# Picklists

Use the following endpoint to get picklist values of an Embedded customer. Refer to this document to obtain picklist names and parameters for each connector.

# Get picklist values

Obtains a list of picklist values for a specified connection in an Embedded customer workspace.

POST /api/managed_users/:id/connections/:connection_id/pick_list

# URL Parameters

Name Type Description
managed_user_id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID.
External ID must be prefixed with an E (for example, EA2300) and the resulting ID should be URL encoded.
connection_id string
ID of the connection. This can be found in the URL of the app connection or is the result of the List connections endpoint.

# Body

Name Type Description
pick_list_name string
Name of the pick list. Obtain from this document.
pick_list_params Object
Picklist parameters, required in some picklists. For more information view this document.

# Sample request

This example curl request obtains a list of Salesforce picklist values from the picklist sobject_fields from the Invoice__c custom object in Salesforce.

curl  -X POST https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/135703/connections/318457/pick_list \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{ "pick_list_name": "sobject_fields", "pick_list_params": {"sobject_name": "Invoice__c"}}'

# Response

    "result": [
            "Record ID",
            "Owner ID",
            "Invoice Name",
            "Created Date",
            "Created By ID",
            "Last Modified Date",
            "Last Modified By ID",
            "System Modstamp",
            "Last Viewed Date",
            "Last Referenced Date",
            "External ID",
            "Intacct Invoice ID",
            "Number field",

Last updated: 6/27/2024, 4:37:05 PM