# 監査ログのストリーミング
Workato は、すべてのレシピのジョブレポートおよびログインとユーザーアクティビティを、Amazon S3 バケットや任意の REST エンドポイントに保存できます。任意のログサービスプロバイダ (Sumo Logic (opens new window)、Datadog (opens new window) など) を使用できます。有効にすると、イベントごとに JSON ファイルが作成されます。ファイルサイズは、ログに含まれる詳細に応じて1 KB ~1 MBになります。
# 設定方法
[Account Settings] の [Audit log streaming] タブをクリックし、トグルボタンを使用して監査ログのストリーミングを有効にします。
# 監査ストリームの送信先
# 送信先
# Amazon S3 バケット
リージョンとバケットが設定されている Amazon S3 コネクションを選択します。コネクションにはバケットに対する読み取りおよび書き込みアクセス権が必要です。
# Azure Blob Storage
コンテナーが設定されている Azure Blob コネクションを選択します。コネクションにはコンテナーに対する読み取りおよび書き込みアクセス権が必要です。Azure Active Directory で統合システムユーザー (ISU) のロールのアクセス権を変更する方法については、こちら (opens new window)を参照してください。Azure Blob にストリーミングされる10,000件のログごとに Azure の追加の費用 (opens new window)が発生します。
# Azure Monitor
Azure テナント上で Log Analytics ワークスペースに結び付けられている Azure Monitor コネクションを選択します。詳細については、コネクションに関するドキュメントを参照してください。
# クラウドベースのログサービス
任意のログサービスプロバイダ (Sumo Logic、Datadog、Splunk など) を使用できます。Sumo Logic または Datadog を使用して HTTP ベースのログ収集を設定するには、Sumo Logic (opens new window) または Datadog (opens new window) のドキュメントを参照してください。
# 送信先からの認証
# 認証が必要な場合
HTTP リクエストを送信するためにログサービスプロバイダから認証を求められる場合は、[REQUIRES AUTHENTICATION
] トグルを有効にします。
# HTTP 認証
HTTP 接続の認証タイプを選択します。選択した認証タイプに応じて、認証の詳細を指定します。
# HTTP 接続
HTTP 接続を作成するか、既存の HTTP 接続にリンクすることにより、HTTP 接続をリンクします。HTTP 接続で認証情報を指定する必要があります。
クラウドベースのログサービスプロバイダの HTTP URL を入力します。Workato の監査ログのストリーミングでは、この URL にリアルタイムで監査ログイベントを POST します。
# ログメッセージのカスタマイズ
Workato では、S3、Splunk、Datadog などの選択したセキュリティおよびイベント管理アプリケーションにストリーミングする前に、監査ログメッセージをカスタマイズできます。多くの場合、特定の形式で送信するか、ニーズに合わせてイベントメッセージをカスタマイズすることが必要になります。たとえば、送信先のアプリケーションでイベントログが自動的に処理されるように、送信元アプリケーション (Workato
など) や、環境メタデータ (ステージングや本番など) を含める必要がある場合もあります。
[Account Settings] > [Audit log streaming] > [Customize log message]
では、JSON 形式でカスタマイズログメッセージを作成できます。カスタムフィールドのほか、イベントのストリーミング前に実際のログメッセージで置き換えられる、Workato の監査ログに対するプレースホルダを使用して JSON 構造を定義します。
例を使って説明します。ここでは、メッセージが Datadog 内の適切なバケットに送信されて保存されるように、source
、および service
は、Workato が JSON 形式で実際の監査ログイベントメッセージを置き換えるために使用するプレースホルダです。
"source": "workato",
"environment": "staging",
"hostname": "workato_cloud",
"service": "emp_onboarding",
"logEntries": {{{log_message}}}
有効な JSON を定義していることを確認してください。JSON が無効な場合、または
# カスタム監査ログメッセージのフィールド
# レシピの開始アクティビティのカスタム監査ログメッセージ
# ジョブレポートのカスタム監査ログメッセージ
# JSON ファイルの詳細
Workato では、イベントごとに JSON ファイルが作成されます。ファイルのパスと名前の形式は以下のとおりです。
項目 | 説明 |
パス | user_id/jobs/recipe_id/YYYYMMDD/job_id/ 例 : 1234/jobs/456/20220614/j-KGAKfhsz-GYoLeD/ |
名前 | user_id-recipe_id-job_id-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS-status.json 例 : 1234-456-j-KGAKfhsz-GYoLeD-20220614-succeeded.json |
ファイルのパスと名前の例 : 1234/jobs/456/20220614/j-KGAKfhsz-GYoLeD/1234-456-j-KGAKfhsz-GYoLeD-20220614-succeeded.json
# JSON ファイルの内容 - サンプルデータ
ジョブレポート - 成功
"id": "j-AEcaNzd9-dGQ4Bf",
"master_job_id": "j-AEcaNXb8-KWAmEL",
"recipe_id": 3026581,
"calling_job_id": "j-AEcaNXWz-Yhzrct",
"calling_recipe_id": 3026585,
"title": "Recipe function by Workato: new call for function: Calling job ID=j-AEcaNXWz-Yhzrct, Calling recipe ID=3026585, and ID=2d02d10dj28",
"status": "succeeded",
"is_repeat": true,
"is_test": false,
"started_at": "2022-10-19T22:30:46-07:00",
"completed_at": "2022-10-19T22:30:46-07:00",
"repeat_count": 1,
"action_count": 2,
"parent_id": "j-AEcaNXb8-KWAmEL",
"flow_id": 3026581,
"error_type": null,
"is_poll_error": false,
"account_id": 33359,
"account_name": "Gabriel Sim",
"environment_type": "dev",
"environment_id": 33359,
"error": null,
"context": {
"user_id": 33359,
"user_name": "Gabriel Sim",
"user_email": "[email protected]",
"recipe_id": 3026581,
"recipe_url": "https://app.workato.com/recipes/3026581",
"recipe_name": "Update customer contact details",
"recipe_path": "Home/Functions",
"job_id": "j-AEcaNzd9-dGQ4Bf",
"master_job_id": "j-AEcaNXb8-KWAmEL",
"calling_recipe_id": 3026585,
