# Manage customers
The endpoints in this guide are Embedded Vendor APIs and require the oem_vendor
privilege. Contact your Workato representative to enable this privilege in your account.
The Managed Users resource provides the ability to programmatically manage customers.
# Quick reference
The following endpoints are deprecated:
These endpoints will continue to function indefinitely but will no longer receive updates. You can use the fully supported endpoints listed in the following table:
The Managed Users resource contains the following endpoints:
Type | Resource | Description |
POST | /api/managed_users | Create a customer. |
PUT | /api/managed_users/:id | Update a customer. |
DELETE | /api/managed_users/:id | Delete a customer. |
GET | /api/managed_users/:id | Get a customer. |
GET | /api/managed_users/ | List all customers. |
GET | /api/managed_users/:id/members | List members in a customer workspace. |
GET | /api/managed_users/:id/members/:member_id | Get a member in a customer workspace. |
POST | /api/managed_users/:id/members | Add a member to a customer workspace. |
PUT | /api/managed_users/:id/members/:member_id | Update a member in a customer workspace. |
DELETE | /api/managed_users/:id/members/:member_id | Remove a member from a customer workspace. |
GET | /api/managed_users/:id/connections | List connections in a customer workspace. |
POST | /api/v2/managed_users/statistics/usage | Retrieve usage metrics for customer workspaces with enhanced data granularity. |
POST | /api/v2/managed_users/statistics/connection_usage | Retrieve connection-based usage metrics for specified customer workspaces. |
GET | /api/managed_users/usage | Get task usage of all customers by month. |
POST | /api/managed_users/:id/environments | Provision Environments for an existing customer. |
GET | /api/managed_users/:id/members/:member_id/privileges | List privileges for a particular member of a customer workspace that you specify. |
PUT | /api/managed_users/:id/upgrade This endpoint is deprecated. Instead, make a PUT request to the /api/managed_users/:id endpoint and update the customer's plan ID . | Deprecated. Upgrade a customer. |
PUT | /api/managed_users/:id/downgrade This endpoint is deprecated. Instead, make a PUT request to the /api/managed_users/:id endpoint and update the customer's plan ID . | Deprecated. Downgrade a customer. |
POST | /api/managed_users/:id/member This endpoint is deprecated. Instead, make a POST request to the /api/managed_users/:id/members endpoint. | Deprecated. Add a member to a customer workspace. |
DELETE | /api/managed_users/:id/member This endpoint is deprecated. Instead, make a DELETE request to the /api/managed_users/:id/members/:member_id endpoint. | Deprecated. Remove a member from a customer workspace. |
# Create customer
Creates a new Embedded customer.
POST /api/managed_users
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
name | string required | The full name of the customer. |
notification_email | string required | The email address for receiving error and administrative notifications. |
team_name | string optional | The name of the customer workspace. |
oauth_id | string optional | The identifier used for OAuth authentication. |
provision_environments | boolean optional | Determines whether the new Embedded customer is provisioned with the Environments feature. Defaults to false . |
external_id | string optional | An external identifier for the Embedded customer. |
origin_url | string optional | Applies to Embedded account customers. Provide a value if the Embedded iframe is hosted on a non-default origin page, such as customer-specific custom domains. Defaults to the origin configured at the workspace level. |
frame_ancestors | string optional | A list of comma-separated URLs used as frame ancestors in the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header. This configuration allows the rendering of Workato iframes on the domains you specify. |
plan_id | string optional | The plan ID. Defaults to the standard plan if not specified. |
time_zone | string optional | The timezone name. Defaults to PST if not specified. Refer to the Timezone list for accepted values. |
whitelisted_apps | array of strings optional | A list of connection provider s for apps the customer can access. Refer to the App access section for details. |
full_embedding | boolean optional | If true, end users are directed to the customer's origin_url . Set to false to disable full embedding. Defaults to null , inheriting the value (true or false ) from the Embedded partner's admin settings. |
auth_settings | hash optional | Authentication settings for the customer workspace. |
auth_settings[type] | string conditional | Specifies the authentication type. Accepted values include workato_auth , two_fa_auth , and saml_sso . |
auth_settings[provider] | string conditional | The identity provider name. Required if using saml_sso as the auth_settings[type] . Accepted values include okta , onelogin , and others . |
auth_settings[metadata_url] | string conditional | The URL of the identity provider's metadata XML file for configuration details. Required if auth_settings[sso_url] , auth_settings[saml_issuer] , and auth_settings[x509_cert] are not provided. |
auth_settings[sso_url] | string conditional | The single sign-on URL provided by the identity provider for user authentication. Required if auth_settings[metadata_url] is not provided. |
auth_settings[saml_issuer] | string conditional | A unique identifier for the identity provider, often used to identify the issuer of SAML assertions. Required if auth_settings[metadata_url] is not provided. |
auth_settings[x509_cert] | string conditional | The X.509 certificate from the identity provider. This is used to verify SAML assertion signatures. Required if auth_settings[metadata_url] is not provided. |
auth_settings[jit_provisioning] | boolean optional | Choose to enable Just-in-Time (JIT) provisioning, allowing Workato to create user accounts upon first sign-in. |
environments | array of objects optional | An array of environment objects specifying configurations such as external IDs and error notification emails for each environment. |
environments [environment_type] | string optional | Specifies the environment type for creating customer information. Accepted values include dev , test , and prod , but see the warning on dev inclusion. |
environments [external_id] | string optional | External ID for the test or prod environments. Use external_id in the main request body for the dev environment. |
environments [error_notification_emails] | string optional | Error notification emails for the test or prod environments. Use notification_email in the main request body for the dev environment. |
Avoid providing environments[error_notification_emails]
and environments[external_id]
for the dev
If these values conflict with notification_email
and external_id
specified in the main request body, the API returns a 400 Bad Request
error due to conflicting assignments for the same attribute.
