# Lifecycle and operations

This section introduces the tools that enable you to manage recipes seamlessly:

# Environments

Environments are additional workspaces connected to your main workspace. They allow you to organize recipes into workspaces designated for development, testing, and production.

Because the other workspaces (or environments) are connected to your main workspace, you can easily deploy recipes from one environment to another. This allows you to focus on collaborating with your team and improving overall recipe quality rather than on maintenance. Learn more about Environments.


The Recipe Lifecycle Management tool continues to work, but we recommend migrating to Environments for a more streamlined experience.

# Operations hub dashboard

Monitor the health of your running recipes with the Operations hub dashboard. The dashboard allows users to visualize real-time data on the recipes and connections in their Workato account at a glance. It provides key insights, analytics, and actions so you can discover and resolve issues faster. Learn more about the Operations hub dashboard.

# Activity audit log

The Activity audit log feature provides a simple and powerful interface for Workato administrators to comprehensively track changes to the account, connections, recipes, folders, and packages. Throughout the lifecycle of your project, it gives you the visibility to quickly identify the changes and analyze their impact. Learn more about the Activity audit log feature.

Last updated: 8/29/2024, 3:53:42 PM