"calling_job_id": "j-AEcaNXWz-Yhzrct",
"is_repeat": true,
"is_test": false,
"repeat_count": 1,
"job_url": "https://app.workato.com/recipes/3026581/job/j-AEcaNXb8-KWAmEL?child_job_id=j-AEcaNzd9-dGQ4Bf",
"job_created_at": "2022-10-19T22:30:46.084655-07:00",
"repeated_job": true,
"parent_job_id": "j-AEcaNXb8-KWAmEL",
"user_external_id": null
"report": {},
"lines": [{
"recipe_line_number": 0,
"adapter_name": "workato_recipe_function",
"adapter_operation": "execute",
"input": {
"parameters_schema_json": "[{\"name\":\"id\",\"type\":\"string\",\"optional\":false,\"control_type\":\"text\",\"label\":\"ID\"},{\"name\":\"name\",\"type\":\"string\",\"optional\":false,\"control_type\":\"text\",\"label\":\"Name\"}]"
"output": {
"context": {
"calling_job_id": "j-AEcaNXWz-Yhzrct",
"calling_recipe_id": 3026585
"parameters": {
"id": "2d02d10dj28",
"name": "John Doe"
"mask_data": false,
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"count": 1,
"average": 3.4561380743980408e-06,
"total": 3.4561380743980408e-06,
"min": 3.4561380743980408e-06,
"max": 3.4561380743980408e-06
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"name": "normalize_input",
"count": 1,
"average": 2.6102876290678978e-05,
"total": 2.6102876290678978e-05,
"min": 2.6102876290678978e-05,
"max": 2.6102876290678978e-05
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"name": "summarize_output_report",
"count": 1,
"average": 0.00013904995284974575,
"total": 0.00013904995284974575,
"min": 0.00013904995284974575,
"max": 0.00013904995284974575
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"count": 1,
"average": 0.00023522903211414814,
"total": 0.00023522903211414814,
"min": 0.00023522903211414814,
"max": 0.00023522903211414814
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"count": 1,
"average": 3.300304524600506e-05,
"total": 3.300304524600506e-05,
"min": 3.300304524600506e-05,
"max": 3.300304524600506e-05
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"adapter_name": "logger",
"adapter_operation": "log_message",
"input": {
"user_logs_enabled": "false",
"message": "2d02d10dj28\nJohn Doe"
"output": {
"message": "2d02d10dj28\nJohn Doe"
"mask_data": false,
"line_stat": {
"total": 0.0006231747101992369,
"details": [{
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"count": 1,
"average": 6.73769973218441e-05,
"total": 6.73769973218441e-05,
"min": 6.73769973218441e-05,
"max": 6.73769973218441e-05
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"count": 2,
"average": 2.1075480617582798e-05,
"total": 4.2150961235165596e-05,
"min": 1.0683899745345116e-05,
"max": 3.146706148982048e-05
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"name": "trim_input",
"count": 1,
"average": 2.4744775146245956e-05,
"total": 2.4744775146245956e-05,
"min": 2.4744775146245956e-05,
"max": 2.4744775146245956e-05
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"average": 8.066883310675621e-06,
"total": 8.066883310675621e-06,
"min": 8.066883310675621e-06,
"max": 8.066883310675621e-06
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"name": "render_input",
"count": 1,
"average": 5.113217048346996e-05,
"total": 5.113217048346996e-05,
"min": 5.113217048346996e-05,
"max": 5.113217048346996e-05
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"count": 1,
"average": 2.0849984139204025e-06,
"total": 2.0849984139204025e-06,
"min": 2.0849984139204025e-06,
"max": 2.0849984139204025e-06
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"count": 1,
"average": 0.00036507495678961277,
"total": 0.00036507495678961277,
"min": 0.00036507495678961277,
"max": 0.00036507495678961277
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"count": 1,
"average": 2.2870954126119614e-05,
"total": 2.2870954126119614e-05,
"min": 2.2870954126119614e-05,