Instead, use notification_email
and external_id
for the dev
environment and reserve environments[error_notification_emails]
and environments[external_id]
for the test
and prod
# Sample requests
- Request with Workato authentication
- Request with SAML SSO and metadata URL
- Request with SAML SSO and X509 cert
# Request with Workato authentication
This example request creates a new Embedded customer using Workato authentication.
curl -X POST https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Alex Workato",
"team_name": "Nutech",
"notification_email": "[email protected]",
"provision_environments": true,
"external_id": "UU0239093497",
"whitelisted_apps": ["salesforce", "netsuite"],
"time_zone": "Central Time (US & Canada)",
"auth_settings": {
"type": "workato_auth"
"full_embedding": false,
"environments": [
"environment_type": "test",
"external_id": "UU0239093498",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"environment_type": "prod",
"external_id": "UU0239093499",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
Response: Workato authentication
"id": 32122,
"external_id": "UU0239093497",
"name": "Alex Workato",
"environments": [
"id": 32124,
"environment_type": "prod",
"external_id": "UU0239093499",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"id": 32123,
"environment_type": "test",
"external_id": "UU0239093498",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"id": 32122,
"environment_type": "dev",
"external_id": "UU0239093497",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"notification_email": "[email protected]",
"full_embedding": false,
"admin_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"plan_id": "oem_enterprise",
"origin_url": null,
"trial": false,
"in_trial": false,
"whitelisted_apps": [
"frame_ancestors": null,
"created_at": "2024-12-11T11:04:37.084-08:00",
"updated_at": "2024-12-11T11:04:37.084-08:00",
"time_zone": "Central Time (US & Canada)",
"team_name": "Nutech",
"auth_settings": {
"type": "workato_auth",
"current_billing_period_start": "2024-12-11T11:04:37.084-08:00",
"current_billing_period_end": "2025-01-11T11:04:37.084-08:00",
"task_count": 0,
"active_connection_limit": 0,
"active_connection_count": 0,
"active_recipe_count": 0
# Request with SAML SSO and metadata URL
This example request creates a new Embedded customer using SAML SSO and the metadata URL. If using this method, the following auth_settings
fields are required:
curl -X POST https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Alex Workato",
"team_name": "Nutech",
"notification_email": "[email protected]",
"provision_environments": true,
"external_id": "UU0239093497",
"whitelisted_apps": ["salesforce", "netsuite"],
"time_zone": "Central Time (US & Canada)",
"auth_settings": {
"type": "saml_sso",
"provider": "okta",
"metadata_url: "https://nutech.okta.com/app/exk29ua5yiqFVszrz0h8/sso/saml/metadata"
"full_embedding": false,
"environments": [
"environment_type": "test",
"external_id": "UU0239093498",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"environment_type": "prod",
"external_id": "UU0239093499",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
Response: SAML SSO and metadata URL
"id": 32122,
"external_id": "UU0239093497",
"name": "Alex Workato",
"environments": [
"id": 32124,
"environment_type": "prod",
"external_id": "UU0239093499",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"id": 32123,
"environment_type": "test",
"external_id": "UU0239093498",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"id": 32122,
"environment_type": "dev",
"external_id": "UU0239093497",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"notification_email": "[email protected]",
"full_embedding": false,
"admin_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"plan_id": "oem_enterprise",
"origin_url": null,
"trial": false,
"in_trial": false,
"whitelisted_apps": [
"frame_ancestors": null,
"created_at": "2024-12-11T11:04:37.084-08:00",
"updated_at": "2024-12-11T11:04:37.084-08:00",
"time_zone": "Central Time (US & Canada)",
"team_name": "Nutech",
"auth_settings": {
"type": "saml_sso",
"provider": "okta",
"metadata_url": "https://nutech.okta.com/app/exk29ua5yiqFVszrz0h8/sso/saml/metadata"
"current_billing_period_start": "2024-12-11T11:04:37.084-08:00",
"current_billing_period_end": "2025-01-11T11:04:37.084-08:00",
"task_count": 0,
"active_connection_limit": 0,
"active_connection_count": 0,
"active_recipe_count": 0
# Request with SAML SSO and X.509 certificate
This example request creates a new Embedded customer using SAML SSO and the X.509 certificate. If using this method, the following auth_settings
fields are required:
curl -X POST https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Alex Workato",
"team_name": "Nutech",
"notification_email": "[email protected]",
"provision_environments": true,
"external_id": "UU0239093497",
"whitelisted_apps": ["salesforce", "netsuite"],
"time_zone": "Central Time (US & Canada)",
"auth_settings": {
"type": "saml_sso",
"provider": "okta",
"sso_url": "https://nutech.okta.com/app/nutech_1/exk21ojjvq6212R6e5d7/sso/saml",
"saml_issuer": "http://www.okta.com/exk21ojjvq6212R6e5d7",
"full_embedding": false,
"environments": [
"environment_type": "test",
"external_id": "UU0239093498",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"environment_type": "prod",
"external_id": "UU0239093499",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
Response: SAML SSO and X.509 certificate
"id": 32122,
"external_id": "UU0239093497",
"name": "Alex Workato",
"environments": [
"id": 32124,
"environment_type": "prod",
"external_id": "UU0239093499",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"id": 32123,
"environment_type": "test",
"external_id": "UU0239093498",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"id": 32122,
