# Files for Enterprise Workbot

End users can upload files to Enterprise Workbots when file parameters are defined in the bot commands. These files are uploaded to the user's OneDrive for Business storage, and its data can then be used in follow-up recipe actions. The file portion of the trigger output looks like this:

Output fields Description Example
contentType Indicates that a file was uploaded to OneDrive and ready for download. application/vnd.microsoft.teams.file.download.info
downloadUrl OneDrive URL for fetching the content of the file. You can issue an HTTP GET directly from this URL. https://download.link (opens new window)
uniqueId Unique file ID. This will be the OneDrive drive item ID. 1150D938-8870-4044-9F2C-5BBDEBA70C9D
contentUrl Link to the file in Sharepoint. https://contoso.sharepoint.com/personal/johnadams_contoso_com/Documents/Applications/file_example.txt (opens new window)
name Name of the file file_example.txt
file_comment The message sent by the user along with the file upload. This is an example file upload.

Updating Workbots created before 30th Oct 2021

Enterprise Workbots created before 30th Oct 2021 typically would not have supportsFiles property set to true in their manifest. Learn how to update it.

# How it works

When a bot command is invoked that expects a file upload, users will be prompted to upload their file:

File parameter Prompting user to upload a file

Once the file is uploaded, the user can optionally include a message before hitting Send. The file data can then be used in follow-up recipe actions.

Multiple file parameters can be defined in the bot command, with the user being prompted each time. Regardless of the order in which the parameters are arranged in the bot command, parameters of other data types (e.g. string, date/time) will always be retrieved first before any file parameters.

# Enabling files for older bots

If your Enterprise Workbot was created before 30th Oct 2021, you have to set the supportsFiles property in the manifest to true. This property is described in the bots section of the Manifest reference.


As the bot owner, go to your bot in the Microsoft Teams developer portal (opens new window).


From the left navigation bar, under Configure, go to Basic information.


From the main panel, under Version, increment your version (e.g. if your current version is 1.0.5, increment it to 1.0.6) then scroll down and click Save.


From the left navigation bar, under Configure, go to App features.


From the main panel, click on Bot.


Under What can your bot do?, check Upload and download files, then scroll down and click Save.


From the left navigation bar, under Publish, go to App package. From the breadcrumb bar (right below the Developer Portal marquee), click on Download app package to download the app manifest. Keep this handy as this will be used in a later step.


From the left navigation bar, under Teams apps, go to Manage apps.


From the search bar, search for your bot by name then click on your bot's name (clicking specifically on your bot's name will bring you to your bot's settings).


Click on Update, then select the app manifest you downloaded in the earlier step.

# Learn more

Last updated: 2/22/2024, 11:17:11 PM