# API platform
The API platform APIs allow users to programmatically create and manage API Platform assets like endpoints, collections, clients, and access profiles.
API platform endpoints allow up to 10 requests per second.
The following endpoints are scheduled for deprecation on December 1, 2025:
- List API clients
- Create an API client
- List access profiles
- Create an access profile
- Update an access profile
- Enable access profile
- Disable access profile
- Refresh token/secret
Migrate to the following endpoints before this date to avoid service interruptions:
# Quick reference
Type | Resource | Description |
GET | /api/api_collections | List API collections. The endpoint returns the project_id of the project to which the collections belong in the response. |
POST | /api/api_collections | Create an API collection within a project you specify. |
GET | /api/api_endpoints | List API endpoints in a collection. |
PUT | /api/api_endpoints/:api_endpoint_id/enable | Enable an API endpoint in a collection. |
PUT | /api/api_endpoints/:api_endpoint_id/disable | Disable an API endpoint in a collection. |
GET | /api/api_clients | List all API clients. We recommend that you migrate to the List API clients (v2) endpoint to prepare for future deprecation. |
GET | /api/v2/api_clients | List all API clients. Workato includes the project_id of the project associated with the API client in the response. |
POST | /api/api_clients | Create a new API client within a project you specify. We recommend that you migrate to the Create API client (v2) endpoint to prepare for future deprecation. |
POST | /api/v2/api_clients | Create a new API client within a project you specify. |
GET | /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id | Retrieve details of an API client by ID. |
PUT | /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id | Update an existing API client within a project you specify. |
DELETE | /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id | Delete an existing API client. |
GET | /api/api_access_profiles | List access profiles for an API client. We recommend that you migrate to the List API keys endpoint to prepare for future deprecation. |
GET | /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/api_keys | List API keys for an API client. |
POST | /api/api_access_profiles | Create an access profile for an API client. We recommend that you migrate to the Create API key endpoint to prepare for future deprecation. |
POST | /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/api_keys | Create an API key for an API client. |
PUT | /api/api_access_profiles/:api_access_profile_id | Update an access profile for an API client. We recommend that you migrate to the Update API key endpoint to prepare for future deprecation. |
PUT | /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/api_keys/:api_key_id | Update an API key for an API client. |
PUT | /api/api_access_profiles/ :api_access_profile_id/enable | Enable an access profile for an API client. We recommend that you migrate to the Enable API key endpoint to prepare for future deprecation. |
PUT | /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/ api_keys/:api_key_id/enable | Enable an API key for an API client. |
PUT | /api/api_access_profiles/:api_access_profile_id/disable | Disable an access profile for an API client. We recommend that you migrate to the Disable API key endpoint to prepare for future deprecation. |
PUT | /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/ api_keys/:api_key_id/disable | Disable an API key for an API client. |
PUT | /api/api_access_profiles/:access_profile_id/refresh_secret | Refresh the token or secret for an access profile. We recommend that you migrate to the Refresh API key secret endpoint to prepare for future deprecation. |
PUT | /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/ api_keys/:api_key_id/refresh_secret | Refresh the authentication token or OAuth 2.0 client secret for an API key. |
DELETE | /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/api_keys/:api_key_id | Delete an existing API key. |
GET | /api/v2/api_portals | List all API portals associated with API clients in your workspace. |
# List API collections
List all API collections. The endpoint returns the project_id
of the project to which the collections belong in the response.
GET /api/api_collections
# Query parameters
Name | Type | Description |
per_page | integer | Number of API collections to return in a single page. Defaults to 100 . Max is 100 . |
page | integer | Page number of the API collections to fetch. Defaults to 1 . |
# Response
"id": 1361,
"name": "Quote to cash",
"version": "1.0",
"url": "https://api.peatql.io/quote-to-cash-v1",
"api_spec_url": "https://www.workato.com/doc/service/quote-to-cash-v1/swagger?token=4cab5bdf2cebbe2b4ahjkc9ac175f60c",
"created_at": "2020-06-15T22:20:15.327-07:00",
"updated_at": "2020-06-15T22:20:15.327-07:00",
"project_id": "523144"
# Create an API collection
Create an API collection within a project you specify.
