# Page components

This guide describes the types of page components available in Workflow apps and how to customize each component type using the properties panel.

Workflow apps includes built-in validation of user input for many page component. This includes validation of all Contact components (email, phone numbers, and URLs), and Number components. Additionally, Workflow apps offers custom field validation for short-answer text components.

The left panel of the editor is the Content and Background panel. This panel allows you to add content to your page by dragging and dropping components onto the Page canvas and set the page background. It also contains a search bar which enables you to find components quickly and easily.

The right panel of the editor is the Properties panel. This panel enables you to configure components to customize the appearance and behavior of your page.


Dashboard pages do not support all content components and are limited to Chart components and Display components (container, divider, image, and text).

Conversely, the Chart component is only supported by dashboard pages and is not offered on approval, submission, and blank pages.

# Content

Decide what content appears on your page. Workflow apps supports the following types of components:

Component type Description
Data table Display data from your app's primary data table. Each column is treated as an individual component.
Tables linked from {App-name} Display data from tables linked to your Workflow app's primary data table. This component enables you to display this data as a table, either in its entirety, or only the data columns you specify. You can create new linked data tables using view components.
Charts Query data and display data visualizations.
Only available for dashboard pages.
Display Determine the look and feel of your application.
Text Gather free form user input in the form of short answer or long answer text. Workflow apps supports custom form validation for short answer components with regex. Learn more about custom field validation.
Contact Gather user contact information, such as emails, phone numbers, and URLs. Workflow apps validates user input and ensures it matches the type of user contact information you specify.
Number Collect numerical values. Workflow apps validates user input and ensures all data entered into fields of this type are numerical values.
Date Collect dates. Workflow apps validates user input and ensures it matches the format you specify (date or date and time).
Choices Gather user input from a list of options or yes/no questions.
View Connect additional linked data tables to your Workflow app and display them in your application. This component enables you to display this data as a table, either in its entirety, or only the data columns you specify.
Button Enable user actions such as saving data to your app, completing tasks, or opening a URL.
File Upload or download files to/from your app.

# Data table

The components in this section correspond to a specific data column in your Workflow App's primary data table. Each column is represented as an individual component, which you can drag and drop onto your page.

Each component represents a columnEach component represents a column in your app's primary data table

# Add columns to your primary data table

Add columns to this table in the page editor by clicking + (plus) next to the data table name. Alternatively, you can edit table content and schema in the Data tables UI by following the link to the data table.

Add column from editorAdd column from editor

When you add components to your page, you can elect to save user input to existing columns in your primary data table or create new columns in which to save the data.

See the Create a page section for more information on submission forms and how to submit data to a data table.

View data table properties

The properties available for data table components depend on the column type in the corresponding data table.

The following table describes the relationship between column types and page components:

Column type Page component Component category
Short text Short text, URL, email, or phone number Text or Contact
Long text Long text, URL, email, or phone number Text or Contact
Integer Number Number
Decimal Number Number
Boolean Checkbox Choices
Date Date Date
DateTime Date and time Date
File Upload file or download file File
Link to a table Tables linked to {Primary data table} Tables linked

# Linked data tables

This section of the page editor displays all secondary data tables linked to your Workflow App's primary data table. Each secondary data table is represented as an individual component, enabling you to display the table in its entirety on your page.

Linked data tablesDisplay linked data tables in your pages

View linked data tables properties

Use the properties panel to customize how these tables display on your page. For example, you can choose to display only a limited set of columns from this table, change column order, and filter columns.

  • Editable

  • Determine whether the table is editable, read-only, or editable only under the conditions you specify. This property is useful for gathering user input or creating read-only fields. For example, if you are creating a submission form you would make most, if not all, of the page components editable and then make the corresponding approval form read-only.

    • Yes

    • Select Yes for components that you plan to use to collect user input.

    • No

    • Select No for components that you plan to be read-only.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component editable only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure this table to be editable by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

  • Data source

  • This dropdown displays data tables that are already linked to your primary table and additional tables in your workspace. You can click + Create table to create a new table to display on your page. Once you select or create a table, follow the supplied link to edit table data or columns in the data tables UI.

  • Column to filter records

  • Select a column that is linked to your primary data table to use to filter records for this table. By default, Workflow apps filters records using an auto-generated column called {Parent table} record. Alternatively, you can create a new column to use to filter records from the linked table.