"environment_type": "dev",
"external_id": "UU0239093497",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"notification_email": "[email protected]",
"full_embedding": false,
"admin_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"plan_id": "oem_enterprise",
"origin_url": null,
"trial": false,
"in_trial": false,
"whitelisted_apps": [
"frame_ancestors": null,
"created_at": "2024-12-11T11:04:37.084-08:00",
"updated_at": "2024-12-11T11:04:37.084-08:00",
"time_zone": "Central Time (US & Canada)",
"team_name": "Nutech",
"auth_settings": {
"type": "saml_sso",
"provider": "okta",
"sso_url": "https://nutech.okta.com/app/nutech_1/exk21ojjvq6212R6e5d7/sso/saml",
"saml_issuer": "http://www.okta.com/exk21ojjvq6212R6e5d7",
"current_billing_period_start": "2024-12-11T11:04:37.084-08:00",
"current_billing_period_end": "2025-01-11T11:04:37.084-08:00",
"task_count": 0,
"active_connection_limit": 0,
"active_connection_count": 0,
"active_recipe_count": 0
# Update customer
Updates an existing Embedded customer's information. You can use this endpoint to update specific parameters, such as external_id
and error_notification_emails
, in both test and production environments. Include the environments
key in the request payload to specify the environment.
PUT /api/managed_users/:id
Additional notes:
- For customers on task-based plans, use this endpoint to update the task limit override and make a one-time adjustment.
- For Embedded partners, use this endpoint to update the custom origin URL for a specific customer.
# URL parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string required | Embedded customer ID/external ID. External ID must be prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300 ) and the resulting ID should be URL encoded. |
# Payload
Properties update only if the payload includes the property. To clear a property’s value, set it to null
in the payload.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string optional | Updated name of the customer workspace. Displays in customer profiles, collaborator views, and audit logs. |
team_name | string optional | Updated name of the team workspace associated with the customer. Appears in workspace settings, customer management views, and the navigation sidebar for switching between workspaces. |
notification_email | string optional | Email for error and administrative notifications. |
error_notification_emails | string optional | Emails for error notifications, overriding the value in the notification_email property. This property applies specifically to the dev environment and differs from environments[error_notification_emails] . |
admin_notification_emails | string optional | Emails for administrative notifications. This property overrides what you input in notification email property. |
external_id | string optional | External identifier for the Embedded customer. This field applies specifically to the dev environment and differs from environments[external_id] . |
origin_url | string optional | Applies to Embedded customers. Provide a value if the embedded iframe is hosted on a custom domain or non-default origin page. Defaults to the origin configured at the account level. |
frame_ancestors | string optional | Provide one or more comma-separated frame ancestors. These URLs are used in the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header to allow rendering of Workato IFrames. |
plan_id | string optional | The ID of the plan. |
in_trial | boolean optional | Switches the user between a free plan and a subscription plan. |
task_limit_adjustment | number optional | Adjusts the task limit for the current accounting period. Only valid for task-based plans. This adjustment doesn't apply to subsequent periods. Make a negative adjustment by adding - . For example, -5000 . |
custom_task_limit | number optional | Overrides the current plan limit. Limit override must result in a value greater than the current task usage. |
whitelisted_apps | array optional | A list of connection provider values specifying the apps the customer can access. Refer to Admin Console App access for more information. |
time_zone | string optional | Timezone name. View this document for a list of timezones. Defaults to PST if not specified. |
auth_settings | object optional | Authentication settings for the customer. Accepted types are workato_auth and saml_sso . When configuring saml_sso , accepted providers include "okta", "onelogin", and "others". |
billing_start_date | string optional | Set the current billing start date. The date should be provided in ISO 8601 format. |
full_embedding | boolean optional | When set to true , end users are sent to the customer's origin_url . Set this field to false to disable the fully embedded redirect process at the customer workspace level. If you don't specify this value, it defaults to null and inherits the value (true or false ) from the Embedded partner's admin settings. |
environments | array of objects optional | An array of environment objects specifying where to update the customer's information, including the external ID and error notification emails for each environment. |
environments [environment_type] | string required | Specifies the environment type for updating customer information. Accepted values include test and prod . |
environments [external_id] | string optional | The updated external ID specific to each environment (test or prod ). This field differs from the external_id in the main request body, applying only to the specified environments. |
environments [error_notification_emails] | string optional | Specifies updated error notification emails for each environment (test or prod ). This field differs from error_notification_emails in the main request body, applying only to the specified environments. |
