# Permissions
The ability to configure and create Workflow apps is determined by role based access control (RBAC).
By default, the system roles Admin and Analyst have full permissions to build Workflow apps, manage Workflow apps, and configure Workflow apps portal settings.
Workato also enables you to assign granular Workflow apps permissions by creating a custom role in Workspace admin > Collaborators > Collaborator roles. This allows you to separate the permissions for building and managing Workflow apps. For example, you can create a role that allows users to create Workflow apps, but prevents them from modifying Workflow apps portal settings. This guide describes the permissions necessary to perform the following tasks:
- Create Workflow apps pages
- Create Workflow apps
- Configure Workflow apps
- Configure Workflow apps portal settings
- Configure Workflow apps users and groups
Access to Workflow apps also depends on the type of access your role has to data tables.
# Minimum permissions to create Workflow apps pages
Consider a situation where you plan to enable a user to create Workflow apps pages but do not plan for them to have permission to create new Workflow apps.
In this scenario, you can create a custom role with the following minimum permissions:
Recipe development > Projects: View and Edit
Recipe development > Workflow apps > App development: Full access
# Minimum permissions to create a Workflow app
The following minimum permissions are required to create a Workflow apps:
Recipe development > Workflow apps > App development: Full access
Recipe development > Recipe creation > Projects: Create
# Minimum permissions for managing Workflow apps access
The following minimum permissions are required to manage Workflow apps access:
Recipe development > Workflow apps > App access and role management: Full access
Recipe development > Data storage > Data tables: Full access
# Permissions to configure Workflow apps portal settings
The following permission enables you to configure Workflow apps portal settings:
Platform tools > Apps portal > Settings: Full access
# Permissions to manage Workflow apps portal users
The following permission enables you to manage Workflow apps portal users and groups from the user interface:
Platform tools > Apps portal > Users and groups: Full access
Read more about collaborator roles and privileges.
Last updated: 12/16/2024, 1:44:05 AM