  • Displayed columns

  • Choose which columns to display on your page. You can change column order by clicking a column and dragging and dropping it into a new order in the panel.

  • Title

  • Provide a title for the table you plan to display.

  • Add button label

  • When Editable is Yes or Conditional, a button appears on the table which allows users to add content to the table. Provide a label for this button.

  • Table height

  • When Editable is Yes or Conditional, use this field to determine the number of rows for display in your table. When read-only, the table dynamically adjusts its maximum height based on this field's value. The default height is 10 rows.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of table components. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set to Always show, table components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component visible only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure a table to be visible to a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

# Chart

Add charts to visualize data from data tables, Workflow apps, and recipe job history. This component allows you to build tables, bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, and number graphs. It also enables you to perform the following queries on your data:

  • Filter by
  • Summarize
  • Join to
  • Sort by
  • Row limit to

This component is only available on dashboard pages and is not available on submission, approval, or blank pages. Learn more in our Insights documentation.

# Display

Display components allow you to customize the look and feel of your app.

Display componentsDisplay components and properties

Workflow apps supports the following display components:

  • Container

  • Choose a container for your content. You can customize the container's background color, border color, and padding.

  • Divider

  • A horizontal line. Customize the divider's background color.

  • Image

  • Choose from a library of preset images or upload your own image. Workato supports GIF, JPEG, PNG, and SVG file types.

  • Text block

  • Static text. Customize the appearance to add title, subtitle, and paragraph text to your pages. Choose between preset and custom color values. Text block components support specific Markdown syntax.

View container properties

  • Background color

  • Select a background color for container components. Choose from a set of pre-defined options, create a custom color, or select none.

  • Border color

  • Select a color for the border of your container. Choose from a set of pre-defined colors, create a custom color, or select none.

  • Padding

  • Set the padding for your container. Choose between large, medium, small, and none.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of your container. Components that you nest within this container inherit the visibility property of their parent container. For example, if you set your container's visibility to Conditional, all components within the container are only visible when the condition is met. This saves you time, as you only need to configure an if condition for the container instead of for each component. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set to Always show, container components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component visible only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure a container to be visible to a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

View divider properties

  • Color

  • Select a color for divider components. Choose from a set of pre-defined options, create a custom color, or select none.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of your divider. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set to Always show, divider components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component visible only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure a divider to be visible by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

View image properties

  • Choose an image/choose another image

  • Select an image to display on your page. Choose between a gallery of pre-generated images or upload a custom image. Workflow apps supports GIF, JPG, JPEG, SVG, and WEBP files.

  • Image fitting

  • Decide how your image fits within its parent container.

    • Resize to fit

    • Resize the image so that the entire image fits within its parent container without cropping the image.

    • Expand to fill

    • Resize the image so that the image fills the entirety of its parent container. This may involve cropping the image.

  • Horizontal alignment

  • Choose between left, central, and right alignment.

  • Vertical alignment

  • Choose between top, central, and bottom alignment.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of image components. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set to Always show, images are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component visible only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure an image to be visible by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

View text block properties

Markdown element Markdown syntax
Heading level 1 #
Heading level 2 ##
Bold **bold text**
Italic *italic text* or _italic text_
Link [link text](https://www.example.com)
Ordered list 1. First item
1. Second item
1. Third item
Unordered list - First item
- Second item
- Third item
  • Alignment

  • Choose between left, center, and right alignment.

  • Color

  • Select a color for text components. Choose from a set of pre-defined options or create a custom color.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of text. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set to Always show, text components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component visible only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure text to be visible by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

# Text

Add fields to your pages to capture user input. Workflow apps saves all user input into a column you specify in your Workflow app's primary data table.

Text componentsText components and properties

Workflow apps supports the following text types:

  • Short answer

  • A single-line text field.

  • Long answer

  • A multi-line text area.

View text properties

  • Editable

  • Determine whether the text is editable, read-only, or editable only under the conditions you specify. This property is useful for gathering user input or creating read-only fields. For example, if you are creating a submission form you would make most, if not all, of the page components editable and then make the corresponding approval form read-only.

    • Yes

    • Select Yes for components that you plan to use to collect user input.