# Sample request
curl -X PUT https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/3498583 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Nutech",
"team_name": "Nutech team workspace",
"notification_email": "[email protected]",
"admin_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"in_trial": false,
"task_limit_adjustment": 1000,
"custom_task_limit": 10000,
"billing_start_date": "2024-11-01",
"environments": [
"environment_type": "test",
"external_id": "ext-ec-test-22",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"environment_type": "prod",
"external_id": "ext-ec-prod-15",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"external_id": "ext-ect-dev-13",
"origin_url": "https://abc123.acme.com",
"frame_ancestors": "https://mysite.test.com",
"plan_id": "oem_enterprise",
"time_zone": "Amsterdam",
"whitelisted_apps": [
"full_embedding": true
# Response
"id": 3498583,
"external_id": "ext-ect-dev-13",
"name": "Nutech",
"environments": [
"id": 3498585,
"environment_type": "prod",
"external_id": "ext-ec-prod-15",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"id": 3498584,
"environment_type": "test",
"external_id": "ext-ec-test-22",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"id": 3498583,
"environment_type": "dev",
"external_id": "ext-ect-dev-13",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"notification_email": "[email protected],[email protected]",
"full_embedding": true,
"admin_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"plan_id": "oem_enterprise",
"origin_url": "https://abc123.acme.com",
"trial": false,
"in_trial": false,
"whitelisted_apps": [
"frame_ancestors": "https://mysite.test.com",
"created_at": "2024-10-30T09:56:46.060-07:00",
"updated_at": "2024-11-13T15:27:40.360-08:00",
"time_zone": "Amsterdam",
"team_name": "Nutech team workspace",
"auth_settings": {
"type": "workato_auth"
"current_billing_period_start": "2024-11-01T00:00:00.000-07:00",
"current_billing_period_end": "2024-11-30T23:00:00.000-08:00",
"task_count": 0,
"active_connection_limit": 0,
"active_connection_count": 3,
"active_recipe_count": 0,
"billing_start_date": "2024-11-01"
# Delete customer
After you delete a customer account, it can't be fully recovered. Use caution when using this endpoint.
Deletes an Embedded customer.
DELETE /api/managed_users/:id
# URL parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string required | Embedded customer ID/external ID. External ID must be prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300 ) and the resulting ID should be URL encoded. |
# Sample request
curl -X DELETE https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/28942 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
# Response
"success": true
# Get customer
Retrieve details about an Embedded customer's account.
GET /api/managed_users/:id
# URL parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string required | Embedded customer ID/external ID. External ID must be prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300 ) and the resulting ID should be URL encoded. |
# Sample request
curl -X GET https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/27819 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Responses
# Without environments
"id": 27819,
"external_id": null,
"name": "ACME Automations",
"environments": [],
"notification_email": "[email protected]",
"full_embedding": null,
"admin_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"plan_id": "oem_enterprise",
"origin_url": null,
"trial": false,
"in_trial": false,
"whitelisted_apps": [],
"frame_ancestors": null,
"created_at": "2024-10-02T16:16:14.512-07:00",
"updated_at": "2024-10-02T16:16:14.512-07:00",
"time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"team_name": "ACME team workspace",
"auth_settings": {
"type": "workato_auth"
"current_billing_period_start": "2024-10-02T16:16:14.689-07:00",
"current_billing_period_end": "2024-11-02T16:16:14.689-07:00",
"task_count": 0,
"active_connection_limit": 0,
"active_connection_count": 0,
"active_recipe_count": 0
# With environments
"id": 27819,
"external_id": null,
"name": "ACME Automations",
"environments": [
"id": 27821,
"environment_type": "prod",
"external_id": null
"id": 27820,
"environment_type": "test",
"external_id": null
"id": 27819,
"environment_type": "dev",
"external_id": null
"notification_email": "[email protected]",
"full_embedding": null,
"admin_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"plan_id": "oem_enterprise",
"origin_url": null,
"trial": false,
"in_trial": false,
"whitelisted_apps": [],
"frame_ancestors": null,
"created_at": "2024-10-02T16:16:14.512-07:00",
"updated_at": "2024-10-02T16:16:14.512-07:00",
"time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"team_name": "ACME team workspace",
"auth_settings": {
"type": "workato_auth"
"current_billing_period_start": "2024-10-02T16:16:14.689-07:00",
"current_billing_period_end": "2024-11-02T16:16:14.689-07:00",
"task_count": 0,
"active_connection_limit": 0,
"active_connection_count": 0,
"active_recipe_count": 0
# Get list of customers
Get a list of all customers. This endpoint returns the data in the customer table of the Admin Console.
GET /api/managed_users/
# URL parameters
Name | Type | Description |
page | integer optional | Page number. Defaults to 1. |
per_page | integer optional | Page size. Defaults to 100 (maximum is 100). |
# Sample request
curl -X GET https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/ \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Responses
The task count provided by this endpoint represents the number of tasks completed during the customer's billing period.