POST /api/api_collections
# Query parameters
Name | Type | Description |
project_id | string required | The ID of a specific project. Retrieve a list of project IDs using the list projects endpoint. |
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
name | string required | Name of the collection |
# Sample request
curl -X POST https://www.workato.com/api/api_collections?project_id=523144 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Netsuite customers"
# Response
"id": 1391,
"name": "Netsuite customers",
"version": "1.0",
"url": "https://api.na.workato.com/abstergoi/netsuite-customers-v1",
"api_spec_url": "https://www.workato.com/doc/service/netsuite-customers-v1/swagger?token=774513f8a712djkls90s7f5a3165eb96d",
"created_at": "2020-07-31T08:24:31.439-07:00",
"updated_at": "2020-07-31T08:24:31.439-07:00"
# List API endpoints
Lists all API endpoints. Specify the api_collection_id
to obtain the list of endpoints in a specific collection.
GET /api/api_endpoints
# Query parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_collection_id | string | ID of the API collection. If the parameter is not provided, all API endpoints are returned. |
per_page | integer | Number of API endpoints to return in a single page. Defaults to 100 . Max is 100 . |
page | integer | Page number of the API endpoints to fetch. Defaults to 1 . |
# Sample request
curl -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/api_endpoints?api_collection_id=1391' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
# Response
"id": 9903,
"api_collection_id": 1391,
"flow_id": 39999,
"name": "salesforce search",
"method": "GET",
"url": "https://api.na.workato.com/abstergoi/netsuite-customers-v1/salesforce/search",
"legacy_url": null,
"base_path": "/abstergoi/netsuite-customers-v1/salesforce/search",
"path": "salesforce/search",
"active": false,
"legacy": false,
"created_at": "2020-08-05T05:59:55.991-07:00",
"updated_at": "2020-08-05T05:59:55.991-07:00"
# Enable an API endpoint
Enables an API endpoint. The underlying recipe must be started to enable the API endpoint successfully.
PUT /api/api_endpoints/:api_endpoint_id/enable
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_endpoint_id | string | ID of the API endpoint. |
# Sample request
curl -X PUT https://www.workato.com/api/api_endpoints/1213/enable \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
# Disable an API endpoint
Disables an active API endpoint. The endpoint can no longer be called by a client.
PUT /api/api_endpoints/:api_endpoint_id/disable
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_endpoint_id | string | ID of the API endpoint. |
# Sample request
curl -X PUT https://www.workato.com/api/api_endpoints/1213/disable \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
# List API clients
This endpoint is planned for deprecation on December 1, 2025. Transition to the new List API clients (v2) endpoint before this date to ensure uninterrupted service.
List all API clients. This endpoint includes the project_id
to which the API client belongs in the response.
GET /api/api_clients
# Response
"id": 1255,
"name": "Automation Inc.",
"created_at": "2020-07-31T03:44:22.435-07:00",
"updated_at": "2020-07-31T03:44:22.435-07:00",
"project_id" : "523144"
"id": 1890,
"name": "Umbrella Corporation",
"created_at": "2020-07-31T03:44:22.435-07:00",
"updated_at": "2020-07-31T03:44:22.435-07:00",
"project_id": "423455"
# List API clients (v2)
List all API clients. This endpoint includes the project_id
of the API client in the response.
GET /api/v2/api_clients
# Sample request
curl -X GET https://www.workato.com/api/v2/api_clients \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Test client",
"description": "",
"active_api_keys_count": 2,
"total_api_keys_count": 2,
"created_at": "2023-05-25T08:08:21.413-07:00",
"updated_at": "2024-10-25T03:52:07.122-07:00",
"logo": "https://s3-48296.alexv.awstf.workato.com/paperclip/api_customers/logos/000/000/001/small/psyduck.png?1729853526",
"logo_2x": "https://s3-48296.alexv.awstf.workato.com/paperclip/api_customers/logos/000/000/001/medium/psyduck.png?1729853526",
"is_legacy": true,
"api_policies": [
"id": 2,
"name": "Internal – Admins"
"api_collections": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Echo collection"
"id": 2,
"name": "Proxy"
"id": 4,
"name": "Proxy to Alex's API collection"
"id": 6,
"name": "San Sanych"
"count": 1,
"page": 1,
"per_page": 100
# Create an API client
This endpoint is planned for deprecation on December 1, 2025. Transition to the new Create an API client (v2) endpoint before this date to ensure uninterrupted service.