"max": 2.2870954126119614e-05
}, {
"name": "normalize_output",
"count": 1,
"average": 8.760020136833191e-06,
"total": 8.760020136833191e-06,
"min": 8.760020136833191e-06,
"max": 8.760020136833191e-06
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"name": "summarize_input_report",
"count": 1,
"average": 1.499708741903305e-05,
"total": 1.499708741903305e-05,
"min": 1.499708741903305e-05,
"max": 1.499708741903305e-05
}, {
"name": "summarize_output_report",
"count": 1,
"average": 1.5914905816316605e-05,
"total": 1.5914905816316605e-05,
"min": 1.5914905816316605e-05,
"max": 1.5914905816316605e-05
}, {
"recipe_line_number": 2,
"adapter_name": "workato_recipe_function",
"adapter_operation": "return_result",
"input": {
"result": null
"output": {},
"mask_data": false,
"line_stat": {
"total": 0.00041800527833402157,
"details": [{
"name": "map_input",
"count": 1,
"average": 1.4118850231170654e-06,
"total": 1.4118850231170654e-06,
"min": 1.4118850231170654e-06,
"max": 1.4118850231170654e-06
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"name": "normalize_input",
"count": 2,
"average": 1.2210803106427193e-06,
"total": 2.4421606212854385e-06,
"min": 7.431954145431519e-07,
"max": 1.6989652067422867e-06
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"name": "trim_input",
"count": 1,
"average": 3.2829120755195618e-06,
"total": 3.2829120755195618e-06,
"min": 3.2829120755195618e-06,
"max": 3.2829120755195618e-06
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"average": 3.4710392355918884e-06,
"total": 3.4710392355918884e-06,
"min": 3.4710392355918884e-06,
"max": 3.4710392355918884e-06
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"count": 1,
"average": 5.241017788648605e-06,
"total": 5.241017788648605e-06,
"min": 5.241017788648605e-06,
"max": 5.241017788648605e-06
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"count": 1,
"average": 1.1560041457414627e-06,
"total": 1.1560041457414627e-06,
"min": 1.1560041457414627e-06,
"max": 1.1560041457414627e-06
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"name": "execute",
"count": 1,
"average": 0.0003324940335005522,
"total": 0.0003324940335005522,
"min": 0.0003324940335005522,
"max": 0.0003324940335005522
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"name": "parse_output",
"count": 1,
"average": 5.090143531560898e-06,
"total": 5.090143531560898e-06,
"min": 5.090143531560898e-06,
"max": 5.090143531560898e-06
}, {
"name": "normalize_output",
"count": 1,
"average": 8.961651474237442e-07,
"total": 8.961651474237442e-07,
"min": 8.961651474237442e-07,
"max": 8.961651474237442e-07
}, {
"name": "summarize_input_report",
"count": 1,
"average": 6.251991726458073e-05,
"total": 6.251991726458073e-05,
"min": 6.251991726458073e-05,
"max": 6.251991726458073e-05
ジョブレポート - 失敗
"id": "j-AEcaQsxm-Ec4PRe",
"master_job_id": "j-AEcaNXb8-KWAmEL",
"recipe_id": 3026581,
"calling_job_id": "j-AEcaNXWz-Yhzrct",
"calling_recipe_id": 3026585,
"title": "Recipe function by Workato: new call for function: Calling job ID=j-AEcaNXWz-Yhzrct, Calling recipe ID=3026585, and ID=2d02d10dj28",
"status": "failed",
"is_repeat": true,
"is_test": false,
"started_at": "2022-10-19T22:33:29-07:00",
"completed_at": "2022-10-19T22:33:29-07:00",
"repeat_count": 2,
"action_count": 0,
"parent_id": "j-AEcaNzd9-dGQ4Bf",
"flow_id": 3026581,
"error_type": "Bad data sent to API server",
"is_poll_error": false,
"account_id": 33359,
"account_name": "Gabriel Sim",
"environment_type": "dev",
"environment_id": 33359,
"error": "{\"error_id\":\"7859dd09-bf6d-4d47-a55b-e84049cdafe2\",\"error_type\":\"Bad data sent to API server\",\"error_at\":\"2022-10-19T22:33:29.643-07:00\",\"adapter\":\"salesforce\",\"action\":\"create_custom_object\",\"line_number\":2,\"message\":\"Invalid Salesforce ID value(s) for: AccountId\",\"inner_message\":null}",