    • No

    • Select No for components that you plan to be read-only.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component editable only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure an input field to be editable by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

  • Save user input to data column/ display from data column

  • When this component is editable, this property specifies which data column Workato uses to populate the input component and capture user input. When this component is read-only, this property specifies from which column Workato displays data.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of input components. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set to Always show, input components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component visible only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure input components to be visible to a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

  • Input type

  • This field allows you to change the type of user input you plan to collect. For example, if you add an Email component to your page, and later decide to collect phone numbers instead, this field enables you to do so without adding an entirely new component to your page.

  • Label

  • Determine a label for this input field.

  • Hint

  • Provide a hint to help users understand the type of input you plan to collect.

  • Placeholder

  • Provide a placeholder value for this input field.

  • Required

  • Determine whether users must provide input for this field. The following options are available:

    • Yes

    • When Yes, users must provide input for this field.

    • No

    • When No, providing input for this field is optional.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component required only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure an input field to require user input by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

  • Limit input length

  • Use this toggle to limit the amount of user input this component can accept. You can customize the minimum and and maximum characters allowed.

    • Minimum length

    • Specify the minimum amount of characters this field can accept.

    • Maximum length

    • Specify the maximum amount of characters this field can accept.

  • Match regular expression

  • Use this toggle to create a rule that user input must match the regex (regular expression) you specify. This configuration option is only available for Short answer components.

    • Regular expression

    • Provide the regex that user input must match. Refer to our Custom field validation guide for more information.

    • Error message if expression not met

    • Enter a custom error message. Workflow apps displays this message to end-users when user input does not match the regex you specify.

# Contact

Gather user contact information, such as emails, phone numbers, and URLs. Workflow apps validates user input and ensures it matches the type contact information you specify. Workflow apps saves all user input into a column in your Workflow App's primary data table.

Contact componentsContact components and properties

Workflow apps supports the following contact components:

  • Email

  • A single-line field that accepts email addresses as input.

  • Phone

  • A single-line field that accepts phone numbers as input.

  • URL

  • A single-line field that accepts URLs as input.

View contact properties

  • Editable

  • Determine whether the component is editable, read-only, or editable only under the conditions you specify. This property is useful for gathering user input or creating read-only fields. For example, if you are creating a submission form you would make most, if not all, of the page components editable and then make the corresponding approval form read-only.

    • Yes

    • Select Yes for components that you plan to use to collect user input.

    • No

    • Select No for components that you plan to be read-only.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component editable only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure an input field to be editable by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

  • Save user input to data column/ display from data column

  • When this component is editable, this property specifies which data column Workato uses to populate the input component and capture user input. When this component is read-only, this property specifies from which column Workato displays data.

  • Input type

  • This field allows you to change the type of user input you plan to collect. For example, if you add an Email component to your page, and later decide to collect phone numbers instead, this field enables you to do so without adding an entirely new component to your page.

  • Label

  • Determine a label for this input field.

  • Hint

  • Provide a hint to help users understand the type of input you plan to collect.

  • Placeholder

  • Provide a placeholder value for this input field.

  • Required

  • Determine whether users must provide input for this field. The following options are available:

    • Yes

    • When Yes, users must provide input for this field.

    • No

    • When No, providing input for this field is optional.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component required only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure an input field to require user input by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of input components. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set to Always show, input components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component visible only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure input components to be visible to a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

# Number

Collect numerical values. Workflow apps validates user input and ensures all data entered into fields of this type are numerical values.

Number componentsNumber components and properties

Workflow apps supports the following number component:

  • Number
  • A single-line field that accepts integers or decimals as input.
View number properties

  • Editable

  • Determine whether the component is editable, read-only, or editable only under the conditions you specify. This property is useful for gathering user input or creating read-only fields. For example, if you are creating a submission form you would make most, if not all, of the page components editable and then make the corresponding approval form read-only.

    • Yes

    • Select Yes for components that you plan to use to collect user input.

    • No

    • Select No for components that you plan to be read-only.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component editable only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure an input field to be editable by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

  • Save user input to data column/ display from data column

  • When this component is editable, this property specifies which data column Workato uses to populate the input component and capture user input. When this component is read-only, this property specifies from which column Workato displays data.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of components. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set to Always show, components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component visible only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure input components to be visible to a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

  • Input type

  • This field allows you to change the type of user input you plan to collect. For example, if you add an Email component to your page, and later decide to collect phone numbers instead, this field enables you to do so without adding an entirely new component to your page.