Create a new API client within a project you specify.
POST /api/api_clients
# Query parameters
Name | Type | Description |
project_id | string required | The ID of a specific project. Retrieve a list of project IDs by using the list projects endpoint. |
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
name | string required | Name of the client. |
# Sample request
curl -X POST https://www.workato.com/api/api_clients?project_id=523144 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Automation Inc.",
# Response
"id": 1255,
"name": "Automation Inc.",
"created_at": "2020-07-31T03:44:22.435-07:00",
"updated_at": "2020-07-31T03:44:22.435-07:00"
# Create an API client (v2)
Create a new API client within a project you specify.
POST /api/v2/api_clients
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
name | string required | Name of the client. |
description | string optional | Description of the client. |
project_id | integer optional | ID of the project to create the client in, if applicable. |
api_portal_id | integer conditional | The ID of the API portal to assign the client, if applicable. Required when the email field is provided in the request payload. |
string conditional | Email address for the client. Required if api_portal_id exists. | |
api_collection_ids | array required | IDs of API collections to assign to the client. |
api_policy_id | integer optional | ID of the API policy to apply. |
auth_type | string required | Authentication method to validate requests. Supported types include token , jwt , oauth2 and oidc . |
jwt_method | string conditional | The JWT signing method. Required when auth_type is jwt . Supported methods include hmac (HMAC) and rsa (RSA). |
jwt_secret | string conditional | HMAC shared secret or RSA public key. Required when auth_type is jwt . |
oidc_issuer | string conditional | Discovery URL for the OIDC identity provider. Specify this or oidc_jwks_uri when auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
oidc_jwks_uri | string conditional | JWKS URL for the OIDC identity provider. Specify this or oidc_issuer when auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
access_profile_claim | string conditional | JWT claim key used to identify the access profile. Applicable when auth_type is jwt or oidc . Learn more. |
required_claims | array conditional | List of claims to enforce. Applicable when auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
allowed_issuers | array conditional | List of issuers (iss claim) to allow. If the iss claim is enforced in required_claims , leave this blank to allow any issuer. Applicable when auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
# Sample request
curl -X POST https://www.workato.com/api/v2/api_clients \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Automation Inc.",
"description": "API client for Product Catalog",
"api_collection_ids": [6883],
"api_portal_id": 37,
"auth_type": "token",
"api_policy_id": 1,
"email": "[email protected]"
# Response
"data": {
"id": 42116,
"name": "Automation Inc.",
"description": "API client for Product Catalog",
"active_api_keys_count": 0,
"total_api_keys_count": 0,
"created_at": "2025-02-12T08:36:51.748+05:30",
"updated_at": "2025-02-12T08:36:51.748+05:30",
"is_legacy": false,
"email": "[email protected]",
"auth_type": "token",
"api_collections": [
"id": 6883,
"name": "Product Catalog"
# Get API client
Retrieve details of an API client by ID.
GET /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_client_id | string required | ID of the API client to retrieve. |
# Sample request
curl -X GET https://www.workato.com/api/v2/api_clients/42116 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
"data": {
"id": 42116,
"name": "Automation Inc.",
"description": "API client for Product Catalog",
"active_api_keys_count": 0,
"total_api_keys_count": 0,
"created_at": "2025-02-12T08:36:51.748+05:30",
"updated_at": "2025-02-12T08:36:51.748+05:30",
"is_legacy": false,
"email": "[email protected]",
"auth_type": "token",
"api_collections": [
"id": 6883,
"name": "Product Catalog"
"api_keys": []
# Update API client
Update an existing API client within a project you specify.