"context": {
"user_id": 33359,
"user_name": "Gabriel Sim",
"user_email": "[email protected]",
"recipe_id": 3026581,
"recipe_url": "https://app.workato.com/recipes/3026581",
"recipe_name": "Update customer contact details",
"recipe_path": "Home/Functions",
"job_id": "j-AEcaQsxm-Ec4PRe",
"master_job_id": "j-AEcaNXb8-KWAmEL",
"calling_recipe_id": 3026585,
"calling_job_id": "j-AEcaNXWz-Yhzrct",
"is_repeat": true,
"is_test": false,
"repeat_count": 2,
"job_url": "https://app.workato.com/recipes/3026581/job/j-AEcaNzd9-dGQ4Bf?child_job_id=j-AEcaQsxm-Ec4PRe",
"job_created_at": "2022-10-19T22:33:29.354481-07:00",
"repeated_job": true,
"parent_job_id": "j-AEcaNzd9-dGQ4Bf",
"user_external_id": null
"report": {},
"lines": [{
"recipe_line_number": 0,
"adapter_name": "workato_recipe_function",
"adapter_operation": "execute",
"input": {
"parameters_schema_json": "[{\"name\":\"id\",\"type\":\"string\",\"optional\":false,\"control_type\":\"text\",\"label\":\"ID\"},{\"name\":\"name\",\"type\":\"string\",\"optional\":false,\"control_type\":\"text\",\"label\":\"Name\"}]"
"output": {
"context": {
"calling_job_id": "j-AEcaNXWz-Yhzrct",
"calling_recipe_id": 3026585
"parameters": {
"id": "2d02d10dj28",
"name": "John Doe"
"mask_data": false,
"line_stat": {
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"details": [{
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"count": 1,
"average": 3.3209798857569695e-06,
"total": 3.3209798857569695e-06,
"min": 3.3209798857569695e-06,
"max": 3.3209798857569695e-06
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"name": "normalize_input",
"count": 1,
"average": 1.7269980162382126e-05,
"total": 1.7269980162382126e-05,
"min": 1.7269980162382126e-05,
"max": 1.7269980162382126e-05
}, {
"name": "summarize_output_report",
"count": 1,
"average": 0.00010947103146463633,
"total": 0.00010947103146463633,
"min": 0.00010947103146463633,
"max": 0.00010947103146463633
}, {
"name": "event_title",
"count": 1,
"average": 0.00014947890304028988,
"total": 0.00014947890304028988,
"min": 0.00014947890304028988,
"max": 0.00014947890304028988
}, {
"name": "summarize_input_report",
"count": 1,
"average": 1.8453923985362053e-05,
"total": 1.8453923985362053e-05,
"min": 1.8453923985362053e-05,
"max": 1.8453923985362053e-05
}, {
"recipe_line_number": 1,
"adapter_name": "salesforce",
"adapter_operation": "create_custom_object",
"input": {
"sobject_name": "Contact",
"LastName": "John Doe",
"AccountId": "2d02d10dj28",
"FirstName": "John Doe"
"output": {},
"error": "Invalid Salesforce ID value(s) for: AccountId",
"mask_data": false,
"line_stat": {
"total": 0.07894168607890606,
"details": [{
"name": "map_input",
"count": 1,
"average": 8.689402602612972e-05,
"total": 8.689402602612972e-05,
"min": 8.689402602612972e-05,
"max": 8.689402602612972e-05
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"name": "normalize_input",
"count": 2,
"average": 1.2068485375493765e-05,
"total": 2.413697075098753e-05,
"min": 7.361988537013531e-06,
"max": 1.6774982213974e-05
}, {
"name": "trim_input",
"count": 1,
"average": 7.869710680097342e-05,
"total": 7.869710680097342e-05,
"min": 7.869710680097342e-05,
"max": 7.869710680097342e-05
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"name": "input_with_indifferent_access",
"count": 1,
"average": 5.826936103403568e-06,
"total": 5.826936103403568e-06,
"min": 5.826936103403568e-06,
"max": 5.826936103403568e-06
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"name": "render_input",
"count": 1,
"average": 0.00010894099250435829,
"total": 0.00010894099250435829,
"min": 0.00010894099250435829,
"max": 0.00010894099250435829
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"count": 1,
"average": 1.3289973139762878e-06,