  • Label

  • Determine a label for this input field.

  • Hint

  • Provide a hint to help users understand the type of input you plan to collect.

  • Placeholder

  • Provide a placeholder value for this input field.

  • Required

  • Determine whether users must provide input for this field. The following options are available:

    • Yes

    • When Yes, users must provide input for this field.

    • No

    • When No, providing input for this field is optional.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component required only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure an input field to require user input by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

  • Limit input value

  • Use this toggle to limit the values this component can accept. You can customize the minimum and and maximum values allowed.

    • Minimum value

    • Specify the minimum value this field can accept.

    • Maximum length

    • Specify the maximum value this field can accept.

# Date

Add fields to your pages to capture user input in the form of date and date and time. Workflow apps saves all user input into a column you specify in your Workflow app's primary data table.

Date componentsDate components and properties

Workflow apps supports the following date components:

  • Date

  • Input field for the date (day/month/year).

  • Date and time

  • Input field for the date (day/month/year) and time (hours/minutes).

View date properties

  • Editable

  • Determine whether the input is editable, read-only, or editable only under the conditions you specify. This property is useful for gathering user input or creating read-only fields. For example, if you are creating a submission form you would make most, if not all, of the page components editable and then make the corresponding approval form read-only.

    • Yes

    • Select Yes for components that you plan to use to collect user input.

    • No

    • Select No for components that you plan to be read-only.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component editable only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure an input field to be editable by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

  • Save user input to data column/ display from data column

  • When this component is editable, this property specifies which data column Workato uses to populate the input component and capture user input. When this component is read-only, this property specifies from which column Workato displays data.

  • Label

  • Determine a label for this input field.

  • Input type

  • This field allows you to change the type of user input you plan to collect. For example, if you add an Email component to your page, and later decide to collect phone numbers instead, this field enables you to do so without adding an entirely new component to your page.

  • Hint

  • Provide a hint to help users understand the type of input you plan to collect.

  • Placeholder

  • Provide a placeholder value for this input field. This field is only available for short text and long text input types.

  • Required

  • Determine whether users must provide input for this field. The following options are available:

    • Yes

    • When Yes, users must provide input for this field.

    • No

    • When No, providing input for this field is optional.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component required only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure an input field to require user input by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of input components. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set to Always show, input components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component visible only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure input components to be visible to a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

# Choices

Capture user input by providing users with choices. Workflow apps can save user choices in a column you specify in your Workflow app's primary data table. Saving to a column is optional and configurable based on your application's requirements.

Choices componentsChoices components and properties

Workflow apps supports the following choice components:

  • Checkbox

  • Boolean (yes/no selection).

  • Dropdown

  • A selection from a predefined set of values. Workato supports the following data sources for this component: A static list of values which you enter manually, content from a specific column in your app's primary data table, and recipes.

    • Manual

    • Provide a list of options that populate the dropdown component. You can save user selection to a data column in your Workflow app's corresponding data table.

    • Data table

    • Select a data column from your Workflow app's data table to use as a data source for your dropdown component. User selection is saved to the data column. The conditions Workato uses to search for records vary depending on the number of records in your data table. For example, if your data table contains fewer than 100 records, Workato searches by the contains condition, which means that the search looks for records where the specified field contains the search term anywhere within its value. If your table includes more than 100 records, Workato uses the starts with condition. This means that the search looks for records where the specified field starts with the search term. This approach helps optimize search performance by using a more efficient search method for larger datasets while maintaining flexibility for smaller datasets.

    • Recipe

    • Use a recipe as the data source for this component. This option lets you populate the dropdown component with data from your other applications, such as Salesforce, Jira, Okta, and more. You can create a new recipe or select from your existing recipes. Learn more about using a recipe as a data source for dropdown components

View checkbox component properties

  • Editable

  • Determine whether the checkbox is editable, read-only, or editable only under the conditions you specify. This property is useful for gathering user input or creating read-only fields. For example, if you are creating a submission form you would make most, if not all, of the page components editable and then make the corresponding approval form read-only.

    • Yes

    • Select Yes for components that you plan to use to collect user input.

    • No

    • Select No for components that you plan to be read-only.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component editable only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure a checkbox component to be editable by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

  • Save user input to data column/ display from data column

  • Optional. When this component is editable, this property specifies which data column Workato uses to populate the dropdown component and capture user input. When this component is read-only, this property specifies from which column Workato displays data.

