# Embedded API


A Embedded account is required to use Embedded Partner APIs. Contact your Workato representative for more info.

Workato's Embedded Partner Platform APIs enable partners to programmatically create and manage customer accounts and assets, including recipes and connections.

# Base URL

The Embedded Partner APIs are a collection of endpoints for interacting with customer accounts, recipes, and more. Each endpoint contains the base URL and the resource path to the object.

The base URL of the endpoint depends on the data center (opens new window) you use. Here are the base URLs for each of Workato's data centers:

US Data Center
EU Data Center
JP Data Center
SG Data Center
AU Data Center

# Embedded APIs with Environments

The Embedded API structure allows you to precisely target each environment (Development, Test, and Production) when using the Environments feature for your customers.

# Standard access without Environments

The standard Embedded API allows you to interact with customers regardless of whether they have Environments provisioned. You must add the user_id directly to the endpoint: /api/managed_users/:user_id to interact with customers who do not have Environments provisioned.

# Targeted Environment access

The API enables targeted access to the Development, Test, and Production environments when interacting with customers who have Environments provisioned. Use the following endpoints based on your environment requirements:

  • Development: Access the development environment using /api/managed_users/:user_id_dev
  • Test: Access the test environment using /api/managed_users/:user_id_test
  • Production: Access the production environment using /api/managed_users/:user_id_prod

For guidance on targeting the correct environment, refer to the Embedded Environments APIs (opens new window) section in the Workato documentation.

# Authentication

To authenticate to the API, create an API Client in Workspace admin. Learn more.

# Provide API tokens as a bearer token

Provide your API client's API token in the request headers as a bearer token.

curl -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/19029/properties' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Supported Formats

Requests sent to the API should include Content-type: application/json in the header:

curl  -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/19029/properties?prefix=salesforce_sync.' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Responses are encoded using application/json; charset=utf-8.

# HTTP Response Codes

Name Description Sample reply
200 Success {"Success": true}
400 Bad request {"message": "Bad request"}
401 Unauthorized {"message": "Unauthorized"}
404 Not found {"message": "Not found"}
500 Server error {"message":"Server error","id":"3188c2d0-29a4-4080-908e-582e7ed82580"}

# Resources

# API platform

Type Resource Description
GET /api/managed_users/:id/
List API collections in a customer account.
POST /api/managed_users/:id/
Create API collection in a customer account.
GET /api/managed_users/:id/
List API endpoints in a collection.
PUT /api/managed_users/:id/
Enable an API endpoint in a collection.
PUT /api/managed_users/:id/
Disable an API endpoint in a collection.
GET /api/managed_users/:id/
List API clients in a customer account.
POST /api/managed_users/:id/
Create API client in a customer account.
GET /api/managed_users/:id/
List access profiles belonging to an API client in a customer account.
POST /api/managed_users/:id/
Create an access profile belonging to an API client in a customer account.
PUT /api/managed_users/:id/
Update an access profile belonging to an API client in a customer account.
PUT /api/managed_users/:id/
Enable an access profile belonging to an API client in a customer account.
PUT /api/managed_users/:id/
Disable an access profile belonging to an API client in a customer account.
PUT /api/managed_users/:id/
Refreshes access profile token or secret.

# Connections

Type Resource Description
GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/
Returns a list of connections in a customer account.
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/
Allows the Embedded vendor to add a shell connection in a customer account.
PUT /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/
Updates a connection in a customer account.
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/
Disconnects a connection in a customer account.
DELETE /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/
Deletes a disconnected connection in a customer account.

# Connectors

Type Resource Description
GET /api/integrations Query connector metadata.
GET /api/integrations/all Returns a paginated list of all connectors and associated metadata in an Embedded partner's account. The response includes standard and custom connectors.

# Custom connectors

Type Resource Description
GET /api/custom_connectors Get custom connectors.
GET /api/custom_connectors/:id Get custom connector by ID
POST /api/custom_connectors/:id/
Create or update a shared connector
POST api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/
Share a recipe containing a custom connector with Embedded partners.
DELETE /api/custom_connectors/:id/
Remove a shared connector

# Custom OAuth profiles

Type Resource Description
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/
Assign a Custom OAuth profile to customer workspace
DELETE /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/
Unassigns a Custom OAuth profile to a customer workspace.

# Customer managers

Type Resource Description
GET /api/customer_managers List all customer managers.
PUT /api/customer_managers/:id Update a customer manager.
POST /api/customer_managers Create a new customer manager.
DELETE /api/customer_managers/:id Delete a customer manager.

