# How-to guides - Writing tests for streaming triggers/actions

In this segment, we will be going through how you can write tests for actions that utilize Workato's file streaming capabilities. To do this, we will be using the generic upload file to url connector example here.

# Generating your tests

You can create a separate spec file for each action or generate your tests based on your connector by using the workato generate test command. This will generate a spec file which will include most of the necessary stubs for your to start writing tests.

# Sample RSpec contents

RSpec.describe 'actions/upload_file_to_url', :vcr do
  let(:connector) { Workato::Connector::Sdk::Connector.from_file('connector.rb', settings) }
  let(:settings) { Workato::Connector::Sdk::Settings.from_default_file }

  before do
    stub_const('Workato::Connector::Sdk::Stream::Reader::DEFAULT_FRAME_SIZE', 5.kilobytes)

  let(:action) { connector.actions.upload_file_to_url }

  describe 'execute' do
    subject(:output) { action.execute(settings, input) }

    let(:input) do
          "file_name": "sample_file",
          "file": {
            "__stream__": true,
            "chunks": {
              "0": "abcd",
              "4": "efgh",
              "8": "ijkl",
              "12": "mn"
          "url": "https://www.friendly_s3_url.com/upload"

    it 'given simple stream' do
      it 'produces a file' do
        is_expected.to include(:file_size)
        expect(output.file_size).to eq(13)

        is_expected.to include(:file_path)

        is_expected.to include(:file_name)


# Step 1 - Define your connector instance

To begin testing, you need to use the Workato SDK Gem to create an instance of your connector.

  let(:connector) { Workato::Connector::Sdk::Connector.from_file('connector.rb', settings) }

# Step 2 - Define your settings instance

Next, you need to use the Workato SDK Gem to create an instance of your settings. This is synonymous with your connection on Workato. Take note that, your connector instance previously defined also uses this settings instance.

  let(:settings) { Workato::Connector::Sdk::Settings.from_default_file }

# Step 3 - Define your action

After creating the related instances, we instantiate the action so we can reference it more easily in the rest of the tests.

  let(:action) { connector.actions.upload_file_to_url }

# Step 3 - Describe your tests, define your subject and input

Here, we describe the "family" of tests we are hoping to run. In this case, we use the keyword execute. Next, we make the subject the output which is the outcome of the execution of the action. Lastly, we declare the input which is a simple stream.

  describe 'execute' do
    subject(:output) { action.execute(settings, input) }

    let(:input) do
          "file_name": "sample_file",
          "file": { 
            # this hash simulates a file stream which is 
            # the output of a download file object
            "__stream__": true,
            "chunks": {
              "0": "abcd",
              "4": "efgh",
              "8": "ijkl",
              "12": "mn"
          "url": "https://www.friendly_s3_url.com/upload"

# Step 4 - Declare your assertions for individual tests

For a test to pass or fail, there needs to be a declared comparison.

Over here, we are declaring that we "expect" the output of the execute lambda to include keys file_size, file_path and file_name. Furthermore, we expect the file_size value to be 13.

  it 'given simple stream' do
    it 'produces a file' do
      is_expected.to include(:file_size)
      expect(output.file_size).to eq(13)

      is_expected.to include(:file_path)

      is_expected.to include(:file_name)

# Variations to mock streams in RSpec

Alongside mocking simple streams within your RSpec tests, you have the ability mock other variations as well.

Mock streams with each chunk explicitly

let(:input) do
      file_name: 'sample_file',
      file: {
        __stream__: true,
        chunks: {
          0 => 'abcd',
          4 => 'efgh',
          8 => 'ijkl',
          12 => 'mn'
      url: 'https://www.friendly_s3_url.com/upload'

Mock streams by utilizing a stream implemented for a download file action/trigger in the same connector

let(:input) do
      file_name: 'sample_file',
      file: {
        __stream__: true,
        name: 'global_stream',
        input: {
          file_path: '/path/to/sample/file'
      url: 'https://www.friendly_s3_url.com/upload'

Mock streams by providing the inline definition of a stream with its own authentication


Advanced mocks like these are only available in RSpec tests and not in CLI execution.

let(:input) do
      file_name: 'sample_file',
      file: {
        __stream__: true,
        name: 'mock_advanced_stream',
        input: {
          file_path: '/path/to/sample/file'
        settings: {
          # optional
          # A connection settings for stream mock application
          # if the mock makes authorized requests to external apps
          # Also can use Workato::Connector::Sdk::Settings.from_file
          domain: 'acme.egnyte.com',
          api_key: 'api_key'
        connection: {
          # optional
          # A connection definition for stream source applications
          # if the mock makes authorized requests to external apps
          # It supports the same blocks as connector's connection definition
          authorization: {
            type: 'api_key',

            apply: lambda do |connection|
              headers(api_key: connection['api_key'])
        chunks: lambda do |input, _first_byte, last_byte, size|
          chunk = get("/pubapi/v1/fs-content/#{file_path}").
              headers("Range": "bytes=#{starting_byte_range}-#{ending_byte_range}").

          [chunk, chunk.size < requested_byte_size]
      url: 'https://www.friendly_s3_url.com/upload'

Mock streams by providing a static stream

let(:input) do
      file_name: 'sample_file',
      file: {
        data: '1234567890',
        oef: true
      url: 'https://www.friendly_s3_url.com/upload'

Mock streams by providing a string

let(:input) do
      file_name: 'sample_file',
      file: 'qwertyuiop[]',
      url: 'https://www.friendly_s3_url.com/upload'

Last updated: 12/20/2023, 11:22:08 PM