PUT /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_client_id | string required | ID of the API client to update. |
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
name | string required | Updated name of the client. |
description | string optional | Updated description of the client. |
project_id | integer optional | Updated project ID associated with the client. |
string optional | Updated email address for the client. | |
api_collection_ids | array required | Updated list of API collections assigned to the client. |
api_policy_id | integer required | Updated API policy ID. |
jwt_method | string conditional | Updated JWT signing method. Required when auth_type is jwt . Supported methods include hmac (HMAC) and rsa (RSA). |
jwt_secret | string conditional | Updated HMAC shared secret or RSA public key. Required when auth_type is jwt . |
oidc_issuer | string conditional | Updated discovery URL for the OIDC identity provider. Specify this or oidc_jwks_uri when auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
oidc_jwks_uri | string conditional | Updated JWKS URL for the OIDC identity provider. Specify this or oidc_issuer when auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
access_profile_claim | string conditional | Updated JWT claim key used to identify the access profile. Applicable when auth_type is jwt or oidc . Learn more. |
required_claims | array conditional | Updated list of claims to enforce. Applicable when auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
allowed_issuers | array conditional | Updated list of issuers (iss claim) to allow. If the iss claim is enforced in required_claims , leave this blank to allow any issuer. Applicable when auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
# Sample request
curl -X PUT https://www.workato.com/api/v2/api_clients/42116 \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Mustard Inc.",
"description": "API client for Automation workflows"
# Response
"data": {
"id": 42116,
"name": "Mustard Inc.",
"description": "API client for Automation workflows",
"active_api_keys_count": 0,
"total_api_keys_count": 0,
"created_at": "2025-02-12T08:36:51.748+05:30",
"updated_at": "2025-02-12T08:40:27.607+05:30",
"is_legacy": false,
"email": "[email protected]",
"auth_type": "token",
"api_collections": [
"id": 6883,
"name": "1"
"api_keys": []
# Delete API client
Delete an existing API client.
DELETE /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id
# Sample request
curl -X DELETE 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/api_clients/42116' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
"success": true
# List access profiles
This endpoint is planned for deprecation on December 1, 2025. Transition to the new List API keys endpoint before this date to ensure uninterrupted service.
List all access profiles for an API client. If you don't provide an API client ID, this endpoint returns access profiles for all API clients.
GET /api/api_access_profiles
# Query parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_client_id | string | Provide an API client ID to retrieve access profiles belonging to a specific API client. |
per_page | integer | Number of access profiles returned in a single page. Defaults to 100 . Max is 100 . |
page | integer | Choose the page of access profiles to return. The starting page is 1 . Defaults to 1 . |
# Sample request
curl -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/api_access_profiles?api_client_id=933084' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
"id": 942738,
"name": "Sales API Profile",
"api_client_id": 933804,
"api_collection_ids": [
"active": true,
"auth_type": "token",
"created_at": "2023-11-07T19:39:04.294-05:00",
"updated_at": "2023-11-07T19:39:04.294-05:00"
"id": 942709,
"name": "Purchases API Profile",
"api_client_id": 933804,
"api_collection_ids": [
"active": true,
"auth_type": "token",
"created_at": "2023-11-07T18:48:19.908-05:00",
"updated_at": "2023-11-07T18:48:19.908-05:00"
# List API keys
Retrieve all API keys for an API client. Provide the api_client_id
parameter to filter keys for a specific client. If you don’t provide the api_client_id
parameter, the endpoint returns API keys for all clients.
GET /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/api_keys
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_client_id | string optional | Filter API keys for a specific API client. |
# Sample request
curl -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/api_clients/933084/api_keys' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
"data": [
"id": 17,
"name": "Heat",
"auth_type": "token",
"ip_allow_list": [],
"ip_deny_list": [
"active": true,
"active_since": "2025-02-04T18:57:35-08:00",
"auth_token": "dda2"
"count": 1,
"page": 1,
"per_page": 100
# Create an access profile
This endpoint is planned for deprecation on December 1, 2025. Transition to the new Create an API key endpoint before this date to ensure uninterrupted service.
Create an access profile for an API client. To use this endpoint, the workspace must contain at least one API collection to assign to the access profile.