# Without environments
"result": [
"id": 27819,
"external_id": null,
"name": "ACME Automations",
"environments": [],
"notification_email": "[email protected]",
"full_embedding": null,
"admin_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"plan_id": "oem_enterprise",
"origin_url": null,
"trial": false,
"in_trial": false,
"whitelisted_apps": [],
"frame_ancestors": null,
"created_at": "2024-10-02T16:16:14.512-07:00",
"updated_at": "2024-10-02T16:16:14.512-07:00",
"time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"team_name": "ACME team workspace",
"auth_settings": {
"type": "workato_auth"
"current_billing_period_start": "2024-10-02T16:16:14.689-07:00",
"current_billing_period_end": "2024-11-02T16:16:14.689-07:00",
"task_count": 0,
"active_connection_limit": 0,
"active_connection_count": 0,
"active_recipe_count": 0
# With environments
"result": [
"id": 27819,
"external_id": null,
"name": "ACME Automations",
"environments": [
"id": 27821,
"environment_type": "prod",
"external_id": null
"id": 27820,
"environment_type": "test",
"external_id": null
"id": 27819,
"environment_type": "dev",
"external_id": null
"notification_email": "[email protected]",
"full_embedding": null,
"admin_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"plan_id": "oem_enterprise",
"origin_url": null,
"trial": false,
"in_trial": false,
"whitelisted_apps": [],
"frame_ancestors": null,
"created_at": "2024-10-02T16:16:14.512-07:00",
"updated_at": "2024-10-02T16:16:14.512-07:00",
"time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"team_name": "ACME team workspace",
"auth_settings": {
"type": "workato_auth"
"current_billing_period_start": "2024-10-02T16:16:14.689-07:00",
"current_billing_period_end": "2024-11-02T16:16:14.689-07:00",
"task_count": 0,
"active_connection_limit": 0,
"active_connection_count": 0,
"active_recipe_count": 0
# Get list of customer workspace members
Gets a list of team members in a customer workspace. Returns the id
, grant_type
(either team member or customer manager), name
, email
, external_id
, role_name
, and time_zone
of workspace members.
GET /api/managed_users/:id/members
# URL parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string required | Embedded customer ID/external ID. External ID must be prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300 ) and the resulting ID should be URL encoded. |
# Sample request
curl -X GET https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/124125/members \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
"id": 1680,
"grant_type": "team",
"role_name": "Admin",
"external_id": null,
"name": "James Bourne",
"email": "[email protected]",
"time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
"id": 2641,
"grant_type": "customer_manager",
"role_name": "Admin",
"external_id": null,
"name": "Jason Bond",
"email": "[email protected]",
"time_zone": "Eastern Time (US & Canada)"
# Get customer workspace member
Get information for a specific team member in a customer workspace. Returns the id
, grant_type
(either team member or customer manager), name
, email
, external_id
, role_name
, and time_zone
of the specified member.
GET /api/managed_users/:id/members/:member_id
# URL parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string required | Embedded customer ID/external ID. External ID must be prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300 ) and the resulting ID should be URL encoded. |
member_id | string required | The ID of the member. |
# Sample request
curl -X GET https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/124/members/1680 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
"id": 1680,
"grant_type": "team",
"role_name": "Admin",
"external_id": null,
"name": "James Bourne",
"email": "[email protected]",
"time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
# Add member to customer workspace
Add a member to the specified Embedded customer workspace.
POST /api/managed_users/:id/members
# URL parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string required | Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300 ). |
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
name | string required | The full name of the member. |
role_name | string conditional | The role to assign the member. Required if env_roles is not provided. |
env_roles | object conditional | The environment roles object. Required if role_name is not provided. |
env_roles[environment_type] | string conditional | The type of environment in the customer workspace where you plan to add the member. Required if role_name is not provided. |
env_roles[name] | string conditional | The role to assign the member for the specific environment. Required if role_name is not provided. |
oauth_id | string optional | The identifier used for OAuth. |
external_id | string optional | The external identifier for the member. |
time_zone | string optional | The timezone name. Refer to the Timezone list section for more information. Defaults to PST if not specified. |
You must provide either role_name
or env_roles
in the payload. role_name
only assigns a role in the dev
environment. Use env_roles
to specify the environment type and role for other environments.
Workato does not support a mixed approach to assigning roles. This means that when you combine the env_roles
and role_name
in the payload, Workato ignores the role_name
and only assigns the roles specified by the env_roles
# Sample requests
# Without environments
curl -X POST https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/27819/members \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Jack Smith",
"role_name": "Admin",
"external_id": "UU0239093499"
Response: Without environments
"id": 12341,
"grant_type": "team",
"role_name": "Admin",
"external_id": "UU0239093499",
"name": "Jack Smith",
"email": "[email protected]",
"time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"created_at": "2024-09-13T07:26:48.779-07:00",
"last_activity_log": null
# With environments
curl -X POST https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/27819/members \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Jack Smith",
"env_roles": [
"environment_type": "dev",
"name": "Admin"
"environment_type": "test",
"name": "Analyst"
"environment_type": "prod",
"name": "Operator"
"external_id": "UU0239093499"
Response: With environments
"id": 12341,
"grant_type": "team",
"role_name": "Admin",
"external_id": "UU0239093499",
"name": "Jack Smith",
"email": "[email protected]",
"time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"created_at": "2024-09-24T08:06:09.883-07:00",
"last_activity_log": null,
"env_roles": [
"environment_type": "dev",
"name": "Admin"
"environment_type": "test",
"name": "Analyst"
"environment_type": "prod",
"name": "Operator"
# Update customer workspace member
Updates a member in an existing Embedded customer workspace.
