# Connections


The endpoints in this guide are Embedded Vendor APIs and require the oem_vendor privilege. Contact your Workato representative to enable this privilege in your account.

The Connections resource enables you to programmatically manage connections for Embedded customers.

# Quick reference

Type Resource Description
GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/connections Returns a list of connections in Embedded user's account.
POST /api/managed_users/:id/connections Allows the Embedded partner to add a shell connection in a customer's account.
PUT /api/managed_users/:id/connections/:connection_id Updates a connection in a customer workspace.
POST /api/managed_users/:id/connections/:connection_id/disconnect Disconnects a connection in a customer workspace.
DELETE /api/managed_users/:id/connections/:connection_id Deletes a connection in a customer workspace.

# List connections

Returns all connections and associated data for the Embedded customer workspace.

GET /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/connections

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
managed_user_id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID.
External ID must be prefixed with an E (ex: EA2300) and the resulting ID should be URL encoded.

# Query parameters

Name Type Description
provider string
The application type of the connection. For example: salesforce
folder_id string
The ID of the project or folder containing the connection.
parent_id string
The ID of the parent connection. The parent connection must be the same provider type. Learn more.
external_id string
The external ID assigned to the connection, usually given to the user who owns the connection.
include_runtime_connections string
When "true" is supplied, all runtime user connections are also returned.
includes[] array of strings
Specifies additional fields to include in the response. Accepts tags as a value. If tags is supplied in the request, the response includes a tags field for each connection. This field contains an array of zero or more tag handles (strings).

# Sample request

curl  -X GET https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/98178/connections?includes[]=tags \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

# Response

 "result": [
     "id": 36,
     "name": "ACME Production Salesforce connection",
     "provider": "salesforce",
     "authorized_at": "2015-05-26T22:53:52.528Z",
     "authorization_status": "success",
     "authorization_error": null,
     "created_at": "2015-05-26T22:53:52.532Z",
     "updated_at": "2015-05-26T22:53:52.532Z",
     "external_id": "U12904",
     "folder_id": 4515,
     "identity": null,
     "connection_lost_at": null,
     "connection_lost_reason": null,
     "parent_id": 22316,
     "tags": [
     "id": 37,
     "name": "ACME google sheet account",
     "provider": "google_sheets",
     "authorized_at": "2015-05-26T22:53:52.528Z",
     "authorization_status": "success",
     "authorization_error": null,
     "created_at": "2015-05-26T22:53:52.532Z",
     "updated_at": "2015-05-26T22:53:52.532Z",
     "external_id": "U12904",
     "folder_id": 4515,
     "identity": null,
     "connection_lost_at": "2024-06-01T12:00:00Z",
     "connection_lost_reason": "network_failure",
     "parent_id": 22317,
     "tags": null
     "id": 51234,
     "name": "ACME Quickbooks account",
     "provider": "quickbooks",
     "authorized_at": "2015-05-26T22:53:52.528Z",
     "authorization_status": "success",
     "authorization_error": null,
     "created_at": "2015-05-26T22:53:52.532Z",
     "updated_at": "2015-05-26T22:53:52.532Z",
     "external_id": "U12904",
     "folder_id": 4515,
     "identity": "[email protected]/1029384756102938",
     "connection_lost_at": null,
     "connection_lost_reason": null,
     "parent_id": 22317,
     "tags": [


Retrieve your company's Quickbooks Realm ID using the List connections API. Disconnect and reconnect your Quickbooks connection in Workato before calling the API to ensure the latest information is retrieved. The API returns the Realm ID in the identity field of the response, following your email address. In the preceding example, ACME's Realm ID is 1029384756102938. For other connections, the identity field is returned as null.

Refer to the SDK identity lambda documentation for more details on setting up the identity field. The lambda’s output value is returned in the identity field of the list connections API.

# Create a connection

Creates a connection in a customer's account. This endpoint supports the following in customer workspaces:

  • Adding a shell connection, OR
  • Adding and authenticating a connection
POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/connections

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
managed_user_id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID.
External ID must be prefixed with an E (ex: EA2300) and the resulting ID should be URL encoded.