The response returned depends on the auth type chosen (Auth token, JSON web token or OAuth 2.0).
- Auth token authorization will return the auth token in the
response - JWT token has 2 signing methods: HMAC and RSA. Depending on the chosen method, the respective secret or public is required in the payload
- OAuth 2.0 authorization will return the client ID and secret in
andoauth_client secret
POST /api/api_access_profiles
# Query parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_client_id | string | ID of the API client. |
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
name | string required | Name of the access profile |
api_collection_ids | array required | IDs of collections to add to the access profile |
active | boolean required | Whether the access profile is disabled or enabled. A client with a disabled access profile cannot call any APIs. |
auth_type | string required | Authentication method to validate requests. Available types are: token , jwt , oauth2 and oidc . |
jwt_method | string | The JWT signing method. If the auth_type is jwt , this is required. Available methods are hmac and rsa for HMAC and RSA respectively. |
ip_allow_list | array | List of IP addresses to be allowlisted |
jwt_secret | string | Based on the method, specify the HMAC shared secret or the RSA public key. |
oidc_issuer | string conditional | Discovery URL of identity provider or OIDC service. Provide only one of this or oidc_jwks_uri, not both. Only application if auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
oidc_jwks_uri | string conditional | JWKS URL of identity provider or OIDC service. Provide only one of this or oidc_issuer, not both. Only application if auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
access_profile_claim | string conditional | If you wish to use a custom claim to identify this access profile, provide the JWT claim key here. Learn more Only application if auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
required_claims | array conditional | Provide a list of claims that you wish to enforce.Only application if auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
allowed_issuers | array conditional | Provide a list of issuers (iss value in JWT claims) that you wish to allow. Leave If iss claim is enforced in required_claims, leave this blank to require any iss value. Only application if auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
# Sample request (Auth token)
curl -X POST 'https://www.workato.com/api/api_access_profiles?api_client_id=1255'\
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Sales team",
"api_collection_ids": [1391, 1388],
"auth_type": "token",
"active": true,
"ip_allow_list": ["", ""]
# Sample request (JWT RSA)
curl -X POST 'https://www.workato.com/api/api_access_profiles?api_client_id=1255'\
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "HMAC API",
"api_collection_ids": [1391, 1388],
"auth_type": "jwt",
"jwt_method": "rsa",
"jwt_secret": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA4ngjihh5hXDRe0c1qPNc\nrF7RIoAG/iNZXruTspeX8e2auMBXTwVI0sLgwUo26lMXCRAvC004JWKugzh1UHXY\nsjmtwZFRznqhb/ojJDi785+zbmVNLWmbIB/ChBUyckBSExsmR0nOpQhiW0przr2J\ncQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----",
"active": true
# Response (Auth token)
"id": 26985,
"name": "New test",
"api_client_id": 1255,
"api_collection_ids": [
"active": true,
"auth_type": "token",
"jwt_method": null,
"jwt_secret": null,
"oauth_client_id": null,
"oauth_client_secret": null,
"secret": "e3a1ce1d46c4hjk8kfj26781c6ed3073312451ee0990035bf8a4bc90c2a2",
"created_at": "2020-08-12T08:03:05.492-07:00",
"updated_at": "2020-08-12T08:03:05.492-07:00"
# Create an API key
Create a new API key for an API client.
POST /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/api_keys
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_client_id | string required | Specify the ID of the API client to create the API key for. |
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
name | string required | Name of the API key. |
active | boolean required | Indicates whether the API key is enabled or disabled. Disabled keys cannot call any APIs. |
ip_allow_list | array optional | List of IP addresses to add to the allowlist. |
ip_deny_list | array optional | List of IP addresses to deny requests from. |
# Sample request
curl -X POST 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/api_clients/933084/api_keys' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Automation Inc.",
"active": true,
"ip_allow_list": [""],
"ip_deny_list": [""]
# Response
"data": {
"id": 37326,
"name": "Automation Inc.",
"auth_type": "token",
"ip_allow_list": [""],
"ip_deny_list": [""],
"active": true,
"active_since": "2025-02-12T08:41:44+05:30",
"auth_token": "72b378def0c1d83e6a015e654a744c380655565a68c591cf9f3598d0d14bdb5f"
# Update an access profile
This endpoint is planned for deprecation on December 1, 2025. Transition to the new Update an API key endpoint before this date to ensure uninterrupted service.