# Data retention

Type Resource Description
PUT /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/update_data_retention Update a customer workspace's data retention period.

# Environment Properties

Type Resource Description
GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/properties Returns a list of environment properties belonging to a customer account that matches a prefix.
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/properties Upserts environment properties to a customer account.

# Folders

Type Resource Description
GET /api/managed_users/:id/folders List folders in a customer account.
POST /api/managed_users/:id/folders Creates a new folder in a customer account.
DELETE /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/folders/:folder_id Delete a folder.

# Jobs

Type Resource Description
GET /api/managed_users/:id/recipes/:recipe_id/jobs List jobs for a recipe.
GET /api/managed_users/:id/recipes/:recipe_id/jobs/:job_id Get job details.
Type Resource Description
PUT /api/account/signature_verification_key Update JWT signature verification key.

# Lookup tables

Type Resource Description
GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/lookup_tables List tables.
GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/lookup_tables/
Look up rows.
GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/lookup_tables/
List rows.
GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/lookup_tables/
List rows in a lookup table.
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/lookup_tables/
Add a row to a lookup table.
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/lookup_tables Create a new lookup table.
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/lookup_tables/batch_delete Delete lookup tables in batch.
PUT /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/lookup_tables/
Update a row in a lookup table.
DELETE /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/lookup_tables/
Delete a row in a lookup table.

# Manage customers

Type Resource Description
POST /api/managed_users Create customer.
PUT /api/managed_users Update customer.
DELETE /api/managed_users Delete customer.
GET /api/managed_users/:id Get customer.
GET /api/managed_users/ Get a list of all customers.
GET /api/managed_users/members Get a list of all members in a customer workspace.
GET /api/managed_users/members/:member_id Get a member in a customer workspace.
POST /api/managed_users/:id/members Add member to customer workspace.
PUT /api/managed_users/members/:member_id Update a member in a customer workspace.
DELETE /api/managed_users/:id/members/:member_id Remove member from customer workspace.
GET /api/managed_users/:id/connections List customer connections.
GET /api/managed_users/usage Get task usage of all customers by month.
POST /api/managed_users/managed_customer_id/environments Provision Environments for a customer.

# Projects and project properties

Type Resource Description
POST /api/managed_users/managed_customer_id/projects/:project_id/deploy?environment_type={env} Deploy a project.
GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/projects List projects.
DELETE /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/projects/:project_id Delete a project.
GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/properties List project-level properties that match a prefix and project ID.
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/properties Upsert project-level properties.

# Picklists

Type Resource Description
POST /api/managed_users/:id/connections/:connection_id/pick_list Obtains a list of picklist values for a specified connection in an Embedded customer account.

# Recipes

Type Resource Description
GET /api/managed_users/:id/recipes List recipes belonging to a customer account.
GET /api/managed_users/:id/recipes/:recipe_id Get details of a recipe belonging to a customer account.
GET /api/recipes/search Search for public recipes.
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/recipes Create a recipe in a customer account.
PUT /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/recipes/:id Update a recipe in a customer account.
POST /api/managed_users/:id/recipes/:recipe_id/copy Copy a recipe in a customer account.
DELETE /api/managed_users/:id/recipes/:recipe_id Delete a recipe in a customer account.
PUT /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/recipes/:recipe_id/start Start a recipe in a customer account.
PUT /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/recipes/:recipe_id/stop Stop a recipe in a customer account.

# Recipe lifecycle management


The endpoints in this guide are Embedded Partner APIs. Contact your Workato representative for more info.

Looking for APIs to export packages? Refer to the Workato API docs.

Type Resource Description
GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/export_manifests/folder_assets View assets in a folder.
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/export_manifests Create an export manifest.
PUT /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/export_manifests/:id Update an export manifest.
GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/export_manifests/:id View an export manifest.
DELETE /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/export_manifests/:id Delete an export manifest.
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/imports Import a package into a folder located in a customer account.
GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/recipes Get status of an imported package.
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/exports/:manifest_id Export package based on the manifest ID. Requires the oem_vendor privilege.
GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/exports/:package_id Returns the status of a package export. Requires the oem_vendor privilege.

# Roles

Type Resource Description
GET /api/managed_users/:id/roles List custom roles in a customer account.
POST /api/managed_users/:id/roles/:role_id/copy Makes a copy of a custom role.

# Team collaborators

Type Resource Description
POST /api/managed_users/:id/member_invitation Invites a collaborator to your team.

# Test Automation

Type Resource Description
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/test_cases/run_requests Runs test cases in a customer workspace.

Last updated: 4/9/2024, 6:34:39 PM