"total": 1.3289973139762878e-06,
"min": 1.3289973139762878e-06,
"max": 1.3289973139762878e-06
}, {
"name": "execute",
"count": 1,
"average": 0.07858130801469088,
"total": 0.07858130801469088,
"min": 0.07858130801469088,
"max": 0.07858130801469088
}, {
"name": "summarize_input_report",
"count": 1,
"average": 5.455303471535444e-05,
"total": 5.455303471535444e-05,
"min": 5.455303471535444e-05,
"max": 5.455303471535444e-05
# ユーザーアクティビティ - サンプルデータ
"resource": {
"email_confirmed_at": "2019-11-24 14:29:30 -0800",
"name": "John Smith",
"id": 4848,
"type": "User",
"email": "[email protected]"
"details": {
"request": {
"ip_address": "",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.113 Safari/537.36"
"activity": "sso_login",
"sso_provider": "google"
"team": {
"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"event": "user_login",
"user": {
"name": "John Smith",
"id": 4848,
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"timestamp": "2020-05-02 02:39:22 UTC"
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"timestamp": "2020-05-02 02:39:10 UTC"
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"timestamp": "2020-05-02 02:51:46 UTC"
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"timestamp": "2020-05-02 02:52:17 UTC"
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"name": "John Smith",
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"timestamp": "2020-05-02 02:53:33 UTC"
"resource": {
"name": "Candidate in Progress on JIRA will advance on GreenHouse",
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"timestamp": "2020-05-02 02:53:32 UTC"
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"timestamp": "2020-05-04 18:26:28 UTC"
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"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
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"name": "John Smith",
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"timestamp": "2020-05-04 18:39:15 UTC"
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"name": "John Smith",
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"timestamp": "2020-05-04 18:32:43 UTC"
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"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
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"name": "John Smith",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-04 18:33:23 UTC"
"resource": {
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"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
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"name": "John Smith",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-04 18:38:46 UTC"
"resource": {
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"name": "Send opportunity sync request via HTTP",
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"stop_reason": "user",
"force": false,
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"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"event": "recipe_stopped",
"user": {
"name": "Johm Smith",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-04 18:39:06 UTC"
"resource": {
"path": "Home/RevOps Salesforce <> Netsuite",
"name": "RevOps Salesforce <> Netsuite",
"id": 6847,
"type": "Folder"
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"name": "Workato Team",
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"id": 4848,
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"timestamp": "2020-05-04 18:48:08 UTC"
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"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
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"name": "Johm Smith",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-04 18:50:20 UTC"
チーム - チームメンバーの招待
"resource": {
