# PagerDuty and Jira recipe
This use case guides you through connecting PagerDuty and Jira to create a powerful automation.
# What does this recipe do?
This recipe synchronizes new incidents from PagerDuty to Jira. If a matching issue exists in Jira, the recipe adds a comment with details from the PagerDuty incident. If no corresponding Jira issue is found, the recipe creates a new one.
# Create your recipe
Complete the following steps to create a recipe that synchronizes new incidents from PagerDuty to Jira:
This use case is intended to serve as an example. Recipe modifications such as trigger and action configuration and conditional logic may require adjustments if you plan to include this recipe in your own workflow.
Sign in to your Workato account and go to the workspace project where you plan to add the recipe.
Set up connections for PagerDuty and Jira using the steps in the following sections:
Set up your PagerDuty connection.
Click Create > Connection.
Search for and select PagerDuty
in the New connection page.
Provide a name for your connection in the Connection name field.
PagerDuty connection setup
Use the Location drop-down menu to select the project where you plan to store the connection.
Enter your API key in the API key field.
To create a new API key in PagerDuty, go to Integrations > API Access Keys and click + Create New API Key. Don't select the Read-only API Key checkbox because this connector requires both read and write permissions.
Alternatively, to create an API user token that provides the same permissions as your user account, go to My Profile > User Settings and click Create API User Token.
Click Connect.
Set up your Jira connection.
Click Create > Connection.
Search for and select Jira
in the New connection page.
Provide a name for your connection in the Connection name field.
Jira connection setup
Use the Location drop-down menu to select the project where you plan to store the connection.
Select your Connection type.
Use the Auth type drop-down menu to select your authentication method. Supported options are Basic, API token, OAuth 2.0, and Personal access token.
Provide your Host name. For example, if your Jira URL is https://acme.atlassian.net
, your host name is acme.atlassian.net
Click Connect.
Click Create > Recipe.
Provide a name for your recipe in the Name field and select the project in which you plan to store the recipe from the Location drop-down menu.
Ensure that Trigger from an app is selected under Pick a starting point and click Start building.
Set up your recipe
Set up your PagerDuty New incident trigger.
Search for and select PagerDuty
in the Choose an app search box.
Choose PagerDuty
Select New incident as your trigger.
Select the New incident trigger
Select the PagerDuty connection you created in the preceding steps.
Optional. Specify how frequently the recipe should check for new events in the Trigger poll interval field. This field defaults to five minutes if left blank.
Optional. Use the When first started, this recipe should pick up events from field to specify the date and time from which the recipe should retrieve incidents. Leave this field blank to retrieve incidents created after the recipe starts. After you run or test this recipe, you can't change this value. Learn more about this input field.
Configure the New incident trigger
Click Save.
Step summary
This trigger monitors PagerDuty for new incidents. The trigger checks for new incidents at a set interval and retrieves incidents created since the recipe started or from a specified time.
Click the +
Add step button and select Action in app.
Click Add step > Add action in app
Set up your Jira Search issues batch action.
Search for and select Jira
in the Choose an app search box.
Choose Jira
Select Search issues as your action.
Select the Search issues batch action
Map the PagerDuty Summary | Step 1
datapill to the Summary field.
Map the Summary datapill
Click Save.
Step summary
This step searches for a Jira issue with a summary that matches the PagerDuty incident's summary.
Click the +
Add step button and select IF condition.
Click Add step > IF condition
How do IF conditions work?
An IF condition enables you to make decisions based on specific conditions. You can control your recipe workflow by executing different actions depending on whether a condition you specify is present or not present (true or false).
Set up your IF condition.
Map the Jira Key | Step 2
datapill to Data field.
Select is present in the Condition field.
Configure your IF condition
Click Save.
Step summary
This step checks whether the Search issues action found a Jira issue with a summary matching the new PagerDuty incident.
Click Select an app and action.
Set up your Jira Create comment action.
Search for and select Jira
in the Choose an app search box.
Choose Jira
Select Create comment as your action.
