# Insights

Insights is a data visualization and manipulation engine built into Workato and Workflow apps' no-code environment. It enables business users, IT professionals, and citizen developers alike to connect, manipulate, and visualize data, and make data-driven decisions, all within Workato.

You can access Insights from the side navigation bar in Platform > Insights.

Insights dashboardInsights dashboard

You can build custom dashboards based on your automation data. This provides visibility to the value created by automation and bridges the gap between automation and analytics. Insights always displays data in real time, without a need for expensive ETL/ELT and BI (business intelligence) practices.

Use Insights for the following types of data analysis:

# Usage analytics

Workato Insights can track how a Workato workspace is used, including recipe success rates and errors, display recipe/task consumption, break down data by projects and environments, and show full job history for the workspace.

Sample metrics include:

  • Of recipes/jobs/tasks:

    • The number of tasks consumed by a recipe
    • The number of tasks consumed by each environment
    • The number of active recipes in an environment
    • Error rates
    • Job execution time
  • Full job history

    • The total number of tasks consumed in a workspace
    • The total number of active recipes in a workspace

# Automation impact

This feature can provide insights into how automation impacts your business processes and calculate ROI. This can include time/money saved, reduced manual errors, and increased operational efficiency.

Sample metrics include:

  • Total amount saved ($)
  • Hours saved last month by a specific process
  • Savings by process or department

# App analytics

Workato Insights can provide analytics on user-centric processes implemented as a Workflow app.

Sample metrics include:

  • Of open tasks:
    • Average user processing time
    • The time a task spends in a certain status
  • Of approval processes:
    • Average time to approve
  • Of employees onboarded last month:
    • Average time to complete processing

# Workflow performance

Workato Insights can provide analytics on how well your automated workflows perform.

  • Sample metrics include:
    • Total amount of orders processed last month in an automated Order-to-Cash process
    • Breakdown of orders by region
    • Average order processing time

# Supported data sources, queries, and charts

# Data sources

Connect your data from the following supported data sources:

  • Workspace usage
    • Projects in all environments
    • Recipes in all environments
    • Job history with full job list of your entire workspace
  • Individual recipe job history with custom columns
  • Data tables
  • Workflow apps

# Queries

Transform and prepare your data: Retrieve, analyze, and utilize the information stored in your data sources using the following queries on your data:

  • Filter by
  • Summarize
  • Join to
  • Sort by
  • Row limit to

# Charts

Visualize your data: Display data points, trends, patterns, and relationships by adding charts to your dashboard.

Insights supports the following chart types:

  • Table (default)
  • Line graph
  • Bar graph
  • Pie chart
  • Number graph
  • Area graph

# Permissions

Permissions to access the Insights feature is determined by role-based access control (RBAC). By default, the Admin and Analyst system roles have full access to Insights. You can manage privileges to Insights for custom roles in Workspace admin > Collaborators in Platform tools > Insights.

This setting controls the ability to access Insights in the platform. Access to Insights dashboards within Workflow apps is determined by your plan.

Last updated: 7/18/2024, 7:11:10 PM