Update an access profile for an API client.
The response returned depends on the auth type chosen (Auth token, JSON web token or OAuth 2.0).
- Auth token authorization will return the auth token in the
response - JWT token has 2 signing methods: HMAC and RSA. Depending on the chosen method, the respective secret or public is required in the payload
- OAuth 2.0 authorization will return the client ID and secret in
andoauth_client secret
PUT /api/api_access_profiles/:api_access_profile_id
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_access_profile_id | string required | API access profile ID. |
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
name | string required | Existing/Updated name of the access profile |
api_collection_ids | array required | Existing/updated API collection IDs to be configured for the access profile |
active | boolean required | Whether the access profile is disabled or enabled. A client with a disabled access profile cannot call any APIs. |
auth_type | string required | Authentication method to validate requests. Available types are: token , jwt , oauth2 and oidc . |
ip_allow_list | array | List of IP addresses to be allowlisted |
jwt_method | string | The JWT signing method. If the auth_type is jwt , this is required. Available methods are hmac and rsa for HMAC and RSA respectively. |
jwt_secret | string | Based on the method, specify the HMAC shared secret or the RSA public key. |
oidc_issuer | string conditional | Discovery URL of identity provider or OIDC service. Provide only one of this or oidc_jwks_uri, not both. Only application if auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
oidc_jwks_uri | string conditional | JWKS URL of identity provider or OIDC service. Provide only one of this or oidc_issuer, not both. Only application if auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
access_profile_claim | string conditional | If you wish to use a custom claim to identify this access profile, provide the JWT claim key here. Learn more Only application if auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
required_claims | array conditional | Provide a list of claims that you wish to enforce.Only application if auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
allowed_issuers | array conditional | Provide a list of issuers (iss value in JWT claims) that you wish to allow. Leave If iss claim is enforced in required_claims, leave this blank to require any iss value. Only application if auth_type is jwt or oidc . |
# Sample request (Auth token)
curl -X PUT 'https://www.workato.com/api/api_access_profiles/27894'\
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Sales team",
"api_collection_ids": [1391, 1388],
"auth_type": "token",
"active": true,
"ip_allow_list": ["", ""]
# Update an API key
Update an existing API key for an API client.
PUT /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/api_keys/:api_key_id
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_client_id | string required | ID of the API client associated with the API key. |
api_key_id | string required | ID of the API key to update. |
# Payload
Name | Type | Description |
name | string optional | Updated name of the API key. |
ip_allow_list | array optional | Updated list of IP addresses to allow requests from. |
ip_deny_list | array optional | Updated list of IP addresses to deny requests from. |
# Sample request
curl -X PUT 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/api_clients/933084/api_keys/2454' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Mustard Inc.",
"ip_allow_list": [""],
"ip_deny_list": [""]
# Response
"data": {
"id": 37326,
"name": "Mustard Inc.",
"auth_type": "token",
"ip_allow_list": [""],
"ip_deny_list": [""],
"active": false,
"active_since": "2025-02-12T08:41:44+05:30",
"auth_token": "db5f"
# Enable an access profile
This endpoint is planned for deprecation on December 1, 2025. Transition to the new Enable an API key endpoint before this date to ensure uninterrupted service.
Enable an access profile belonging to an API client. Enabling an access profile will allow API calls to be accepted with the enabled profile.
This call returns success
or error messages for Unauthorized/Bad requests.
PUT /api/api_access_profiles/:api_access_profile_id/enable
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_access_profile_id | string required | ID of the access profile. |
# Sample request (Auth token)
curl -X PUT https://www.workato.com/api/api_access_profiles/1213/enable \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
# Enable API key
Enable an API key for an API client.
