# Azure Blob Storage - Container actions

The Azure Blob Storage connector allows you to create and search containers in your Azure Blob Storage Account.

# Create container action

This action creates a container in the connected Azure Blob Storage Account.

Create container Create container action

# Input

Input field Description
Container name The name of the container. It can only contain lower-case characters with no spaces.
Custom metadata Custom metadata to attach to the container during creation.
Access level The access level for this container. By default, all containers created are private. You may make them public for various use cases.

# Output

The output of this action will be a datatree that contains information about the request sent to Azure Blob Storage. To get information about the container, use the search container or get container properties action.

# Get container properties action

This action retrieves the properties of a container in the Azure Blob Storage Account.

Get container Get container action

# Input

Input field Description
Container name The name of the container. Choose from the available picklist or toggle to provide the container name manually.

# Output

The properties of the container except custom metadata.

# Search containers action

This action search the containers in your Azure Blob Storage Account.

Search container Search container action

# Input

Input field Description
Prefix Prefix of container names to filter containers by.
Page size The max number of results returned from this action
Next page marker Optional. Used for pagination.

# Output

The properties of the containers matching the search. The output also contains the "Next Marker" which can be used for pagination.

Last updated: 9/28/2023, 3:45:26 PM