# Workato Genie

Workato Genie is an Agentic orchestration platform that allows you to build and leverage interactive AI agents for deployment within your organization. These agents are known as Genies, and dynamically perform actions and call workflows. Genies understand the context of each scenario, enabling them to uniquely execute pre-defined skills to achieve a goal you set.

All geniesWorkato Genies

The Workato Genie platform allows you to create and manage AI agents without code by exposing an agentic modular framework. This enables you to natively extend Genies to your own systems, ensuring seamless integration with your existing infrastructure.

IT genieIT Genie


Contact your Customer Success representative if you're interested in using Workato Genie.

# Workato Genie key components

Workato Genie consists of four key components that power its contextual understanding and skillset:

# AI

AI forms the brain of the Genie. AI is critical to how the Genie interacts with users and decides which skills to use to execute an action. Workato Genie automatically comes with Workato's native large language model (LLM) but can be updated to use other models based on your requirements. The Workato Genie AI component uses advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to provide the following capabilities:

  • Interpret user requests and queries
  • Analyze context and available information
  • Make decisions to determine which skills to use
  • Generate human-like responses
  • Continuously learn and improve based on interactions

# Interaction layer

The interaction layer is the Genie component exposed to end users. The interaction layer can be integrated where your organization is most engaged with work processes, such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or even a custom chatbot developed within internal systems. The interaction layer includes the following capabilities:

  • Provides a user-friendly interface for employees to interact with the Genie
  • Supports multiple communication channels to fit your organization's workflow
  • Offers customizable UI elements to match your brand and user experience preferences
  • Enables real-time communication between users and the Genie

# Knowledge base

The Knowledge base component serves as the Genie's memory. You can provide the knowledge base with relevant context on your company's policies or access to historical data that grounds the behavior of the Genie. The Genie's behavior is further tailored by information it gleans from the knowledge bases you provide it access to. The knowledge base component provides the following capabilities:

  • Stores and organizes company-specific information
  • Provides quick access to relevant data for informed decision-making
  • Can be updated in real-time to ensure the Genie always has the most current information
  • Helps maintain consistency in Genie responses and actions across the organization

# Skills

The Skills component provides the Genie with tools that allow it to interact with various applications and systems. Skills define the capabilities of the Genie and can be customized to suit your organization's specific requirements. Workato Genie supports skills across most applications and allows access to your workflows as custom skills. The Skills component provides the following capabilities:

  • Add or modify skillsets related to apps and data sources
  • Create customized skills

IT genie skillsIT Genie skills

# Workato Genie features

Workato Genie is dynamic and continuously evolves by learning from its interactions with you and its environment. Workato Genie provides the following abilities:

# Domain expertise

Workato Genie possesses an intricate understanding of your organization's systems and processes, ensuring it can navigate and execute tasks effectively. This expertise is built through the following processes:

  • Integration with existing systems and databases
  • Continuous learning from user interactions and feedback

# Reasoning ability

Workato Genie is equipped with a sophisticated reasoning engine that interprets and carries out both straightforward and complex directives. Workato Genie's reasoning includes the following capabilities:

  • Natural language understanding to interpret user intentions
  • Contextual analysis to determine the most appropriate course of action
  • Logical inference to make decisions based on available information
  • Ability to handle multi-step tasks and complex workflows

# Security and authentication

Workato Genie authenticates users in real-time, ensuring actions are taken securely and appropriately, with necessary approvals. The security and authentication feature provides the following capabilities:

  • Integration with your existing authentication systems
  • Supports role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Provides audit trails for all actions taken
  • Ensures compliance with your organization's security policies

# Responsible action

Workato Genie executes actions strictly within the bounds of delegated abilities, with options to easily adjust (upskill or downskill) the capabilities of Workato Genie as required. Responsive action includes the following capabilities:

  • Clear definition of permitted actions for the Genie
  • Ability to set approval workflows for critical actions
  • Easy-to-use interface for administrators to modify Genie capabilities

# Continuous learning

Workato Genie perpetually refines its knowledge and performance through interactions and added skills. Continuous learning is achieved through the following processes:

  • Regular updates to the knowledge base
  • Feedback loops that incorporate user input
  • Native ability to adapt to changing organizational requirements and processes

# Enterprise-grade security features

  • User scoped connections: Workato Genie authenticates actions at runtime, supporting role-based access and full auditing abilities.

  • Data isolation and encryption: Workato Genie ensures customer data is kept separate and secure.

  • Responsible AI operations: Workato Genie restricts actions to the skills provided, maintaining ethical standards.

  • Robust governance and transparency: Workato Genie provides detailed logs and operational dashboards for enhanced observability and governance, ensuring accountability and precision within your workflows.

Last updated: 8/12/2024, 3:52:11 PM