Select the Create comment action
Map the Jira Key | Step 2
datapill to the Issue ID or key field.
Map the Key datapill
Add the following text to the Comment text field:
New incident triggered in PagerDuty for this issue
Incident number:
Link to PagerDuty:
Map the relevant PagerDuty datapills to each line in the Comment text field:
Summary | Step 1
Incident number | Step 1
Service.Summary | Step 1
Status | Step 1
Urgency | Step 1
Html URL | Step 1
Map datapills to the Comment text field
Click Save.
Step summary
This step adds a comment to the matched Jira issue with the relevant details from PagerDuty.
Click the +
Add step button and select Action in app.
Set up your Jira Update issue action.
Search for and select Jira
in the Choose an app search box.
Choose Jira
Select Update issue as your action.
Select the Update issue action
Map the Jira Key | Step 2
datapill to the Issue ID or key field.
Map the Key datapill
Use the Sample project issue type drop-down menu to select the issue type in your Jira project that you plan to update. This field retrieves custom fields specific to your project and issue type.
For example, in a Jira project named Incident Management
, select the Incident
issue type.
Select a sample project issue type
Switch the Priority name field to formula mode and perform the following actions:
Map the PagerDuty Urgency | Step 1
Append the .capitalize
Configure the Priority name field
Click Save.
Step summary
This final step in the IF condition updates the Jira issue's priority to match the PagerDuty incident. You can configure additional fields in this action to further update the issue.
Click the +
Add step button and select ELSE IF condition.
Click Add step > ELSE IF condition
Set up your ELSE IF condition.
Map the Jira Key | Step 2
datapill to Data field.
Select is not present in the Condition field.
Click +
(plus) and select AND to add a second condition.
Map the PagerDuty Status | Step 1
datapill to Data field.
Select does not equal in the Condition field.
Type resolved
in the Value field.
Configure your ELSE IF condition
Click Save.
Step summary
This step sets up an ELSE IF condition to check if there is no matching Jira issue for the PagerDuty incident and if the incident isn't resolved. The AND condition ensures that the recipe doesn't sync resolved PagerDuty incidents to Jira as new active issues.
Click Select an app and action.
Set up your Jira Create issue action.
Search for and select Jira
in the Choose an app search box.
Choose Jira
Select Create issue as your action.
Select the Create issue action
Use the Project issue type drop-down menu to select the project and issue type.
For example, in a Jira project named Incident Management
, select the Incident
issue type.
Map the PagerDuty Summary | Step 1
datapill to the Summary field.
Add the following text to the Description field:
Incident type:
Last status change at:
Map the relevant PagerDuty datapills to each line in the Description field:
Type | Step 1
Status | Step 1
Urgency | Step 1
Last status change at | Step 1
Switch the Priority name field to formula mode and perform the following actions:
Map the PagerDuty Urgency | Step 1
Append the .capitalize
Configure the Priority name field
Click Save.
Step summary
If no matching Jira issue exists for the PagerDuty incident and the incident isn't resolved, this step creates a new Jira issue with the incident issue type and syncs details from PagerDuty.
Click the +
Add step button and select Action in app.
Set up your Jira Create comment action.
Search for and select Jira
in the Choose an app search box.
Choose Jira
Select Create comment as your action.
Select the Create comment action
Map the Jira Key | Step 7
datapill to the Issue ID or key field. This field identifies the Jira issue where the new comment should be added.
Add the following text to the Comment text field:
New incident triggered in PagerDuty for this issue
Incident number:
Link to PagerDuty:
Map the relevant PagerDuty datapills to each line in the Comment text field:
Summary | Step 1
Incident number | Step 1
Service.Summary | Step 1
Status | Step 1
Urgency | Step 1
Html URL | Step 1
Click Save.
Step summary
This final step in the recipe adds a comment to the new Jira issue with the relevant details from PagerDuty.
Your PagerDuty and Jira recipe is ready to test and implement.
Example recipe configuration.
PagerDuty and Jira recipe
Last updated: 12/9/2024, 9:57:19 PM