# Using Workbot for Workplace

# Workbot commands

You can perform actions in your apps (for example, creating new Github issues, listing Salesforce opportunities) by sending Workbot commands from within Workplace.

Command example Sending a 'newissue' command with additional parameters in Workplace, then receiving a post reply

A Workbot command is a trigger that allows you to run a Workbot command recipe.

New command Example 'newissue' command in a recipe

To learn more about Workbot commands, see Workbot commands.

# Workbot help command

If you get stuck, you can always send the help command to Workbot. Workbot will respond with the list of commands available to you.

Workbot help Asking Workbot for help

# Invoking Workbot commands in Workplace

Workbot commands can be invoked in 2 distinct ways:

  1. Sending the command in a direct message to Workbot or in a channel (in a channel, this requires tagging Workbot i.e. @workbot your_command)

    Command recipes
    Invoking a Workbot command in channel

  2. Sending the command when a button is clicked

    Command recipes
    Clicking a button to invoke a Workbot command

Commands can also prompt users for additional parameters. For example, to create a new Github ticket, the user should provide the title and description of the incident. In this case, you can add 2 parameters; title & description. When the command is invoked, Workbot will prompt the user for each parameter.

Collecting parameters Workbot can ask users for info if you specify additional parameters in your command

# Event notifications using Post message action

Workbot can also be used to notify you when any events occur in your apps. This can be done via the Post message action.

New SNow incident A Post reply action notifying user about a new incident in ServiceNow

The Post message & Post simple message actions allow you to post a message to a user or in a channel.

Notification recipe A recipe where a Post message action notifies the user when a ServiceNow incident is closed

To learn more about how the Post message action works, see Workbot actions.

# Learn more

Last updated: 7/2/2021, 9:23:45 AM