# Payload

Name Type Description
name string
Name of the connection. Eg: Prod Salesforce connection
provider string
The application type of the connection. For example: salesforce
parent_id string
The ID of the parent connection. The parent connection must be the same provider type. Learn more.
folder_id string
The ID of the project or folder containing the connection.
external_id string
The external ID assigned to the connection, usually given to the user who owns the connection.
shell_connection boolean
Specifies whether the connection is a shell connection or an authenticated connection. Defaults to false if not specified. If shell_connection is false, credentials are passed, and the connection is tested and established. If shell_connection is true, credentials are passed, but the connection isn't tested or established, and additional actions are required for authentication.
input Object
Connection parameters.

For a list of providers and connection parameters, refer to the Platform API Connection Parameter Reference.

# Sample requests

# Shell connection request

This creates a connection in a Disconnected state.

curl  -X POST https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/98178/connections \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d  '{
            "name": "jira_connection",
            "provider": "jira",
            "folder_id": 1892,
            "external_id": "128904"

# Connection with credentials

This creates and authenticates a connection.

curl  -X POST https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/98178/connections \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d  '{
            "name": "jira_connection",
            "provider": "jira",
            "input": {
              "host_name": "acme.atlassian.net",
              "api_token_auth": "true",
              "email": "[email protected]",
              "apitoken": "XXXXXXXX"

# Response

   "connection_lost_at": null,
   "connection_lost_reason": null

# Update a connection

Updates a connection in a customer workspace.

PUT /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/connections/:connection_id

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
managed_user_id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID.
External ID must be prefixed with an E (ex: EA2300) and the resulting ID should be URL encoded.
connection_id string
The ID of the connection.

# Payload

Name Type Description
name string
Name of the connection. Ex: Prod Salesforce connection
parent_id string
The ID of the parent connection. Learn more.
folder_id string
The ID of the project or folder containing the connection.
external_id string
An external ID assigned to the connection. This value could reference a record in another of your applications.
input object
Connection parameters.

For a list of providers and connection parameters, refer to the Platform API Connection Parameter Reference.

# Sample requests

# Update a Jira connection

curl  -X PUT https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/98178/connections/1678 \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d  '{
            "name": "jira_connection_latest",
            "folder_id": 28940,
            "input": {
              "host_name": "acme.atlassian.net",
              "api_token_auth": "true",
              "email": "[email protected]",
              "apitoken": "XXXXXXXX"

# Response

   "connection_lost_at": null,
   "connection_lost_reason": null

# Update an Outreach connection

curl  -X PUT https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/98178/connections/1678 \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d  '{
            "name": "Outreach scope connection",
            "provider": "outreach",
            "input": {
              "advanced_settings": {
                "scopes": "sequences.all phoneNumbers.all"

# Disconnect a connection

Disconnects an active connection in a customer workspace. If the connection is already disconnected, then no action is taken.

POST /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/connections/:connection_id/disconnect

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
managed_user_id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID.
External ID must be prefixed with an E (ex: EA2300) and the resulting ID should be URL encoded.
connection_id string
The ID of the connection.
force boolean
Value must be true to forcefully disconnect an active connection used by active recipes. Defaults to false.

# Payload

No payload is expected

# Sample request

curl  -X POST https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/98178/connections/1678/disconnect?force=true \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' 

# Response

  • Successfully disconnected an active connection or connection already disconnected.
   "result": {
    "success": true,
    "status": "disconnected"
  • Provided connection id does not exist
   "message": "Not found"

# Delete a connection

Deletes a connection in a customer workspace. This method deletes active (authenticated) and disconnected connections. If the connection is used by active recipes, this API request fails.

DELETE /api/managed_users/:managed_user_id/connections/:connection_id

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
managed_user_id string
Embedded customer ID/external ID.
External ID must be prefixed with an E (ex: EA2300) and the resulting ID should be URL encoded.
connection_id string
The ID of the connection.

# Sample request

curl  -X DELETE https://www.workato.com/api/managed_users/98178/connections/1678 \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' 

# Responses

# Successful deletion of an active or disconnected connection

When you successfully delete an active (authenticated) or disconnected connection, this endpoint returns the following response:

    "result": {
        "success": true,
        "status": "deleted"

# Connection is used in active recipes

When you try to delete a connection used by an active recipe, this request fails, and the endpoint returns the following response:

   "success": false,
   "status": "rejected",
   "message": "You can't delete a connection used by active recipes"

# Connection ID doesn't exist

If you provide a connection ID that doesn't exist in your customer's workspace, this request fails, and the endpoint returns the following response:

   "message": "Not found"

Last updated: 2/28/2025, 4:08:08 PM