# How-to Guide - Building multiple authentication flows

Depending on the various use cases that your connector supports, you may have to build multiple authentication methods. For example, choose OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant when Workato requires impersonation of a particular user during API authentication and also use API keys or client credentials for stable machine-to-machine authentication when supporting data orchestration use cases. However, it's important to note that Workato does not currently support runtime user connections for multi-auth connections.

To achieve multiple authentication flows, Workato's Connector SDK enables you to define segregated and isolated authentication flows within your connector.


This guide assumes you have basic knowledge of the other forms of authentication supported in Workato. Ensure you understand other basic forms of authentication in Workato such as OAuth2 and API keys as we reference them in this guide.

# Sample Connector - Stripe

To learn more about this connector, see Stripe API Authentication (opens new window) documentation.

  title: 'Stripe',

  connection: {
    fields: [
        name: "auth_type",
        control_type: "select",
        pick_list: [["OAuth2", "stripe_oauth2"], ["API Key", "stripe_api_key"]],
        extends_schema: true
    authorization: {

      type: "multi",

      selected: lambda do |connection|

      options: {
        stripe_oauth2: {
          type: "oauth2",

          fields: [
            { name: 'client_id' },
            { name: 'client_secret' },

          authorization_url: lambda do |connection|

          token_url: lambda do

          apply: lambda do |_, access_token|
            headers("Authorization": "Bearer #{access_token}")

        stripe_api_key: {
          type: "custom_auth",

          fields: [
              name: "api_key",

          apply: lambda do |connection|
            headers("Authorization": "Bearer #{connection['api_key']}")

    base_uri: lambda do

  test: lambda do |connection|
    get('/v1/customers', limit: 1)

  #More connector code here

# Step 1 - Defining common connection fields

When planning for multiple authentication flows for the connector, start by deciding which fields are common across all authentication flows. This could be the API base url, or the target connector environment. Minimally, you must dedicate a field to selecting the authentication type that supports each connection scenario.

The example we use in this discussion, Stripe, has only the authentication type as a common connection field.

Authentication Type
The authentication type from a defined picklist.
Has the following important attributes
Schema attribute
extends_schema: true tells Workato to evaluate the connection schema again when the use changes the value of this field
Picklist values
stripe_oauth2 and stripe_api_keyare important in the subsequent connector definition.

This is done in the fields key, which accepts an array of hashes. Each hash in this array corresponds to a separate input field.

    fields: [
        name: "auth_type",
        label: "Authentication Type",
        control_type: "select",
        pick_list: [["OAuth2", "stripe_oauth2"], ["API Key", "stripe_api_key"]],
        extends_schema: true

# Step 2 - Defining the pathway to the selected authentication flow

This component informs Workato what to do with the values it receives from the input fields, and what authentication flow to use. It is implemented through the authorization key. Start by defining the type of authorization as "multi".

    authorization: {
      type: "multi",

      selected: lambda do |connection|

# Step 3 - Defining the various authentication flows

Define the multiple authentication flows within the options hash that contains all flows for your connector. Implement this through the selected lambda that receives the connection argument. This enables you to reference all connection inputs defined in fields, and expects a string value as the output.

    authorization: {
      type: "multi",

      selected: lambda do |connection|

      options: {
        stripe_oauth2: {
          type: "oauth2",

          fields: [
            { name: 'client_id' },
            { name: 'client_secret' },

          authorization_url: lambda do |connection|

          token_url: lambda do

          apply: lambda do |_, access_token|
            headers("Authorization": "Bearer #{access_token}")

        stripe_api_key: {
          type: "custom_auth",

          fields: [
              name: "api_key",

          apply: lambda do |connection|
            headers("Authorization": "Bearer #{connection['api_key']}")

Each key in the option hash must correspond exactly to one possible output value of the selected lambda. In our case, you can see that the result value of selected can be either stripe_oauth2 or stripe_api_key, because they are the only two possible options that we defined in the auth_type input field. This matches exactly to the keys you defined in the options hash.

Within each key, you can define further attributes for the authentication flows, such as type, apply, acquire, and others. This enables you to build specific authentication flows based on existing use cases. You can also define an additional key within each option as a nested fields array, to support the authentication flow for specific fields.

In our example, we define fields client_id and client_secret for OAuth2, and the field api_key for API key authentication. We also define all keys required for an OAuth2 flow within the stripe_oauth2 hash, and all keys required for API key authentication in the stripe_api_key hash.

Other authentication formats

Refer to the appropriate guides for all authentication format types. Multi-authentication can support any number and type of authentication flow.

# Step 4 - Setting the API's base URI

The API's base URI instructs Workato on the base URL of the API. This key is optional; however, it enables you to provide relative-only paths in the rest of your connector definition through HTTP requests. Learn how to configure your base URI.

    base_uri: lambda do


This lambda function has access to the connection argument. This is very useful when the base URI of the API changes depending on the user's instance. You can access the connection argument in the following format:

    base_uri: lambda do |connection|
      #some code here

Additionally, if the base URI changes with the authentication type, you can implement IF-ELSE structures to change it dynamically, as demonstrated in the following example:

    base_uri: lambda do |connection|
      if connection['auth_type'] == "stripe_oauth2"

# Step 5 - Testing the connection

After defining the fields and the flows for each authentication option, you must test the new connection. Use the test key:

  test: lambda do |connection|
    get('/customers', limit: 1)

The test key provides an endpoint for sending sample requests using the new credentials from the user. Successful connections get a 200 OK HTTP response. In the preceding example above, a GET request to the /api/channels endpoint returns a 200 response when we have a valid API key.

# Connections SDK reference

For further information about the available keys within the connection key and their parameters, see the SDK reference.

Last updated: 6/26/2024, 9:52:40 PM