# Workato API Resources

# API clients

Type Resource Description
GET /api/developer_api_clients List Developer API Clients.
POST /api/developer_api_clients Create a Developer API Client.
GET /api/developer_api_clients/:id Get a Developer API Client by ID.
PUT /api/developer_api_clients/:id Update a Developer API Clients.
DELETE /api/developer_api_clients/:id Delete a Developer API Client.
POST /api/developer_api_clients/:id/regenerate Regenerate a Developer API Client token.
GET /api/developer_api_client_roles List Developer API Client roles.

# API Platform

Type Resource Description
GET /api/api_collections List API collections.
POST /api/api_collections Create an API collection.
GET /api/api_endpoints List API endpoints in a collection.
PUT /api/api_endpoints/:id/enable Enable an API endpoint in a collection.
PUT /api/api_endpoints/:id/disable Disable an API endpoint in a collection.
GET /api/api_clients List API clients. We recommend that you migrate to the List API clients (v2) endpoint to prepare for future deprecation.
GET /api/v2/api_clients List all API clients. Workato includes the project_id of the project associated with the API client in the response.
POST /api/api_clients Create an API client. We recommend that you migrate to the Create API client (v2) endpoint to prepare for future deprecation.
POST /api/v2/api_clients Create a new API client within a project you specify.
GET /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id Retrieve details of an API client by ID.
PUT /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id Update an existing API client within a project you specify.
DELETE /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id Delete an existing API client.
GET /api/api_access_profiles List access profiles belonging to an API client. We recommend that you migrate to the List API keys endpoint to prepare for future deprecation.
GET /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/api_keys List API keys for an API client.
POST /api/api_access_profiles Create an access profile belonging to an API client. We recommend that you migrate to the Create API key endpoint to prepare for future deprecation.
POST /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/api_keys Create an API key for an API client.
PUT /api/api_access_profiles Update an access profile belonging to an API client. We recommend that you migrate to the Update API key endpoint to prepare for future deprecation.
PUT /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/
Update an API key for an API client.
PUT /api_access_profiles Enable an access profile belonging to an API client. We recommend that you migrate to the Enable API key endpoint to prepare for future deprecation.
PUT /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/
Enable an API key for an API client.
PUT /api_access_profiles Disable an access profile belonging to an API client. We recommend that you migrate to the Disable API key endpoint to prepare for future deprecation.
PUT /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/
Disable an API key for an API client.
PUT /api/api_access_profiles/:id/refresh_secret Refreshes access profile key or secret. We recommend that you migrate to the Refresh API key secret endpoint to prepare for future deprecation.
PUT /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/
Refresh the authentication token or OAuth 2.0 client secret for an API key.
DELETE /api/v2/api_clients/:api_client_id/
Delete an existing API key.
GET /api/v2/api_portals List all API portals associated with API clients in your workspace.

# Connections

Type Resource Description
GET /api/connections Returns all connections and associated data.
POST /api/connections Create a connection.
PUT /api/connections/:connection_id Updates a connection.
POST /api/connections/:connection_id/disconnect Disconnects a connection.
DELETE /api/connections/:connection_id Deletes a connection.

# Custom connectors

Type Resource Description
GET /api/custom_connectors Get custom connectors.
POST /api/sdk/generate_schema/json Generates Workato schema from a stringified JSON sample.
POST /api/sdk/generate_schema/csv Generates Workato schema from a stringified CSV sample.

# Custom OAuth profiles

Type Resource Description
GET /api/custom_oauth_profiles List Custom OAuth profiles
GET /api/custom_oauth_profiles/:id Get Custom OAuth profile by ID
POST /api/custom_oauth_profiles Create Custom OAuth profile
PUT /api/custom_oauth_profiles/:id Update Custom OAuth profile
DELETE /api/custom_oauth_profiles/:id Delete Custom OAuth profile

# Environment management

Type Resource Description
POST /api/secrets_management/clear_cache Clears the secrets management cache.
GET /api/activity_logs Retrieves activity audit log records.
GET /api/tags Retrieves a list of tags.
POST /api/tags Creates a tag.
PUT /api/tags/:handle Updates a tag.
DELETE /api/tags/:handle Deletes a tag.

# Environment properties

Type Resource Description
GET /api/properties Lists environment properties that matches a prefix.
POST /api/properties Upserts environment properties.

# Event streams

# Public APIs

Type Resource Description
POST event-streams.workato.com/api/v1/topics/:topic_id/consume Consume messages from a topic.
POST event-streams.workato.com/api/v1/topics/:topic_id/publish Publish a message to a topic.
POST event-streams.workato.com/api/v1/batch/topics/:topic_id/publish Publish a batch of messages to a topic.

# Developer APIs

Type Resource Description
GET /api/event_streams/topics Retrieve a list of topics.
POST /api/event_streams/topics Create a topic.
GET /api/event_streams/topics/:topic_id Get topic by ID.
PUT /api/event_streams/topics/:topic_id Update a topic.
PUT /api/event_streams/topics/:topic_id/purge Purge a topic.
DELETE /api/event_streams/topics/:topic_id Delete a topic.

