# Event streams public API

The Event streams public API endpoints allow you to publish and retrieve messages from event topics. Each message in the topic has an ID that you can use as an offset. You must store either the Message ID or Last message timestamp to use these endpoints.

Refer to the OpenAPI specification (opens new window) for Workato Event streams public API for more information.


The Event streams APIs are divided into two categories. Each category uses a different domain and namespace.

# Public API

The following endpoints were migrated to the https://event-streams.workato.com domain:

  • Consume messages POST /api/v1/topics/:topic_id/consume
  • Publish a message POST /api/v1/topics/:topic_id/publish
  • Publish a batch of messages POST /api/v1/batch/topics/:topic_id/publish

Note: Legacy endpoints published on https://www.workato.com/api (under the /pubsub/topics/ namespace) still function but are rate-limited to 1,000 requests per minute.

# Developer API

The following endpoints use the https://www.workato.com domain:

  • List topics GET /api/event_streams/topics
  • Create a topic POST /api/event_streams/topics
  • Get a topic by ID GET /api/event_streams/topics/:topic_id
  • Update a topic PUT /api/event_streams/topics/:topic_id
  • Purge a topic PUT /api/event_streams/topics/:topic_id/purge
  • Delete a topic DELETE /api/event_streams/topics/:topic_id

Refer to the Event streams Developer API documentation for more information.

# Quick reference

Type Resource Description
POST /api/v1/topics/:topic_id/consume Consume messages from a topic.
POST /api/v1/topics/:topic_id/publish Publish a message to a topic.
POST /api/v1/batch/topics/:topic_id/publish Publish a batch of messages to a topic.

# Consume messages

Retrieve messages from the topic. This resource provides the option to retrieve all messages within the topic or, by including parameters in the request body, to fetch messages after a specified ID or timestamp. The response is limited to a maximum of 50 messages in each batch.

You can enable long polling mode by setting the timeout_secs parameter. In this mode, the API returns available messages instantly. If there are no messages, the API waits for a maximum of timeout_secs seconds. If a new message appears within this timeframe, it is instantly returned; otherwise, the API provides an empty list after the call times out.

POST /api/v1/topics/:topic_id/consume

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
topic_id integer
Event topic ID.

# Payload

Name Type Description
after_message_id string
Message ID. The service returns all messages after the message with the specified ID. The ID must correspond to a message that exists in the topic.
since_time string
Timestamp in RFC 3339 format. The service returns all messages after the timestamp specified. The current time is used if the since_time value is a time in the future.
batch_size integer
Maximum batch size to return. The maximum value is 50. Returns batch of 50 messages if not specified.
timeout_secs integer
Maximum timeout for long polling. The maximum value is 60. The default value is 0. When 0, long polling is disabled.


We recommend using after_message_id to control the topic message cursor. since_time should only be used for the first request (to poll messages from a specific timestamp without polling the whole topic), or if you need to re-retrieve messages from the topic. Using since_time, especially in combination with batch publish and long polling, doesn't guarantee message order and can lead to skipped messages.

# Sample request

curl  -X POST "https://event-streams.workato.com/api/v1/topics/<id>/consume" \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data '{"after_message_id": "A12x"}'

# Response

    "messages": [
            "message_id": "A12y",
            "payload": {
                "Name": "Jane",
                "Surname": "Doe"
            "time": "2023-04-14T15:07:14.437+00:00"
            "message_id": "A12z",
            "payload": {
                "Name": "John",
                "Surname": "Doe"
            "time": "2023-04-14T15:43:40.227+00:00"

# Publish message

Publish a message to a topic. The message must comply with the topic schema.

POST /api/v1/topics/:topic_id/publish

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
topic_id integer
Event topic ID.

# Payload

Name Type Description
Message to publish to the topic. The message must comply with the topic schema.

# Sample request

curl  -X POST "https://event-streams.workato.com/api/v1/topics/<id>/publish" \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      --data '{"Name": "John", "Surname": "Doe"}'

# Response

  "message_id": "A1BRi"

# Publish a batch of messages

Publish a batch of messages to a topic. The messages must comply with the topic schema.

POST /api/v1/batch/topics/:topic_id/publish

# URL parameters

Name Type Description
topic_id integer
Event topic ID.

# Payload

Name Type Description
payloads Array of JSON
Array of messages to publish to the topic. The messages must comply with the topic schema. The maximum array size is 100.

# Sample request

curl  -X POST "https://event-streams.workato.com/api/v1/topics/<id>/publish" \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
      --data '{"payload":[{"Name": "John", "Surname": "Doe"},
      {"Name": "Jane", "Surname": "Doe"}]}'

# Response

  "is_partial_error": false,
  "message_ids": {
    "0": {
      "message_id": "A1DFi",
      "result": "success"
    "1": {
      "message_id": "A1DL8",
      "result": "success"

Last updated: 10/16/2024, 3:02:32 PM