You can update the role_name
field for any member through the API, whether they were added manually or through the API.
However, other fields, such as oauth_id
, external_id
, and time_zone
, can only be updated for members who don't have an existing Workato account. This applies to OAuth collaborators who don't have their own Workato workspace and only act as collaborators on Embedded customer workspaces.
PUT /api/managed_users/:id/members/:member_id
# URL parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string required | Embedded customer ID/external ID. The External ID must be URL encoded and prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300 ). |
member_id | string required | The ID of the member. |
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
role_name | string optional | The updated role to assign the member. |
env_roles | object optional | The environment roles object. |
env_roles[environment_type] | string optional | The type of environment in the customer workspace where you plan to update the member's roles. |
env_roles[name] | string optional | The updated role to assign the member for the specific environment. |
oauth_id | string optional | The updated identifier used for OAuth. |
external_id | string optional | The updated external identifier for the member. |
time_zone | string optional | The updated timezone name. Refer to the Timezone list section for more information. Defaults to PST if not specified. |
# Sample requests
# Without environments
curl -X PUT 'https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/27819/members/12341' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"role_name": "Operator"
Response: Without environments
"id": 12341,
"grant_type": "team",
"role_name": "Operator",
"external_id": "UU0239093499",
"name": "Jack Smith",
"email": "[email protected]",
"time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"created_at": "2024-10-07T13:52:11.346-07:00",
"last_activity_log": null
# With environments
curl -X PUT 'https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/27819/members/12341' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"env_roles": [
"environment_type": "dev",
"name": "Operator"
"environment_type": "test",
"name": "Operator"
"environment_type": "prod",
"name": "Operator"
Response: With environments
"id": 12341,
"grant_type": "team",
"role_name": "Operator",
"external_id": "UU0239093499",
"name": "Jack Smith",
"email": "[email protected]",
"time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"created_at": "2024-09-24T08:06:09.883-07:00",
"last_activity_log": null,
"env_roles": [
"environment_type": "dev",
"name": "Operator"
"environment_type": "test",
"name": "Operator"
"environment_type": "prod",
"name": "Operator"
# Remove member from customer workspace
Remove a member from an Embedded customer's account. Note: This endpoint only removes the member from the team - it doesn't delete their Workato account.
DELETE /api/managed_users/:id/members/:member_id
# URL parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string required | Embedded customer ID/external ID. External id should be prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300 ) and the resulting ID should be URL encoded. |
member_id | string required | The ID of the member. |
# Sample request
curl -X DELETE 'https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/27819/members/12314' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
# Response
"id": 3485434779
# List customer connections
Get a list of connections in an Embedded customer's account.
GET /api/managed_users/:id/connections
# URL parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string required | Embedded customer ID/external ID. External ID must be prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300 ) and the resulting ID should be URL encoded. |
# Sample request
curl -X GET https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/27819/connections \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
"result": [
"id": 6132,
"name": "My Box account",
"provider": "box",
"authorization_status": "success",
"authorized_at": "2019-09-10T18:20:08.854-07:00",
"created_at": "2019-09-10T18:19:57.437-07:00",
"updated_at": "2019-09-10T18:20:08.859-07:00"
"id": 6131,
"name": "My Salesforce account",
"provider": "salesforce",
"authorization_status": "success",
"authorized_at": "2019-09-10T18:19:43.018-07:00",
"created_at": "2019-09-10T18:19:12.902-07:00",
"updated_at": "2019-09-10T18:19:43.021-07:00"
# Get usage (v2)
Retrieves usage metrics for specified customer workspaces within a defined time frame, including task usage, recipe counts, and counts of successful and failed jobs. This endpoint parses and returns datetime values in the Embedded admin's workspace timezone.
POST /api/v2/managed_users/statistics/usage
We recommend querying usage for all relevant workspaces in a single request to optimize performance.
Each unique job run is counted only once. Jobs are never double-counted but may be allocated differently depending on the query timeframe, interval, and the most recent retry.