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"name": "Alice Jackson",
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"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
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"event": "team_invitation_created",
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"name": "Johm Smith",
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"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-04 18:53:59 UTC"
チーム - メンバーが招待を受諾
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"name": "Workato Team",
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"event": "team_invitation_accept",
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"name": "Alice Jackson",
"id": 6464,
"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-04 20:05:02 UTC"
チーム - メンバーの削除
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"id": 4941,
"type": "User",
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"type": "ManagedUserGrant"
"details": {
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"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"event": "team_membership_deleted",
"user": {
"name": "John Smith",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-04 18:53:16 UTC"
チーム - チームに参加
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"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
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"event": "user_login",
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"name": "Alice Jackson",
"id": 6464,
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"timestamp": "2020-05-04 20:27:33 UTC"
チーム - チームから離脱
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"activity": "switch_team"
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"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
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"event": "user_logout",
"user": {
"name": "Alice Jackson",
"id": 6464,
"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-04 20:28:01 UTC"
コネクション - 接続
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"name": "Johm Smith",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-04 20:56:35 UTC"
コネクション - 切断
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"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
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"event": "connection_disconnected",
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"name": "Johm Smith",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-04 20:56:24 UTC"
コネクション - 作成
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"authorized": false,
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"id": 7174,
"type": "SharedAccount"
"details": {
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"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"event": "connection_created",
"user": {
"name": "Johm Smith",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-04 21:59:58 UTC"
コネクション - 更新
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"event": "connection_updated",
"user": {
"name": "Johm Smith",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-04 20:56:32 UTC"
コネクション - 削除
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"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"event": "connection_deleted",
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"name": "Johm Smith",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-04 20:57:21 UTC"
コネクター - 更新
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"id": 1884,
"type": "Adapter"
"team": {
"name": "Workato Team",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"event": "connector_updated",
"user": {
"name": "John Smith",
"id": 4848,
"email": "[email protected]"
"timestamp": "2020-05-02 02:53:28 UTC"
Last updated: 2024/6/28 17:23:50