# Set up Workbot for Microsoft Teams

This guide explains how to set up and connect to Workbot for Microsoft Teams.

# Prerequisites

Before you set up Workbot for Microsoft Teams, ensure you have the following:

# Microsoft Graph permissions

Workbot for Microsoft Teams requires the following Microsoft Graph permissions (opens new window):

Permission Type Description
AppCatalog.Read.All (opens new window) Delegated Required to retrieve the installed app ID for a user from the Microsoft Teams app catalog.
Channel.ReadBasic.All (opens new window) Delegated Lists channels used in Post message or Post simple message actions.
Team.ReadBasic.All (opens new window) Delegated Retrieves the organization ID and name to track where the bot is installed.
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteAndConsentSelfForUser (opens new window) Delegated Required to install Workbot in a personal scope and enable sending proactive messages to users.
User.Read (opens new window) Delegated Retrieves the authenticating user's ID and name to track who installed the bot.
User.ReadBasic.All (opens new window) Delegated Retrieves basic information about users.
offline_access (opens new window) Delegated Enables token refresh functionality.

# Required roles

You must have one of the following roles to install Workbot in your Microsoft organization:

  • Application administrator
  • Cloud application administrator
  • Global administrator
  • Privileged role administrator

Assigned roles Administrator Assigned Roles

If you're installing Workbot as a global administrator, you can optionally select Consent on behalf of your organization during connection setup. This allows you to reconnect Workbot in Workato without administrator approval during reauthorization.

Installing as global admin Extra checkbox to consent on behalf of organization when installing as global admin

# Connection setup

# Add Workbot to Microsoft Teams

Follow these steps to add Workbot to your Microsoft Teams instance:


Open Microsoft Teams and select Apps on the sidebar.


Search for Workbot in Search for apps and more, then select the app (opens new window) to view its details.


Select Discover more apps if you're installing Workbot from outside the US, then select the Workbot app specific to your region.

Workato offers the following apps:

Region-specific appsRegion-specific apps


# Complete setup in Workato

Follow these steps to establish a Workbot for Microsoft Teams connection:


Sign in (opens new window) to Workato. The Orchestrate platform displays by default.


Select the Connections tab.


Click Create, then click Connection.


Search for Workbot for Microsoft Teams on the New connection page and select it as your app.


Enter a name for your connection in the Connection name field.

Connect to Workbot for Microsoft TeamsConnect to Workbot for Microsoft Teams


Select the project or folder where you plan to store the connection in the Location field.


Select OAuth 2.0 as the Auth type. Alternatively, you can select Application to use app-only access. App-only access is supported only for Enterprise Workbots.


Optional. Expand Advanced settings and use the API Scope(s) drop-down menu to select additional permissions to request for the connection. For permissions Workato requests by default, see Microsoft Graph permissions.


Click Sign in with Microsoft and enter your credentials.

Authorize WorkbotAuthorize Workbot


Click Accept when prompted to grant Workbot with its requested permissions.

Global adminGlobal admin


If you're installing Workbot as a global administrator, you can optionally select Consent on behalf of your organization. This allows you to reconnect Workbot in Workato without administrator approval during reauthorization.

You can now use your connection to build Workbot recipes. Visit the community library (opens new window) to get started.

# Use Workbot in a recipe

Complete the following steps to use Workbot in a recipe:


Select the View open opportunities (opens new window) recipe from the community library.

Use recipeUse recipe


Click Use this recipe to make a copy of it in your workspace.


Select the project or folder where you plan to store this recipe.


Click Copy and save.


Click or edit your recipe before testing.

Edit your recipe before testingEdit your recipe before testing


Ensure you have active Workbot for Microsoft Teams and Salesforce connections.


Click Save.


Click Exit to leave the recipe editor, then click Start recipe.


Go to Microsoft Teams and send Workbot the view_all_opportunities command. Alternatively, you can type help and select View opportunities.

# The help command

The help command displays a list of available Workbot commands. You must have the following for this command to work correctly:

  • A Workbot for Microsoft Teams connection.
  • An active recipe with the Workbot for Microsoft Teams New command trigger.

Help commandHelp command

# Add Workbot to a team

Adding Workbot to your teams enables any team member to run Workbot commands by mentioning the bot.

Help commandMention Workbot

Complete the following steps to add Workbot to a team:


Open Microsoft Teams, select Apps from the left navigation bar, and search for Workbot.

Searching for Workbot in App catalog Search for Workbot in App catalog


Select Workbot, then click Open.

Add to teamAdd to team


Select the channel where you plan to add Workbot.

Add to your teamSelect your team


Click Go.

You and your team members can now run Workbot commands by mentioning the bot. For example, enter and send @workbot help to retrieve a list of available Workbot commands.

# More resources

Last updated: 2/3/2025, 9:14:42 PM