip: Removes the white space at the end of the input string.
- gsub: Replace parts of a text string. Returns a new string with the replaced characters.
# rstrip
This formula removes the white space at the end of the input string.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
" Test ".rstrip | " Test" |
# How it works
This formula removes white spaces from the end of a string. If the string doesn't have any white spaces at the end, the input string will be returned as is.
# See also
- strip: Removes the white space at the beginning and the end of the input string.
- lstrip: Removes the white space at the beginning of the input string.
- gsub: Replace parts of a text string. Returns a new string with the replaced characters.
# scrub
If the string is an invalid byte sequence, the formula replaces the invalid bytes with a replacement character. If the string is not invalid, the formula returns the original string.
# Syntax
String.scrub(replacement string)
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"abc\u3042\x81".scrub("*") | "abc\u3042*" |
# strip
This formula removes the white space at the beginning and end of the input string.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Welcome to the future of automation! ".strip | "Welcome to the future of automation!" |
" This is an example ".strip | "This is an example" |
# How it works
This formula removes white spaces from both sides of a string. If the string doesn't have any white spaces on either side, the input string will be returned as is.
# See also
- lstrip: Removes the white space at the beginning of the input string.
- rstrip: Removes the white space at the end of the input string.
- gsub: Replace parts of a text string. Returns a new string with the replaced characters.
# strip_tags
This formula removes HTML tags embedded in a string.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"<p>Jean Marie</p>"..strip_tags | "Jean Marie" |
# How it works
This formula checks for HTML tags within the input string. It removes any HTML tags found and returns the string.
# See also
- strip: Removes the white space at the beginning and the end of the input string.
# ljust
Aligns the string to left and pads it with whitespace or the provided character/string until the string is a specified length.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
- length - The length of the output string.
- character - (optional) The character or string used to pad the input string. If unspecified, the default pad character is a blank space.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"test".ljust(5) | "test " |
"test".ljust(10, "*") | "test******" |
"test".ljust(9, "12345") | "test12345" |
# See also
- rjust: Aligns the string to right and pads with whitespace or the provided string until string is specified length.
# rjust
Aligns the string to left and pads it with whitespace or a provided character/string until string is a specified length.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
- length - The length of the output string.
- character - (optional) The character or string padding the input string. If unspecified, the default pad character is a blank space.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"test".rjust(5) | " test" |
"test".rjust(10, "*") | "******test" |
"test".rjust(9, "12345") | "12345test" |
# See also
- ljust: Aligns the string to left and pads it with whitespace or the provided string until string is a specified length.
# reverse
Inverts a string, reordering the characters in reverse order. Case is preserved.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Jean Marie".reverse | "eiraM naeJ" |
" jean marie ".reverse | " eiram naej " |
# gsub
Replace parts of a text string. Returns a new string with the replaced characters.
# Syntax
- String - An input string. You can use a datapill or a static string value.
- find - The string or regular expression (regex) to look for. Use a
syntax for regex. - replace - The replacement string. You can define the replacement using a string or hash.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"I have a blue house and a blue car".gsub("blue", "red") | "I have a red house and a red car" |
"Jean Marie".gsub("J", "M") | "Mean Marie" |
"Jean Marie".gsub(/[Jr]/, 'M') | "Mean MaMie" |
"Jean Marie".downcase.gsub("j", "M") | "Mean marie" |
# Advance sample usage
Learn more about advanced usage for the gsub
method from the Ruby documentation (opens new window)
Formula | Result |
"Awesome".gsub(/[Ae]/, 'A'=>'E', 'e'=>'a') | "Ewasoma" |
"Anna's Cafe".gsub("'", "\\'") | "Annas Cafes Cafe" This replaces the quotation symbol with text after the breakpoint. |
"Anna's Cafe".gsub("'", {"'"=>"\\'"}) | "Anna\\'s Cafe" This replace the quotation symbol with a replacement string. |
# How it works
This formula is similar to find and replace. It takes two input parameters:
- First input: The string that you plan to replace. The input is case-sensitive, so make sure to input uppercase or lowercase correctly to find all occurrences that are an exact match.