  • Label

  • Provide a label for the checkbox. This should be a yes or no question.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of checkbox components. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set to Always show, checkbox components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component visible only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure a checkbox component to be visible to a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

View dropdown component properties

If you are including a dropdown choice component, you must first determine the source of the options you include in the dropdown. You can choose between manual input and data table.

  • Editable

  • Determine whether the dropdown is editable, read-only, or editable only under the conditions you specify. This property is useful for gathering user input or creating read-only fields. For example, if you are creating a submission form you would make most, if not all, of the page components editable and then make the corresponding approval form read-only.

    • Yes

    • Select No for components that you plan to use to collect user input.

    • No

    • Select No for components that you plan to be read-only.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component editable only under the circumstances you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure a dropdown to be editable by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Reference our IF condition to learn more.

  • Save user input to data column/ display from data column

  • When this component is editable, this property specifies which data column Workato uses to populate the component and capture user input. When this component is read-only, this property specifies from which column Workato displays data.

  • Source

  • Determine a data source to use for the dropdown options.

    • Manual input

    • Enter options for the dropdown manually. When you choose this source type, you must configure the following fields:

      • Save user input to data column: Optional. Choose where to store user input from a list of columns in your app's primary data table or add a new column in which to collect data.

      • Options: Click + Add option to add one or more options to the dropdown list.

    • Data table

    • Choose a data column in your app's primary data table to use as the source for the dropdown list.

      • Data column: Select a data column to use as the source for the dropdown options or click + Add column to add a new column from which to source dropdown options. Workflow apps also uses the column you select here to store user input.
  • Label

  • Provide a label for the dropdown.

  • Hint

  • Provide a hint for the dropdown that helps users understand the type of information you plan to collect.

  • Placeholder

  • Provide a placeholder value for the dropdown.

  • Required

  • Determine whether selecting an option from the dropdown is required. The following options are available:

    • Yes

    • When Yes, users must select an option from the dropdown.

    • No

    • When No, selecting an option from the dropdown is optional.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this dropdown required only under the circumstances you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure a dropdown to require input from a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Reference our IF condition to learn more.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of dropdown components. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set to Always show, dropdown components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this dropdown visible only under the circumstances you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure a dropdown to require input from a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Reference our IF condition to learn more.

# View

This section enables you to connect one or more additional data tables to your Workflow app and display them in your application. You can connect an existing data table or create a new table using the properties panel.

Table componentsTable components and properties

View table properties

  • Editable

  • Determine whether the table is editable, read-only, or editable only under the conditions you specify. This property is useful for gathering user input or creating read-only fields. For example, if you are creating a submission form you would make most, if not all, of the page components editable and then make the corresponding approval form read-only.

    • Yes

    • Select Yes for components that you plan to use to collect user input.

    • No

    • Select No for components that you plan to be read-only.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component editable only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure a table to be editable by a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

  • Data source

  • Connect a data table to your Workflow App's primary data table. This dropdown displays data tables that are already linked to your primary table and additional tables in your workspace. Alternatively, click + Create table to create a new table. Once you select or create a table, follow the supplied link to edit table data or columns in the data tables UI.

  • Column to filter records

  • Select a column that is linked to your primary data table to use to filter records for this table. By default, Workflow apps filters records using an auto-generated column called {Parent table} record. Alternatively, you can create a new column to use to filter records from the linked table.

  • Displayed columns

  • Choose which columns to display on your page. You can change column order by clicking a column and dragging and dropping it into a new order in the panel.

  • Title

  • Provide a title for the table you plan to display.

  • Add button label

  • When Editable is set to Yes or Conditional, a button appears on the table which allows users to add content to the table. Provide a label for this button.

  • Table height

  • When Editable is set to Yes or Conditional, use this field to determine the number of rows for display in your table. When read-only (Editable is No), the table dynamically adjusts its maximum height based on this field's value. The default height is 10 rows.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of data components. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When Always show, data components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this table visible only under the circumstances you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure a table to be visible to a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Reference our IF condition guide to learn more.

# Button

Add buttons to your pages to enable user action. When clicked, buttons can save data to a table, complete a task, or open a URL.

Button componentsButton components and properties

View button properties

  • Style

  • Determine the appearance of your button from the following options:

    • Filled button:

    • A button filled with brand color, useful for primary action(s) on the page.

