# Download a new table as CSV

Complete the following steps to download a data table from the Data tables interface as a CSV file:


Select the data table you plan to download.


Click Download as CSV.

Data tables Download Download as CSV


The system downloads the CSV file as data_table_{name}.csv. The {name} matches the data table name, with spaces replaced by underscores (_).

# Downloaded CSV characteristics

The Download as CSV feature exports data exactly as it appears in the data table interface. The downloaded CSV file reflects the data and formatting visible in the table. The following characteristics apply:

  • Date and datetime formatting

  • Dates use the format YYYY-MM-DD. Datetimes use the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.sss. Both formats follow the workspace timezone.

  • Escaped values

  • Values starting with = are prefixed with a single quote (for example, '=10530) to prevent spreadsheet formulas.

  • Comma-containing values

  • Values with commas, such as "33 Main Rd, USA 01349", are enclosed in double quotes (").

  • Boolean representation

  • Boolean values appear as true or false.

  • Visible columns only

  • The export includes only the columns currently visible in the data table.

  • Column order

  • The order of columns in the CSV matches the column order displayed in the data table.

  • Multi-value columns

  • Multi-value columns are exported as JSON strings. For example:

    Name,Apps Provisioned

Last updated: 11/25/2024, 7:41:28 PM