PUT /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/api_keys/:api_key_id/enable
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_client_id | string required | ID of the API client that owns the API key. |
api_key_id | string required | ID of the API key to enable. |
# Sample request
curl -X PUT 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/api_clients/933084/api_keys/2454/enable' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
"success": true
# Disable an access profile
This endpoint is planned for deprecation on December 1, 2025. Transition to the new Disable an API key endpoint before this date to ensure uninterrupted service.
Disable an access profile belonging to an API client. Disabling an access profile will stop allowing API calls to be accepted with the access profile.
This call returns success
or error messages for Unauthorized/Bad requests.
PUT /api/api_access_profiles/:api_access_profile_id/disable
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_access_profile_id | string required | ID of the access profile. |
# Sample request (Auth token)
curl -X PUT https://www.workato.com/api/api_access_profiles/1213/disable \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
# Disable API key
Disable an API key for an API client.
PUT /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/api_keys/:api_key_id/disable
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_client_id | string required | ID of the API client that owns the API key. |
api_key_id | string required | ID of the API key to disable. |
# Sample request
curl -X PUT 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/api_clients/933084/api_keys/2454/disable' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
"success": true
# Refresh token/secret
This endpoint is planned for deprecation on December 1, 2025. Transition to the new Refresh API key secret endpoint before this date to ensure uninterrupted service.
Refreshes the auth token or OAuth 2.0 client secret. This endpoint will fail if the authorization type on the access profile is JWT
The response returned depends on the authorization type of the access profile (Auth token or OAuth 2.0).
- Auth token authorization will return a new auth token in the
response - OAuth 2.0 authorization will return a new client ID and secret in
andoauth_client secret
PUT /api/api_access_profiles/:access_profile_id/refresh_secret
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
access_profile_id | string required | API access profile ID |
# Response (Auth token)
"id": 26962,
"name": "Sales team",
"api_client_id": 1255,
"api_collection_ids": [
"active": true,
"auth_type": "token",
"jwt_method": null,
"jwt_secret": null,
"oauth_client_id": null,
"oauth_client_secret": null,
"secret": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"created_at": "2020-07-31T09:10:03.310-07:00",
"updated_at": "2020-08-05T06:08:46.290-07:00"
# Refresh API key secret
Refresh the authentication token or OAuth 2.0 client secret for an API key.
PUT /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/api_keys/:api_key_id/refresh_secret
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_client_id | string required | ID of the API client that owns the API key. |
api_key_id | string required | ID of the API key to refresh. |
# Sample request
curl -X PUT 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/api_clients/933084/api_keys/3455/refresh_secret' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
"data": {
"id": 37326,
"name": "Mustard Inc.",
"auth_type": "token",
"ip_allow_list": [""],
"ip_deny_list": [""],
"active": true,
"active_since": "2025-02-12T08:44:37+05:30",
"auth_token": "572d581d91860a7c6372e9390699e26ac5917ac2520e1a917fba43b56d11edbe"
# Delete API key
Delete an API key for an API client.
DELETE /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/api_keys/:api_key_id
# Path parameters
Name | Type | Description |
api_client_id | string required | ID of the API client associated with the API key. |
api_key_id | string required | ID of the API key to delete. |
# Sample request
curl -X DELETE 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/api_clients/933084/api_keys/3455' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
"success": true
# List API portals
List all API portals associated with API clients in your workspace.
GET /api/v2/api_portals
# Sample request
curl -X GET 'https://www.workato.com/api/v2/api_portals' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'
# Response
"data": [
"id": 37,
"user_id": 14487,
"name": "IDEA Lifestyle",
"subdomain": "idea",
"brand_color": "#371093",
"api_collection_ids": [
"created_at": "2024-12-13T08:46:37.125+05:30",
"updated_at": "2025-02-10T14:10:21.440+05:30",
"logo": "https://workato-staging-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/api_portal/models/portals/logos/000/000/037/small/007.png?1734059797",
"logo_2x": "https://workato-staging-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/api_portal/models/portals/logos/000/000/037/medium/007.png?1734059797"
"count": 1,
"page": 1,
"per_page": 100
Last updated: 2/24/2025, 6:52:34 AM