- Second input: The new string that replaces all occurrences of the first input.
# See also
- sub: Replaces the first occurrence of a search term.
# sub
Replaces the first occurrence of the first input value, with the second input value, within the string. This formula is case-sensitive - make sure to type in uppercase or lowercase before comparison if you are concerned about case sensitivity.
# Syntax
- String - An input string. You can use a datapill or a static string value.
- find - The string or regular expression (regex) to look for. Use a
syntax for regex. - replace - The replacement string. You can define the replacement using a string or hash.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Mean Marie".sub(/M/, "J") | "Jean Marie" |
"Hello".sub(/[aeiou]/, "*") | "H*llo" |
# length
Returns the number of characters within an input string, including whitespaces.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Jean Marie".length | 10 |
" jean marie ".length | 12 |
# slice
Returns a partial segment of a string.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
- start - The index of the string to start returning a partial segment at. Strings are zero-indexed.
- end - (optional) The number of characters to return. If unspecified, the formula will return only one character.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Jean Marie".slice(0,3) | "Jea" |
"Jean Marie".slice(5) | "M" |
"Jean Marie".slice(3,3) | "n M" |
"Jean Marie".slice(-5,5) | "Marie" |
# How it works
The formula returns a partial segment of a string. It takes in two parameters - the first parameter is the index that decides which part of the string to start returning from. The first letter of a string corresponds to an index of 0. Negative numbers start from the last character, so an index of -1 is the last character in the string. The second parameter decides how many characters to return. If you only pass in the first parameter, one character is returned.
# scan
Scan the string for the regex pattern to retrieve and returns an array.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
- regex pattern - The regex pattern to search for.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Thu, 01/23/2014".scan(/\d+/) | ["01","23","2014"] |
"Thu, 01/23/2014".scan(/\d+/).join("-") | "01-23-2014" |
# encode
Returns the string encoded.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
- encoding - Name of the encoding (for example, Windows-1252). Learn more about ruby encodings here (opens new window).
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Jean Marie" .encode("Windows-1252") | "Jean Marie" |
"Olé!" .encode("UTF-8") | "Olé!" |
"Olé" .encode("ASCII") | "Error calculating input: U+00E9 from UTF-8 to US-ASCII" |
# transliterate
Replaces non-ASCII characters with an ASCII approximation. If no approximation exists, it uses a replacement character which defaults to '?'.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Chloé".transliterate | "Chloe" |
- parameterize: Replaces special characters in a string.
# Text case manipulation
This section covers formulas which allow you to change the case of certain parts of a word.
# capitalize
Converts the input string into sentence case, where the first character of the string is capitalized and all other characters are lowercase.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"ticket opened. Gold SLA".capitalize | "Ticket opened. gold sla" |
"jean MARIE".capitalize | "Jean marie" |
# titleize
Converts the input string into title case, where the first character of each word is capitalized and all other characters are lowercase.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"ticket opened. Gold SLA".titleize | "Ticket Opened. Gold Sla" |
"jean MARIE".titleize | "Jean Marie" |
# upcase
Convert text to uppercase.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Automation at its FINEST!".upcase | "AUTOMATION AT ITS FINEST!" |
"Convert to UPCASE".upcase | "CONVERT TO UPCASE" |
# How it works
This formula searches for any lowercase character and replace it with the uppercase characters.
Search formulas like (gsub or sub) use case sensitive characters. Use the upcase
formula to ensure that all characters are in the same case before searching.
# See also
- downcase: Convert text to lowercase.
- capitalize: Convert text to sentence case.
- titleize: Convert text to title case.
# downcase
Convert text to lowercase.
Video tutorial: Downcase formula use case
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Automation at its FINEST!".downcase | "automation at its finest!" |
"Convert to DOWNCASE".downcase | "convert to downcase" |
# How it works
This formula searches for any uppercase character and replace it with the lowercase characters.
Search formulas like (gsub or sub) use case sensitive characters. Use the downcase
formula to ensure that all characters are in the same case before searching.
# See also
- upcase: Convert text to uppercase.
- capitalize: Convert text to sentencecase.
- titleize: Convert text to titlecase.