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
from | string required | Start of the time range for retrieving usage metrics, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ ). |
to | string required | End of the time range for retrieving usage metrics, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ ). |
interval | string optional | Sets the time interval for aggregating results. Accepted values include none , year , month , week , day , and hour . Default is none . |
workspace_ids[] | array of integers conditional | Customer workspace IDs to retrieve usage data for. Required if external_ids[] is not provided. |
external_ids[] | array of strings conditional | Customer external IDs to retrieve usage data for. Required if workspace_ids[] is not provided. |
folder_ids[] | array of integers optional | Filters results to the specified folder IDs, returning tasks and job outcomes within those folders. Do not provide if using folder_name_pattern . |
folder_name_pattern | string optional | Filters results by folders matching the specified name pattern (for example, [PROD] Folder ). Case-sensitive. Do not provide if using folder_ids[] . Wildcards and regular expressions are not supported. |
recipe_ids[] | array of integers optional | Filters results to the specified recipe IDs, returning tasks and job outcomes related to those recipes. Do not provide if using recipe_name_pattern . |
recipe_name_pattern | string optional | Filters results by recipes matching the specified name pattern (for example, [TEST] Recipe ). Case-sensitive. Do not provide if using recipe_ids[] . Wildcards and regular expressions are not supported. |
adapter_names_all[] | array of strings optional | Filters results to recipes that use all of the specified connectors (for example, ["stripe", "workday", "zendesk"] ). Do not provide if using adapter_names_any[] . |
adapter_names_any[] | array of strings optional | Filters results to recipes that use any of the specified connectors (for example, ["stripe", "workday", "zendesk"] ). Do not provide if using adapter_names_all[] . |
running | boolean optional | Filters results to active (true ) or inactive (false ) recipes. Default is nil , which includes both active and inactive recipes. |
group_by | string optional | Specifies how results should be grouped. Accepted values include recipe and workspace . Default is workspace . Can only be set to recipe when either folder_ids[] , recipe_ids[] , folder_name_pattern , or recipe_name_pattern are specified. |
To include metrics for deleted recipes in the response, provide only the following fields in the request body:
Including any additional fields limits the usage data to non-deleted recipes that match those conditions.
The recipe_name_pattern
and folder_name_pattern
filters are case-sensitive. These filters return any recipe or folder whose name contains the specified pattern. For example, both DeVelopment
and MedveDeV
would match the pattern DeV
. The filters accept patterns with three or more characters.
# Sample request
This example request retrieves monthly usage statistics for customer workspaces with IDs 10
and 2
, from July 1, 2024, to September 26, 2024. The response is grouped by the specified recipes (IDs 100
and 200
curl -X POST 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/statistics/usage' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"group_by": "recipe",
"interval": "month",
"workspace_ids": [10, 2],
"recipe_ids": [100, 200],
"from": "2024-07-01",
"to": "2024-09-26"
# Responses
200 OK
"data": [
"recipe_id": 100, // Only part of the response when grouped by 'recipe'
"workspace_id": 10,
"intervals": [
"start_datetime": "2024-07-01T00:00:00.000-07:00",
"successful_job_count": 52,
"failed_job_count": 3,
"task_count": 110
"start_datetime": "2024-08-01T00:00:00.000-07:00",
"successful_job_count": 78,
"failed_job_count": 6,
"task_count": 150
"start_datetime": "2024-09-01T00:00:00.000-07:00",
"successful_job_count": 64,
"failed_job_count": 2,
"task_count": 130
"recipe_id": 200,
"workspace_id": 2,
"intervals": [
"start_datetime": "2024-07-01T00:00:00.000-07:00",
"successful_job_count": 43,
"failed_job_count": 5,
"task_count": 95
"start_datetime": "2024-08-01T00:00:00.000-07:00",
"successful_job_count": 61,
"failed_job_count": 8,
"task_count": 125
"start_datetime": "2024-09-01T00:00:00.000-07:00",
"successful_job_count": 72,
"failed_job_count": 7,
"task_count": 140
"generated_at": "2024-09-26T13:48:46.839-07:00"
If the workspace IDs or external IDs provided in the request do not belong to the Embedded account's list of customers, or if all non-matching workspace IDs are ignored and the resulting list is empty, the following error is returned:
"errors": [
"code": 400,
"title": "No workspaces found matching the specified workspace filter conditions."
If the folder IDs or recipe IDs provided in the request do not belong to the specified workspace or folder, or if all invalid folder IDs, recipe IDs, folder name patterns, and recipe name patterns are ignored and the resulting list is empty, the following error is returned:
"errors": [
"code": 400,
"title": "No recipes found matching the specified filter conditions."
The following error is returned when the request includes an adapter in adapter_names_any
or adapter_names_all
that does not exist:
"errors": [
"code": 400,
"title": "Specified adapters in the filter condition not found."
# Get connection-based usage
Retrieves connection-based usage metrics for specified customer workspaces. This endpoint provides usage metrics specific to connections, distinct from the task-based metrics available through the Get usage (v2) endpoint.