    • Outline button:

    • A button for secondary action(s).

  • Label

  • Provide a name for your button.

  • Action

  • This property specifies what a button does. Button actions include the following options:

    • Save data to a table:

    • Save user input as a new or updated record in the data table, which was specified when the table was created.

    • Complete task:

    • Completes the current task with an Approved or Rejected outcome. See the App workflows by Workato connector for more information.

    • Open a webpage:

    • Provide a webpage URL. When clicked, this URL opens in a new browser tab.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of buttons. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set to Always show, button components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this button visible only under the circumstances you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure a button to be visible only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Reference our IF condition to learn more.

# File

Components in this section enable you to upload and download files to/from your pages. The available properties vary depending on whether you choose to enable file uploading or downloading. This component is useful when you plan to gather files from users, such as receipts for expense reimbursement requests.

Upload/download file componentsUpload/download file components and properties

View file upload properties

  • Mode

  • Determine whether you plan to Upload or Download files to/from your page.

  • Save user input to data column

  • Select a data column from the dropdown or click +Add column to create a new data column to store your files.

  • Label

  • Provide a name for this component. This label appears above the component on your page.

  • Hint

  • Provide a hint to help users understand how to use this component. The hint appears below the component on your page.

  • Required

  • Determine whether uploading files is mandatory. The following options are available:

    • Yes

    • When Yes, users must upload files to your page.

    • No

    • When No, uploading files to your page is not mandatory.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make uploading files required only under the circumstances you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure your page to require file content from a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Reference our IF condition to learn more.

  • Validation

  • Toggle Allow only specific file types to control the type of files users can upload to your page. If you choose to allow only specific file types, you must select from the following options:

    • Documents

    • doc, docx, and pdf

    • Images

    • gif, jpg, jpeg, png, and svg

    • Custom file types

    • When you choose this option, you must supply the type of files you plan to accept.

  • Maximum file size

  • Specify the maximum file size your forms can accept. The default value is 10MB and the maximum value is 20MB. Workflow apps displays the maximum file size you choose in the body of the component.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of this component. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set toAlways show, file upload components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component visible only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure the file upload component to be visible to a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

View file download properties

  • Mode

  • Determine whether you plan to Upload or Download files to/from your page.

  • Display from data column

  • Select a data column from the dropdown or click +Add column to create a new data column from which to display content.

  • Label

  • Provide a name for this component. This label appears above the component on your page.

  • Visible

  • This property determines the visibility of file components. The following options are available.

    • Always show

    • When set to Always show, file components are always visible.

    • Conditional

    • Configure an IF condition to make this component visible only under the conditions you specify. You can chain multiple IF conditions using AND or OR. For example, you can configure the file download component to be visible to a specific user only during a specific workflow stage. Configuring an IF condition in Workflow apps is similar to adding an IF condition to a recipe workflow. Use the Page data modal to map data related to app users, requests, and page components into your IF condition.

# Saving a page

Before you save a page, ensure that all components with the save to data column property (Choices and Inputs components) are linked to a column in your data table. Otherwise, Workato displays the following error message:

There are errors in widgets configuration. Select data source.

Save a pageYou must link Choices and Inputs components to a data column

# Background

Determine the background style of your application. You can choose between a colored or patterned background. Workato provides several preset color and pattern options.

Alternatively, you can choose a custom color or upload a custom pattern. Workato supports gif, jpeg, png, and svg file types.

# Advanced functionality

# Custom field validation

Specific page components support custom field validation. This ensures data accuracy, prevents errors, and enhances workflow efficiency.

The following table describes which page components are compatible with each custom validation type:

Custom validation type Compatible components
Limit input length Short answer
Limit input value Number
Pattern matching with regex Short answer

Refer to our How to prefill forms guide to learn more.

# Set default values in pages

Specific page components enable you to pre-configure default values using URL parameters. This enables you to pre-fill form content and is useful in scenarios where the recipients of your forms must review pre-populated information, make necessary updates, and add additional details if required.

This functionality is compatible with the following page components:

  • Checkbox
  • Date
  • Date and time
  • Decimal
  • Description
  • Drop-down
  • Integer
  • Text

Refer to our How to prefill forms guide to learn more.

Last updated: 10/1/2024, 12:08:53 AM