# quote
Quotes a string, escaping any ' (single quote) characters
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Paula's Baked Goods".quote | "Paula's Baked Goods" |
# Converting to arrays and back
This section shows how you can manipulate strings into arrays.
# split
This formula divides a string around a specified character and returns an array of strings.
Watch a step-by-step video tutorial instead
# Syntax
- String - An input string value. You can use a datapill or a static value.
- char - (optional) The character to split the text at. This is case sensitive. If no character is defined, then by default, strings are split by white spaces.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Ms-Jean-Marie".split("-") | ["Ms", "Jean", "Marie"] |
"Ms Jean Marie".split | ["Ms", "Jean", "Marie"] |
"Split string".split() | ["Split", "string"] |
"Split string".split("t") | ["Split", " s", "ring"] |
"01/23/2014".split("/") | ["01", "23", "2014"] |
"01/23/2014".split("/").join("-") | "01-23-2014" |
# How it works
This formula looks for the specified character in the input string. Every time it is found, the input will be split into a new string.
Split characters
You can use a string of characters together as the split argument (for example, "and"
"You and Me".split("and"
) returns ["You","Me"]
# See also
- strip: Removes white space around the input string.
- slice: Returns a partial segment of a string.
- match: Checks the input string for a particular pattern.
- join: Combines list items into a string.
# bytes
Returns an array of bytes for a given string.
# Syntax
- String - An input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Hello".bytes | ["72", "101", "108", "108", "111"] |
# bytesize
Returns the length of a given string in bytes.
# Syntax
- Input - Any input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"Hello".bytesize | 5 |
# byteslice
Returns a substring of specified bytes instead of length. In some cases, non ASCII characters such as Japanese or Chinese may use multiple bytes.
# Syntax
- Input - Any input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"hello".byteslice(1) | e |
"hello".byteslice(-1) | o |
"hello".byteslice(1,2) | el |
"abc漢字".byteslice(0,4) | abc漢 |
# Conversion formulas
# Conversion of other data types to strings
# to_s
Converts non-string data types such as numbers or dates to a string (text) datatype.
Video tutorial: to_s formula use case
# Syntax
- Input - Any input data. You can use number, array, object, or datetime datatypes.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
-45.67.to_s | "-45.67" |
"123".to_s | "123" |
[1, 2, 3].to_s | "[1, 2, 3]" |
{key: "Workato"}.to_s | "{:key=>"Workato"}" |
"2020-06-05T17:13:27.000000-07:00".to_s | "2020-06-05T17:13:27.000000-07:00" |
"2020-06-05T17:13:27.000000-07:00".to_s(:short) | "05 Jun 17:13" |
"2020-06-05T17:13:27.000000-07:00".to_s(:long) | "June 05, 2020 17:13" |
# How it works
This formula returns a string representation of the input data.
A string representation of a list cannot be used in a repeat step.
# See also
- to_f: Converts data to a float (number) datatype.
- to_i: Converts data to an integer (whole number) datatype.
# ordinalize
Turns a number into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an ordered sequence, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.
# Syntax
- Input - Any input number.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
1.ordinalize | "1st" |
2.ordinalize | "2nd" |
3.ordinalize | "3rd" |
1003.ordinalize | "1003rd" |
-3.ordinalize | "-3rd" |
# Conversion of strings to other data types
# to_f
Converts data to a float (number) datatype.
# Syntax
- Input - Numerical input data. You can use a string datatype or a integer datatype.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
45.to_f | 45.0 |
-45.to_f | -45.0 |
"45.67".to_f | 45.67 |
"Workato".to_f | 0 |
# How it works
This formula checks if the input contains any numbers. If no numbers are found, it returns 0. If the number does not have a decimal point, .0
is added to the number.
# See also
- to_i: Convert data to an integer (whole number) datatype.
# to_i
Converts data to an integer (whole number) datatype.
# Syntax
- Input - Numerical input data. You can use a string datatype or a float datatype.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
45.43.to_i | 45 |
-45.43.to_i | -45 |
"123".to_i | 123 |
"Workato".to_i | 0 |
# How it works
This formula checks if the input contains any numbers. If no numbers are found, it returns 0. If the number has a decimal point, everything after the decimal is omitted.