# Folders

Type Resource Description
GET /api/folders List folders.
GET /api/projects List projects.
POST /api/folders Create a project or folder.
PUT /api/folders/:folder_id Update a folder.
PUT /api/projects/:project_id Update a project.
DELETE /api/folders/:folder_id Delete a folder.
DELETE /api/projects/:project_id Delete a project.

# Jobs

Type Resource Description
GET /api/recipes/:recipe_id/jobs List jobs belonging to recipe.
GET /api/recipes/:recipe_id/jobs/:job_handle Returns a single job's metadata.
POST /api/job/resume Resumes a particular job based on the resume_token you provide. This endpoint returns HTTP status code 204, indicating successful request processing without any content included in the response. This endpoint is leveraged by SDK Wait for resume actions.

# Lookup tables

Type Resource Description
GET /api/lookup_tables List tables.
GET /api/lookup_tables/:lookup_table_id/lookup Look up a row
GET /api/lookup_tables/:lookup_table_id/rows List rows.
GET /api/lookup_tables/:lookup_table_id/rows/:row_id Get a row.
POST /api/lookup_tables/:lookup_table_id/rows Add a row.
POST /api/lookup_tables Create a new lookup table.
POST /api/lookup_tables/batch_delete Delete lookup tables in batch.
PUT /api/lookup_tables/:lookup_table_id/rows/:row_id Update a row.
DELETE /api/lookup_tables/:lookup_table_id/rows/:row_id Delete a row.

# Projects

Type Resource Description
POST /api/projects/:id/build Builds a project. Use the Deploy a project build endpoint to deploy the project to an environment.
GET /api/project_builds/:id Retrieves a project build by its unique ID.
POST /api/project_builds/:id/deploy Deploys a project build to an environment. Use the Build a project endpoint to build the project first.
POST /api/projects/:id/deploy Builds and deploys a project to an environment.
GET /api/deployments/:id Retrieves a single deployment by its unique ID.
GET /api/deployments Retrieves a list of deployments. Use query parameters to filter results by project, folder, or date range.
GET /api/deployments/:id/eligible_reviewers Retrieves a list of eligible reviewers that can be assigned to review a deployment.
POST /api/deployments/:id/assign_reviewers Assigns reviewers to a deployment.
POST /api/deployments/:id/submit_for_review Submits a deployment for review.
POST /api/deployments/:id/approve Approves a deployment.
POST /api/deployments/:id/reject Rejects a deployment.
POST /api/deployments/:id/reopen Re-opens a deployment for review.
POST /api/deployments/:id/update_review_comment Updates a deployment review comment.
POST /api/deployments/:id/deploy Deploys an approved deployment.

# Project properties

Type Resource Description
GET /api/properties List project-level properties that match a prefix and project ID.
POST /api/properties Upsert project-level properties.

# Recipes

Type Resource Description
GET /api/recipes/:id Get recipe details.
POST /api/recipes Create recipe.
POST /api/recipes Copy recipe.
PUT /api/recipes/:id Update recipe.
GET /api/recipes List recipes belonging to user.
PUT /api/recipes/:id/start Start recipe.
PUT /api/recipes/:id/stop Stop recipe.
DELETE /api/recipes/:id Delete recipe.
POST /api/recipes/:recipe_id/reset_trigger Reset recipe trigger.
PUT /api/recipes/:recipe_id/connect Update connection for an application in a stopped recipe.
POST /api/recipes/:recipe_id/poll_now Activate a polling trigger for a recipe.
GET /api/recipes/:recipe_id/versions Get recipe versions.
GET /api/recipes/:recipe_id/versions/:id Get details of a recipe version.
PATCH/PUT /api/recipes/:recipe_id/versions/:id Update a recipe version comment.

# Recipe Lifecycle Management

Type Resource Description
GET /api/export_manifests/folder_assets View assets in a folder.
POST api/export_manifests Create an export manifest.
PUT api/export_manifests/:id Update an export manifest.
GET api/export_manifests/:id View an export manifest.
DELETE /api/export_manifests/:id Delete an export manifest.
POST /api/packages/export/:manifest_id Export package based on a manifest.
POST /api/packages/import/:folder_id Import a package into a folder.
GET /api/packages/:id Get a package by its ID.
GET /api/packages/:id/download Download a package.

# Roles

Type Resource Description
GET /api/roles List custom roles.
POST /api/roles/:role_id/copy Makes a copy of a custom role.

# Tag assignments

Type Resource Description
POST /api/tags_assignments Apply tags to or remove tags from assets in your workspace.

# Test Automation

Type Resource Description
POST /api/test_cases/run_requests Run test cases.
GET /api/test_cases/run_requests/{id} Get the current state of a test case run request.
GET /api/recipes/{recipe_id}/test_cases Get test cases.

# Workspace collaborators

Type Resource Description
POST /api/member_invitations Invite a collaborator to your workspace.
GET /api/members Get a list of members in your workspace.
GET /api/members/:id Get details about a user you specify.
PUT /api/members/:id Update a collaborator's roles.
GET /api/members/:id/privileges Get the role and privileges for a workspace user you specify.

# Workspace details

Type Resource Description
GET /api/users/me Get details about your workspace.

Last updated: 2/24/2025, 6:52:34 AM