POST /api/v2/managed_users/statistics/connection_usage
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
workspace_ids[] | array of integers conditional | Customer workspace IDs used to retrieve connection-based usage data. Required if external_ids[] is not provided. |
external_ids[] | array of strings conditional | Customer external IDs used to retrieve connection-based usage data. Required if workspace_ids[] is not provided. |
folder_ids[] | array of integers optional | Filters results by the specified folder IDs, returning tasks and job outcomes within those folders. Do not provide if using folder_name_pattern . |
folder_name_pattern | string optional | Filters results by folders matching the specified name pattern (for example, [PROD] Folder ). Case-sensitive. Do not provide if using folder_ids[] . Wildcards and regular expressions are not supported. |
adapter_names[] | array of strings optional | Filters results by the specified connectors. |
include_runtime_connections | boolean optional | Specifies whether to include runtime connections data in the response. Defaults to false . |
# Sample request
curl -X POST 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/managed_users/statistics/connection_usage' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"workspace_ids": [4552523],
"folder_ids": [21256536],
"adapter_names": ["salesforce", "workday", "stripe"]
# Response
"data": [
"active_connections_count": 3,
"active_connections_data": [
"id": 15728497,
"name": "My Salesforce account",
"provider": "salesforce",
"authorization_status": "success",
"recipe_count": 5,
"running_recipe_count": 2,
"external_id": null,
"folder_id": 21256536,
"parent_account_id": null
"id": 15816920,
"name": "My Workday account",
"provider": "workday",
"authorization_status": "success",
"recipe_count": 2,
"running_recipe_count": 2,
"external_id": null,
"folder_id": 21256536,
"parent_account_id": null
"id": 15816922,
"name": "My Stripe account",
"provider": "stripe",
"authorization_status": "success",
"recipe_count": 2,
"running_recipe_count": 2,
"external_id": null,
"folder_id": 21256536,
"parent_account_id": null
"inactive_connections_count": 0,
"inactive_connections_data": [],
"active_opa_count": 0,
"workspace_id": 4552523
"generated_at": "2024-10-23T08:53:05.428-07:00"
# Get monthly usage
Retrieves monthly usage metrics for all Embedded customers for the last 12 months. This endpoint returns datetime values in the Embedded admin's workspace timezone. Currently, only task data is available through this endpoint.
GET /api/managed_users/usage
Use the Get usage (v2) endpoint to retrieve more granular task information for a specific date range, workspace, project, or recipe.
The task count by customer returned by this endpoint is the total of all tasks done in the associated calendar month. You can obtain the total usage across all plans using this endpoint, even if the customer's plan has changed or the billing date/usage has been reset.
# Sample request
curl -X GET https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/usage \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
Note: The following response has been truncated from 12 to three months.
"user_id": 7443,
"start_datetime": "2019-10-01T00:00:00.000-07:00",
"task_count": null
"start_datetime": "2019-11-01T00:00:00.000-07:00",
"task_count": null
"start_datetime": "2020-10-01T00:00:00.000-07:00",
"task_count": 0
# Provision Environments
Provision Environments for an existing customer that you specify.
POST /api/managed_users/:id/environments
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
environments | array optional | A list of environment configurations. |
environment_type | string conditional | Specifies the type of environment. Required if environments is present. Possible values include dev , test , and prod . |
external_id | string optional | A unique identifier for the environment. |
error_notification_emails | string optional | Email address to receive error notifications. |
# Sample request
curl -X POST https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/:id/environments \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"environments": [
"environment_type": "dev",
"external_id": "C1Dev",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"environment_type": "test",
"external_id": "C1Test",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
"environment_type": "prod",
"external_id": "C1Prod",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]"
# Sample response
"data": {
"status": "created",
"id": 29069,
"external_id": null,
"name": "Barnaby",
"environments": [
"id": 29541,
"environment_type": "prod"
"id": 29540,
"environment_type": "test"
"notification_email": "[email protected]",
"full_embedding": true,
"admin_notification_emails": "[email protected] ",
"error_notification_emails": "[email protected]",
"plan_id": "premium_quarterly",
"origin_url": null,
"trial": false,
"in_trial": false,
"whitelisted_apps": [],
"frame_ancestors": null,
"created_at": "2023-11-13T23:59:29.420-09:00",
"updated_at": "2024-02-29T06:02:58.078-09:00",
"time_zone": "Pacific Time (US & Canada)",
"auth_settings": {
"type": "workato_auth"
"current_billing_period_start": "2024-03-08T08:19:19.079-09:00",
"current_billing_period_end": "2024-04-08T09:19:19.079-08:00",
"task_count": 0,
"active_connection_limit": 0,
"active_connection_count": 5,
"active_recipe_count": 5
# Get list of customer privileges
List privileges for a particular member of a customer workspace that you specify.
# Sample request
GET /api/managed_users/:id/members/:member_id/privileges
# Sample response
List privileges sample response
"data": [
"environment_type": "dev",
"name": "Customer Admin",
"privileges": {
"Collaborator SAML SSO auth": [
"Custom OAuth profiles": [
"Connection Folders": [
"Projects": [
"Folders": [
"Connections": [
"Recipes": [
"folder_ids": [
"environment_type": "prod",
"name": "Customer Admin",
"privileges": {
"Collaborator SAML SSO auth": [
"Custom OAuth profiles": [
"Connection Folders": [
"Projects": [
"Folders": [
"Connections": [
"Recipes": [
"folder_ids": [
"environment_type": "test",
"name": "Customer Admin",
"privileges": {
"Collaborator SAML SSO auth": [
"Custom OAuth profiles": [
"Connection Folders": [
"Projects": [
"Folders": [
"Connections": [
"Recipes": [
"folder_ids": [
Last updated: 3/3/2025, 10:59:41 PM