You can use this formula to check if a string contains an integer. If the input does not contain any numbers, the formula returns 0
# See also
- to_f: Converts data to a float (number) datatype.
# to_country_alpha2
Convert an alpha-3 country code or country name to an alpha-2 country code (first 2 initials).
# Syntax
- Input - Any input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"GBR".to_country_alpha2 | "GB" |
"United Kingdom".to_country_alpha2 | "GB" |
# to_country_alpha3
Convert alpha-2 country code or country name to an alpha-3 country code (first 3 initials).
# Syntax
- Input - Any input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"GB".to_country_alpha3 | "GBR" |
"United Kingdom".to_country_alpha3 | "GBR" |
# to_country_name
Convert alpha-2, alpha-3 country code, or country name to ISO3166 country name.
# Syntax
- Input - Any input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"GBR".to_country_name | "United Kingdom" |
"GB".to_country_name | "United Kingdom" |
# to_currency
Formats integers or numbers to a currency-style, adding a default currency symbol at the start of the string.
# Syntax
- Input - Any input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Description | Result |
"345.60".to_currency | Adds default currency symbol "$" | "$345.60" |
# Advanced sample usage
Learn more about advanced use of the to_currency formula. A comma-separated combination of these may be used to achieve the desired currency format. For example:
"12345.678".to_currency(delimiter: ".", format: "%n %u", precision: 2, separator: ",", unit: "€")
Formula | Description | Result |
"345.60".to_currency(unit: "€") | Changes the default currency unit | "€345.60" |
"345.60".to_currency(format: "%n %u") | Changes the position of the number relative to the unit (where the number is represented by %n and the currency unit is represented by %u ). Accepts 0 or 1 spaces in between. Defaults to "%u%n" . | "345.60 $" |
"-345.60".to_currency(negative_format: "(%u%n)") | Specifies the format when the number is negative (where the number is represented by %n and the currency unit is represented by %u ). | "($345.60)" |
"345.678".to_currency | Precision defaults to 2 decimal places | "$345.68" |
"345.678".to_currency(precision: 3) | Change the precision by specifying the number of decimal places | "$345.678" |
"345.678".to_currency(separator: ",") | Specify the decimal separator as ".", "," or " ". Defaults to ".". | "$345,68" |
"12345.678".to_currency(delimiter: ".") | Specify the thousands separator as ",", "." or " ". Defaults to ",". | "$12.345.68" |
# to_currency_code
Convert alpha-2, alpha-3 country code, or country name to ISO4217 currency code
# Syntax
- Input - Any input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"GBR".to_currency_code | "GBP" |
"US".to_currency_code | "USD" |
# to_currency_name
Convert alpha-3 currency code or alpha-2/3 country code or country name to ISO4217 currency name.
# Syntax
- Input - Any input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"GBR".to_currency_code | "Pound" |
"USD".to_currency_code | "Dollars" |
# to_currency_symbol
Convert alpha-3 currency code or alpha-2/3 country code or country name to ISO4217 currency symbol.
# Syntax
- Input - Any input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"GBR".to_currency_symbol | "£" |
"USD".to_currency_symbol | "$" |
# to_phone
Converts string or number to a formatted phone number (user-defined).
# Syntax
- Input - Any input string or number.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"5551234".to_phone | 555-1234 |
1235551234.to_phone | 123-555-1234 |
1235551234.to_phone(area_code: true) | (123) 555-1234 |
1235551234.to_phone(delimiter: " ") | 123 555 1234 |
1235551234.to_phone(area_code: true, extension: 555) | (123) 555-1234 x 555 |
1235551234.to_phone(country_code: 1) | +1-123-555-1234 |
"123a456".to_phone | 123a456 |
# to_state_code
Convert state name to code.
# Syntax
- Input - Any input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"California".to_state_code | CA |
# to_state_name
Convert state code to name.
# Syntax
- Input - Any input string.
# Sample usage
Formula | Result |
"CA".to_state_name | CALIFORNIA |
Last updated: 9/16/2024, 9:35:44 PM